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Sep 13, 2012
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The Central Acquisition Radar (CAR) is a medium range high-resolution 3-dimensional surveillance radar. The Central Acquisition Radar has been designed by LRDE, a DRDO laboratory, and is produced by a joint venture between BEL, Larsen & Toubro , Astra Microwave and Entec. The radar employs a planar array antenna and provides simultaneous multi-beam coverage. It can handle 150 targets in track while scan mode.

The Rohini radar is mounted on a modified TATRA heavy truck and supported by a mobile auxiliary power unit. The TATRA is license manufactured by Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML).


These features relate to the 3D CAR radar. Specifications for the Rohini, 3D TCR and Revathi are available in the links below.

* Medium range 3D surveillance
* S band operation
* Surveillance Range up to 180 km
* Covers elevation of up to 18 km in height
* High altitude deployability
* Deployment in less than 20 minutes
* 150 Targets in TWS
* Array of ECCM features
* Integrated IFF
* Capable of detecting low altitude targets, and supersonic aircraft flying at up to Mach 3
* Frequency agility and jammer analysis

Current status

BEL anticipates a requirement for 100 Rohini radars. BEL delivered the first ROHINI to the Indian Air Force on August 6, 2008. Around 20 radars can be manufactured annually.

The ROHINI has a new Indian-developed antenna which is more advanced than that on the original CAR terms of power handling and beam forming technology.

Seven Rohinis were initially ordered by the Indian Air Force for their radar modernization program. The IAF then ordered 30 more radars after evaluation, making total orders 37 of the type.

The IAF has ordered eight Akash SAM squadrons, and the ROHINIs act as the central early warning system for an Akash squadron deployment.

The Revathi adds two axis stabilization for operation in naval conditions, as well as extra naval modes.

Two REVATHI radars were ordered by the Indian Navy for their P-28 Corvette program. Given that the Indian Navy intends to have up to 4-6 P-28 Corvettes, further orders are likely from the Navy as well.

A Revathi derivative is believed to be on the Shivalik frigate as well, which would translate to 3 additional radars as three ships of the Shivalik class are being made.

Additional orders are also expected from the Indian Army if they order the Akash SAM system.

The Indian Army is also expected to order another 3D CAR variant. The third Indian developed variant of the 3D CAR is known as the 3D TCR or tactical control radar, with a tracking range of 90 km. The radar has a lower antenna mount and is packaged in two vehicles instead of three for the Rohini. It can also feed data to a weapons station 20 km away. The radar cleared trials in 2008-09 and is expected to be ordered in numbers.

Overall, the 3D CAR program highlights India and DRDO's success in developing and manufacturing a modern 3D radar.

Rajendra Radar

Rajendra is a passive Phased Array Radar developed by the Indian DRDO. It is a multifunction radar, capable of surveillance, tracking and engaging low radar cross section targets. It is the heart of the Akash Surface-to-air missile system and is the primary fire control sensor for an Akash battery.

The Rajendra Multi-Function Phased Array radar system, designed at the Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), part of DRDO, is currently in production at Bharat Electronics Limited. This is named after India's First president Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

The LRDE is working on the Rajendra III radar for the Indian Army. Rajendra III is a slewable phased array radar based on the T-72 chassis. As of 2007, the BLR-III vehicle on T-72 chasis was ready for a track test. The Phased array antenna is fabricated at Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), Ghaziabad. Collimated beam pattern and s/s cure for all 16 spot frequencies has been taken.

Current orders for the Rajendra and its derivatives are at least 32 units, considering the order for 2 Squadrons of the Akash system by the Indian Air force and the indent for 28 Weapon Locating Radars by the Indian Army.

By 2005, Rajendra II had participated in more than 15 flight trials at Balasore missile testing range. The flight trials have been spread over 4 missions in both group and autonomous mode. High altitude engagement, far boundary engagement, crossing and receding target engagement and multiple missions against multiple targets capabilities have been established. Consistency in performance of radar in guiding missiles as close as 15m has been established. During a mission, a Pilot less Target Aircraft (PTA) was neutralized while engaging crossing and receding target. In 2007, the Akash system cleared the Indian Air Force's user trials with the Rajendra tracking and engaging several targets with warhead equipped missiles. Prior to that, the Akash system elements, including the Rajendra underwent mobility trials at Pokhran and the radar successfully demonstrated its perforfmance in an EW environment, and its ECCM features at the IAF Electronic warfare range at Gwalior.

The major functions of the Rajendra are:

* Surveillance of the assigned volume of space
* Acquisition of aircraft targets either independently or handed over from group control centre via the 3-D CAR or from the battery surveillance radar
* Tracking of targets (64)
* Tracking of assigned targets (up to 4) and missiles (up to 8) during engagement
* Command guidance of missiles (up to 8)
* Integrated IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) functions

actual range of the radar is classified

The Indra Radar

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The Indian Doppler Radar (INDRA) series of 2D radars were developed by India's DRDO for the Army and Air Force. The INDRA-I is a is a mobile surveillance radar for low level target detection while the INDRA-II is for ground controlled interception of targets.


* Fully coherent system
* Frequency agility
* Pulse compression
* Advanced signal processing using MTD and CFAR Techniques
* Track while scan for 2-D tracking
* Full tracking capabilities for manoeuvering targets
* Multicolour PPI Raster Scan Display, presenting both MTI and Synthetic Video
* Integral IFF
* Ease of transportation and fast deployment

System characteristics

* Range up to 90 km (for small sized fighter aircraft)
* Height coverage 35m to 3000m subject to Radar horizon
* Probability of detection : 90% (Single scan)
* Probability of false alarm: 10E-6
* Track While Scan (TWS) for 2D tracking
* Capability to handle 200 tracks
* Association of primary and secondary targets
* Automatic target data transmission to a digital modem/networking of radars
* Deployment time of about 60 minutes

Sword Fish Radar

Swordfish is an Indian Long range tracking radar specifically developed to counter ballistic missile threat. It will be a part of India's ballistic missile program. First testing of this radar was in March 2009. Main aim of the test was to validate the capabilities of the indigenously developed Swordfish Long Range Tracking Radar (LRTR). "The missile to be hit will be fired from a longer distance than it was in the earlier test. DRDO tested whether the radar could track the incoming missile from that distance or not" said a member of the project.


* Target acquisition and fire control radar for the BMD system.
* Can Guide Exo-atmospheric interceptor missile PAD to hit its target in space at an altitude over 80 km from earth.
* The Swordfish LRTR currently has a range of 600 km (370 mi)-800 km (500 mi) km range and can spot objects as small as a cricket ball, which the DRDO plans to upgrade to 1,500 km by 2011.These may end up as entirely new designs as well


More tests were conducted in 2009 to enhance the capabilities of AAD endo-atmospheric missile to intercept missiles at altitudes up to 15 km. If no issues crop up, then the tentative date for deployment is 2015.

In March 2009, India DRDO tested long-range capabilities of its indigenously developed Swordfish radar

BEL Weapon Locating Radar

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The BEL Weapon Locating Radar (WLR) is a mobile artillery locating Phased array radar developed by India. This counter-battery radar is designed to detect and track incoming artillery and rocket fire to determine the point of origin for Counter-battery fire.

The WLR has been jointly developed by DRDO's Bangalore based laboratory, LRDE and the Government owned Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL). The sub-systems have been fabricated by BEL based on the DRDO designs and delivered to LRDE for integration


* Range:
o >81 mm Mortars: 2–20 km
o >105 mm Guns: 2–30 km
o Unguided Rockets: 4–40 km
* Elevation Coverage: -5 to 75o
* Azimuth Coverage: +/- 45o mean settable bearing
* Slewability: +/- 135o within 30 seconds.
* Targets Tracking: 7 simultaneously (maximum)
* Firing angles: Both High & Low
* Aspect Angles: 0-180o

Technical Specifications

* Instrumented Range: 50 km
* Frequency Band: C band
* Probability of:
o Detection: 0.9
o False Alarm: 10−6
* Weapon Locations: 99 stored (maximum)
* Digital Map Storage: 100 x 100 km

Environmental Specifications

* Operating temperature: -20 to +55oC
* Storage Temperature: -40 to +70oC
* Damp Heat: 95% RH at 40oC
* Operational Altitude: Up to 16,000 feet (4,900 m)

Central Acquisition Radar (3D-CAR)

The Central Acquisition Radar (3D-CAR) is a 3D radar developed by DRDO for use with Akash SAM capable of tracking 150 targets.

India has further developed its 3D CAR into all new locally produced ROHINI & REVATHI variants. The ROHINI is the Indian Air Force specific variant whereas the REVATHI is for the Indian Navy. These replace the original joint development items such as the planar array antenna with new locally developed ones which are more capable than the original design. A third variant, known as the 3D Tactical Control Radar has been developed for the Indian Army and has cleared trials.

The Central Acquisition Radar (CAR) is a medium range high-resolution 3-dimensional surveillance radar. The Central Acquisition Radar has been designed by LRDE, a DRDO laboratory, and is produced by a joint venture between BEL, Larsen & Toubro, Astra Microwave and Entec. The radar employs a planar array antenna and provides simultaneous multi-beam coverage. It can handle 150 targets in track while scan mode.

The Rohini radar is mounted on a modified TATRA heavy truck and supported by a mobile auxiliary power unit. The TATRA is license manufactured by Bharat Earth Movers Limited (BEML).[1]

These features relate to the 3D CAR radar. Specifications for the Rohini, 3D TCR and Revathi are available in the links below.

Medium range 3D surveillance
S band operation
Surveillance Range up to 180 km
Covers elevation of up to 18 km in height
High altitude deployability
Deployment in less than 20 minutes
150 Targets in TWS
Array of ECCM features
Integrated IFF
Capable of detecting low altitude targets, and supersonic aircraft flying at up to Mach 3
Frequency agility and jammer analysis
@SpArK @sancho @IND151 @arp2041
does anyone has any news about completion of Swordfish(Greenpine) radar with 1500km...:what:

The talk was that the Swordfish 2 with 1500 km range would be readied by 2011 end - mid 2012. They have not given any further information since then.

However given the facts that

1.The ABM system is on the verge of getting operationalised

2 The next ABM (i.e. PDV) is about to be tested early next year

It would be fair to assume that Swordfish 2 is already in testing or will be tested soon with PDV.
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Guys, why can't we integrate this swordfish radar of 600km-800km range on A330 with little modification which can act as AWACS with much greater range.
its too heavy.

apart from that you need to change the conformal arrangement
and secondly,sword fish has been programmed for ABM system,specially dedicated to air clutter and missile detection and tracking,a AWACS would require a completely different algorithm to work ..

i know,how difficult system programing can get!...:-)
to know more about radars developed by our DRDO,why dont you guys,directly look at the source?
i.e the LRDE?i have been to quite a few seminars conducted by LRDE and i was pleasantly surprised to know about our AESA radars,in development!

to know more about radars developed by our DRDO,why dont you guys,directly look at the source?
i.e the LRDE?i have been to quite a few seminars conducted by LRDE and i was pleasantly surprised to know about our AESA radars,in development!


That is some nice work by LRDE

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