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Rape statistics around the world

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world would be a better place with little less negativity ...

We as a civilization needs to introspect and see what best we can do to tackle this problem than engaging such mudslinging ...

Something has terribly going wrong everywhere ,sane people must put heads together and analyze why it is happening whether it's US ,India , Kenya or whatever ....

We have to accept the problem before we can even start addressing it ! no point in going denial mood just because there is sustained negative campaign about India here on PDF !!!

And to fight that negative campaign , the statistics like this does help. So thanks to person who research and brought hard data ...but there is nothing to rejoice about it .( I say that again and again because ..I know that's how some people are going to feel it ) .

I would be happy if start discussing measures rather than numbers ...
@IndoCarib and the rest of the Indians- I understand the intentions and the fact that in many cases others who are throwing stones at us are living in glass houses, but in this case I say let it go. This is a deep moral issue and whether china has more or sweden has more is irrelevant- our problem and finding a solution to it must be paramount. I say I understand you, but let's ignore them and keep the debate around our problem and if we can solve it---trust me we're better off for it.

Thank you so much for bringing some sense and sensibility in this totally lopsided arguments ....

We need more pragmatic people like you ....
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You are going off topic.

You may not know, but in China, rape carries death sentence. How many of those 'thousands' of executions may have been because of rape cases? Crime is holistic, rape cannot be isolated.
You posted in thread with the intention of dismissing the stats I posted. You were made to eat your own worlds.

Given his character , I am very sure that he will not accept it even if he is made to eat his words ...

I thank you for this thread ...but we should be discussing how we should tackle this inhuman menace ...rather than discussing numbers .

As far as negative campaign by India-haters is concerned ....it will go on ! No need to feel being pushed to the wall .

We should welcome well intended criticism as it only helps us to improve ...and India has got lot many things to improve upon !!!
You posted in thread with the intention of dismissing the stats I posted. You were made to eat your own worlds.

How could I be eating my own words when I'm unconvinced by the chart? I stand by what I said.
Its ok kiddo I have grilled you enough, you are off the hook for today. :wave:

So you agree China's not on the chart. I knew you took this opportunity to bash china. That's ok. But don't be such a sensitive dude. :wave:
correction: 1. you hate muslims, you dont kill muslims in India as Pakistani
2. a banya never hates rich be it muslim, hindu jew or a dog
3. you dont hate Pakistan, you are obsessed with it

ha ha. an the discussion stops here. Loser. :P

by da way. I am a kshatriya. ye baniya kisko bola be dhakkan. :D . NEEM HAKIM kahin ka.
Thursday, Aug 22nd

New Delhi has the highest number of sex crimes among India’s major cities, with a rape reported on average every 18 hours, according to police figures.

•South Africa – It has one of the highest rates, with 277,000 reported cases. The same year a survey by the Medical Research Council found that one in four men admitted to raping someone.

•United States – More than 89,241 rape cases were reported. Criminals face life behind bars, and in some states, castration is an option.

•India – Reported a little more than 21,397 cases.

•United Kingdom – 15,084 cases were reported. A suspect found guilty, faces a maximum conviction of life in prison.

•Mexico – Nearly 14,078 cases were reported. In some parts of the country, penalties may consist of a few hours in jail, or minor fines.

•Germany – Counts the highest number of reported rape cases in Europe, just under 8,000.

•Russia – Almost 5,000 cases were reported, and the crime holds a punishment of 4-10 years in jail.

Rape statistics around the world


So basically Americans are 17x more likely to rape than Indians?

Are you really this stupid? Or are you just trying to lie to yourself?

It's the other way around, and everyone knows it.
Look at how savage those Brits must be... they are more than 20x more likely to rape than an Indian, according to the data provided by the inept fool OP.

As you can see by the article, Indians actually rape less than EVERY single European country. No one can get close to India in their rape-free environment, comparatively speaking.

And those Swedes - they rape more than any other people on Earth, again judging by the incompetent OP's data.

This is hilarious.
So basically Americans are 17x more likely to rape than Indians?

Are you really this stupid? Or are you just trying to lie to yourself?

It's the other way around, and everyone knows it.

Only if most rapes are not even considered rape and legal by Indian laws, yes, the US and European countries are indeed full of rapists.

See, Indian laws for women are great, they can make crimes vanish into thin air.
Is there anyone here who agrees with a death sentence for rapists? (Not all cases, like the ones within relationships, but those major ones and also gang rapes)
Thursday, Aug 22nd

New Delhi has the highest number of sex crimes among India’s major cities, with a rape reported on average every 18 hours, according to police figures.

•South Africa – It has one of the highest rates, with 277,000 reported cases. The same year a survey by the Medical Research Council found that one in four men admitted to raping someone.

•United States – More than 89,241 rape cases were reported. Criminals face life behind bars, and in some states, castration is an option.

•India – Reported a little more than 21,397 cases.

•United Kingdom – 15,084 cases were reported. A suspect found guilty, faces a maximum conviction of life in prison.

•Mexico – Nearly 14,078 cases were reported. In some parts of the country, penalties may consist of a few hours in jail, or minor fines.

•Germany – Counts the highest number of reported rape cases in Europe, just under 8,000.

•Russia – Almost 5,000 cases were reported, and the crime holds a punishment of 4-10 years in jail.

Rape statistics around the world


The only explain is: Rape reports in west are more transparent. People have no ways to hide or conceal the rape. In India, law has no legal effect on restricting rapes. Even policeman did this.
The only explain is: Rape reports in west are more transparent. People have no ways to hide or conceal the rape. In India, law has no legal effect on restricting rapes. Even policeman did this.

That's right, and add to this the fact that marital rape is not even against the law in India, and you see how far behind these people actually are. Sickening.
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