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Radical US pastor burns Holy Qur’an again

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Dec 15, 2010
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The are basically asking for a massive attack on the soil of USA and nothing else because this actions will result in this and nothing else

Do you also expect a massive attack on pakistani soil when some extremists in pakistan forcibly convert a christian girl to islam..?? After all a living person is worth more than a thousand copies of any religious book.. No?
This could trigger a new cold war between Pakistan and the USA.
The are basically asking for a massive attack on the soil of USA and nothing else because this actions will result in this and nothing else

Basically provoking. Lets not go back to that closed minded state again. It already has costed us much. Let them do whatever they want in name of 'Freedom of speech/ expression'.

These people are accomplice in murder already. Last time this happened, Afghan security people who usually are trusted by NATO killed several of their people. So when more cases resulting from this arise, they'll know why that soldier died and how they had blood on their hands.

With the sorry state Muslims countries are in at the moment, God will understand them not being able to do anything. Which also is the new way of thinking, you cannot control anyone because he has different thought process the way it should be in my opinion.
Do you also expect a massive attack on pakistani soil when some extremists in pakistan forcibly convert a christian girl to islam..?? After all a living person is worth more than a thousand copies of any religious book.. No?

I think human life and the actual message in their holy book feature way below in importance to the physical book printed by mere mortals.
This could trigger a new cold war between Pakistan and the USA.


@topic: Islam and Christianism both same ideology. Spread your gods word and convert as many. Islam and christianism both encourage higher birth rate (Biological war) (Note that orthodox Christians are against family planning). Africa is war turf due to this conversion and biological war.

Since many Centuries USA and Europe Got luxury of having Chirstianism as major religion, But now Islam is challenging them. The conflict is obvious. Two lions can not stay in one forest.

@topic: Islam and Christianism both same ideology. Spread your gods word and convert as many. Islam and christianism both encourage higher birth rate (Biological war) (Note that orthodox Christians are against family planning). Africa is war turf due to this conversion and biological war.

Since many Centuries USA and Europe Got luxury of having Chirstianism as major religion, But now Islam is challenging them. The conflict is obvious. Two lions can not stay in one forest.

Europe is increasingly becomming non religious. Northern Europe is mostly Athiest.
Do you also expect a massive attack on pakistani soil when some extremists in pakistan forcibly convert a christian girl to islam..?? After all a living person is worth more than a thousand copies of any religious book.. No?
No sir we consider Quran more holy and important than our lives we don't tolerate its insult and we also don't tolerate those who burn them they want to them to be taught lesson so it will happen sooner or later

So who is going to do this massive attack huh? Basically you are confirming that to people that terrorists are muslims. SMH.
For you it will be terrorism but for us we will defend our Religion from these kind of attacks who ever will attack Quran or HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW will face the wrath of Muslims where ever he is found
No sir we consider Quran more holy and important than our lives we don't tolerate its insult and we also don't tolerate those who burn them they want to them to be taught lesson so it will happen sooner or later

Speechless.... Doesn't religion teach us forgiveness??? At lease jesus, Budhha and Lord vishnu taught us.

No sir we consider Quran more holy and important than our lives we don't tolerate its insult and we also don't tolerate those who burn them they want to them to be taught lesson so it will happen sooner or later

Speechless.... Doesn't religion teach us forgiveness??? At lease jesus, Budhha and Lord vishnu taught us.

For you it will be terrorism but for us we will defend our Religion from these kind of attacks who ever will attack Quran or HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW will face the wrath of Muslims where ever he is found

I hope fundamentalists thought the same when they were destroying Budhha in Bamiyan and broke million statue and temple in last 1000 years....
Speechless.... Doesn't religion teach us forgiveness??? At lease jesus, Budhha and Lord vishnu taught us.

Speechless.... Doesn't religion teach us forgiveness??? At lease jesus, Budhha and Lord vishnu taught us.

I hope fundamentalists thought the same when they were destroying Budhha in Bamiyan and broke million statue and temple in last 1000 years....
No Sir we doesn't tolerate this kind of crap because Islam tells us to live with honour not like a bloody coward in the name of forgiveness we don't tolerate this kind of **** that who ever wants come insult our religion us and get away with it Sorry Sir he will INSHALLAH not get away with it
If you guys get a chance visit delhi. Use metro and get down at Mehrouli station. From there the old delhi sites are walkable. If you reach Qutub-Minar (Qutub-e-din Aikab). You will see many stone pillars. In stone pillars you will see these things


I am not off topic, I am just saying that every one loves there religion and no one disrespect other religion. The person who burn Koran is wrong, The person like you who want to kill him is also wrong. Learn to forgive.

At last we are Human, not animal. Imagine As you said "Disrespecting Koran deserve death" On similar way WHat if Hindus say "Disrepecting our deity deserve death"?? An eye for an eye will make world blind.
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