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'Radioactive leakage' spreads panic in Delhi shop


Aug 29, 2009
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'Radioactive leakage' spreads panic in Delhi shop

New Delhi: Four people were taken ill and suffered burn-like injuries after coming in contact with a suspected radioactive material in a scrap market in the Indian capital on Thursday. Police assured there was nothing to worry.

Deepak Jain, the owner of the scrap shop in Mayapuri in west Delhi where the object was found, is in critical condition after his body turned black when he touched the material, according to eyewitnesses. Three other people working in the shop were also affected by the radiation.

Delhi Police spokesperson Rajan Bhagat said experts have been called in and a limited area around the scrap market has been cordoned off.

"The object was in a scrap shop. The area has been cordoned off... There is nothing to worry. It is a mild radiation. A limited area has been surrounded so that no one else is affected. The impact is not severe and soon we will be able to neutralize the impact of the metal," Bhagat said.

He said three-four people were affected and they were being medically examined.

"We have called in experts. We are investigating," he said.

People in the area panicked as they said those present within a few meters of the shop also felt the effect of the radiation from the object.

As TV channels flashed the news, many people also got calls from their worried relatives.

"I didn't know about it. I got a call from my parents in Kashmir who saw the news on TV and panicked," said Saajid Ahmed, an employee in a Delhi-based tech company.
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previously there were reports of fires in nuclear sites in India and then nuclear scientists were going missing, later a few people were caught in a state with nuclear substance and now this one. !!! something seems fishy. Its fu***** dangerous:eek::blink:
previously there were reports of fires in nuclear sites in India and then nuclear scientists were going missing, later a few people were caught in a state with nuclear substance and now this one. !!! something seems fishy. Its fu***** dangerous:eek::blink:

dont get hyper mate..........its just cobalt-60 radiactive substance used for medical treatment.

Main uses for 60Co:
As a tracer for cobalt in chemical reactions,
Sterilization of medical equipment,
Radiation source for medical radiotherapy,
Radiation source for industrial radiography,
Radioactive source for leveling devices and thickness gauges,
As a radioactive source for food irradiation and blood irradiation, and
As a radioactive source for laboratory use.

It was found in scrap market, might some lab or hospitals fault lies in it..............people gets sick due to long time exposure to radiation.......nothing serious...........will be back on duty in a week or so:cheers:
Its not the first time in past nuclear material has been stolen from indian n.plants and leakages happened several times.
care to read what caused radioactivity before commenting about nuclear sites.

Cobalt60 is radioactive but its not used in nuclear fission.

Did i lie?havent n. leakeages and N. material been stolen from ur N.Plants in the past?
About cobalt Funny N.leakages happen mostly in ur country?:disagree:
Worried about Indian Nuclear safety.

so mate you want army to gaurd every hospital where cobalt 60 is used.

Cobalt 60 can be easily bought from the respected companies by the hospitals and health organisations as it used in many medical purposes.

making a nuclear bomb from cobalt ...........plz let me know if you have some knowlegde about it.

they have really insecure NUKES....i think IAEA must take a strong notice against their nuke's condition and nuke's security... there are many on going liberation moments in india, such situations are against the security of neighboring countries as well as for india itself.
Did i lie?havent n. leakeages and N. material been stolen from ur N.Plants in the past?
About cobalt Funny N.leakages happen mostly in ur country?:disagree:

plz read the following developments in this regard

DAE scientists probe radiation in Delhi`s Mayapuri

New Delhi: Experts on Friday identified the material which led to a "very powerful" radiation in a west Delhi industrial area as Cobalt-60, the exposure to which left five persons injured including one seriously.

Scientists from the Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (BARC) and Narora Atomic Power Station also scanned Mayapuri Industrial area this morning to examine whether there was any other source of a similar emission in the vicinity.

Panic was triggered in the locality last night after the news of a radiation leak broke out with five persons falling ill after coming in contact with a "mysterious shining object" in a scrap shop.

"The experts have identified the material as Cobalt-60. They have identified six sources of Cobalt-60 from the scrap shop," BB Bhattacharya, member of National Disaster Management Authority and former Director of BARC, told a news agency.

Cobalt-60 is a radioactive isotope of cobalt, which is a hard, lustrous, grey metal. Cobalt-based colours and pigments have been used since ancient times for jewellery and paints, and miners have long used the name kobold ore for some minerals.

Bhattacharjee said Cobalt-60 is used in fabrication work, specially for welding steel. It is also used in radiotherapy for treating cancer.

The experts, who first collected and isolated the mysterious shining object from the scrap shop in Mayapuri Industrial area in a sophisticated lid, had sent it for further investigations.
I just finished readying chrnobyl disaster hmm russian nuclear plants are not good and worse of all they contaminate the whole dame continent not just one city ... cause of major concern

After desaster ppl died in 1-2 min after getting in touch with contamination scary ... read.....
Radio active leakage....... ROFL.... ROFL....

Yes ...sure....I got exposed to some XRAY radiation myself over last week end..... so IAEA should look into that as well.......

blueoval79, your government must take notice of these types of conditions despite of blaming it's neighbors. As there are many news on stealing of indian nuke material along with the radio active leakage from your side.
they have really insecure NUKES....i think IAEA must take a strong notice against their nuke's condition and nuke's security... there are many on going liberation moments in india, such situations are against the security of neighboring countries as well as for india itself.

IAEA is taking notice. So does the countries like US, Russia, France. Canada, south Korea etc. They have taken so much notice that they have entered into nuclear deals with India.
they have really insecure NUKES....i think IAEA must take a strong notice against their nuke's condition and nuke's security... there are many on going liberation moments in india, such situations are against the security of neighboring countries as well as for india itself.

so you want India to stop using cobalt 60 to treat cancer??????

topic is about cobalt 60 leakage , not insurgencies in india.

why you are bringing nukes in it???

even non-nuclear power countries have access to cobalt 60............

Hoping to read something good from you.
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