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Quantity of Fighter Jets Pakistan Have?

Thank you Fatman17 for the info. on WNS project. I believe the project is going to come on fast track very soon. Funds -- courtesy our Uncle in the East.
As far as i know The "Lead the Fleet" a/c were kept in US from the lot that was supposed to be sent for MLU and Falcon Up upgrades. I did not know that any block 52 a/c were kept in US as test beds for future upgrades on the Block 52's.

On another note, I heard Pakistan is setting up another asssembly/mfg. plant for JFT in Nawabshah. Any news on that?

At least one Block-52 "D" was kept back for system integration.
Time and time again we end up comparing JFT's with top of the line fighters avialable in the region. We have to see JFT in the light of PAF and its need ot replace its aging inventory of Mirages and fifties technology platform -- F-7 with a more potent fighter plane with a technology trail of not more than ten years or less.

If that is the case than producing a JFT is relatively much more faster job as compared to say a SU-30 or a FA-18 (The assemlby line is deliberately ramped down/paqced to keep costs under check and keep the tooling intact keeping in view the slow order book) JFT has no such issues. The order book is healthy form PAF requirment alone and Chinese Aviation Industry is in an upswing unlike that of USA (Both production lines of F-15/F-16/FA-18 are commnig to a close without a replacement mid range fighter plane in the works).

My humble opinion.
Thanks Windjammer for the update and confirmation. Any news on the 14 remaining F-16 from an order of 28?
The news about supply in weeks is poetic licence by our illustrios journalists.It is not possible. However the supply would be expedited to fulfill our requirements.
People who indulge in the numbers game need to take a reality check. It is not so much the numbers but the quality of planes that we have. Inspite of upgrades most of our inventory is composed of obsolete platforms which are no longer capable of meeting the needs of the time. We need modern platforms to fulfill our needs and are expensive to maintain and run. As the situation on our borders is worsening, we need to take action now to prevent a capitulation later. The order is for 50 planes expedited and it will take a good 6 months to a yr to have them operational.
There are other implications and permutations which I dont want to discuss here, but rather than concentrating on numbers we should think of what impact it would have on our inventory to have a 100 modern planes.

sir - the chinese are going to supply 50 kits in the next 6 months which will be assembled at kamra @ of 24 a/c per year. it will take upto 2 years to attain 'operational status' for this new order.
Pakistan need to get stealth fighter before 2020..
And also heavy bomber like J 11b . F 15..
What kind of Production line can support manufacture of 50 jets in a week??It should be considered a wonder if it really happens...Anyways,after 7 days,everybody will know....

Nobody said that China will produce and give 50 Fighters within weeks..................they just said they will deliver and who knows mostly of them are already manufactured and ready to give and they are just waiting for final call.
PAF recived 45 F-16 in 1983,and 14 more in 2009,which makes total 59 F-16 in which 9 wre lost in accidents,PAF recived 18 F-16 block 50/52 in 2010 and has option to purchase 14 more so this make total =68

I heard or some one mentioned to me that there are more that 100 F-16's in PAF inventory ... some one gave me a mathematical number which convinced me...

how come now only 84?
Do we have a creible source for this price? Or we are estimating this? Furthermore, before the final systems and avoinics picture, on can not quote figure on the "Block II" pricing if such a thing is a reality at this point in time. If we are estimating the prcinig, hence my first question.
We are healthy 500-600 fighter planes , backed with Air -2 - Air , and force multipliers like AWACs , and BVR

Obviously we have another 200-400 non fighter role aircraft fro transportation , and other duties

We are really around 1000+ Airforce , in term of assets we have

F16 Falcons - 63 [ all variants ]
JF-17 Thunders - 30
Mirage III - 80
Mirage V - 85
F7 - 192 ( stretched )

Total = 450
F16 Falcons - 63 [ all variants ]
JF-17 Thunders - 30
Mirage III - 80
Mirage V - 85
F7 - 192 ( stretched )

Total = 450

Ravan ji look ....

By End of 2011
F16 C/D lets just assume now its all block C/D = 63 (Plus option for 18)
JF17 Thunders 2 squadrons = 36 back in Febuarary end of year 42 (At Kamra production facilities)
JF17 Thunders Block 2 = 50
F7 =192
Mirages =190


Plus when you consider all our training jets , and crafts that can be equipped with a missile - we come close to 580 mark

Expected Arrivals 2012-2015 confirmed arrivals:
+ 200 JF17 thunders Block 2 mostly with enhanced engines and enhanced avionics
+ 36 J10B with AESA radar and powerful Air-superiority role capabilities
+ 30 J10B (Option possible its always discussed)

+ 18 F16 C/D , (plus 14 block A/B from original peace gate replacement initiative)
+ 60 F16 C/D (Norway has 72 jets so we could get all 72 jets)
+ 40 J11 (With our pilots training on them as you read this article)
+ Research and Development to be completed on Avionics suit for Thunders 2014 in Pakistan, and due to the modular design of Thunders the conversion can be quick to enable AESA and avionics package

So almost 400-450 planes are to arrive by 2015 or 216 on top of 500 planes we already have close to 1000 mark

Obviously 1000 planes is too much from efficiency point of view so I expect our air-force to reduce inventory based on recommendation from appropriate engineers as we do need to reduce older planes from inventory

But you can count on it Pakistan will have at least 10 Stealth strategic planes by 2018-2020

Since we got the technology for the Radar absorbing paint and metallurgy this current year :P we could actually be on verge of big announcement with stealthier version of Thunders, reduced weight, usage of composites and new paint and radar rays absorbing minerals and material for selected planes - we all know how quickly we developed the CRUISE missiles 1.5 years since we got our hands on it :P
F16 Falcons - 63 [ all variants ]
JF-17 Thunders - 30
Mirage III - 80
Mirage V - 85
F7 - 192 ( stretched )

Total = 450

pakistan operates 22 fighter squardons..wihich translates into 450 fighters....
just a few correction in your figure..
first you only mentioned the upgraded mirages we alos have about 80 mirages in reserve that are not up graded but still are in flyable condition. and are kept in this condition..

secondly f-7 number isnt stretched this fully operated with good airframe..also includes the very young 50 f-7pgs which are very new with airframe of less than 8 years

so although our sanctioned strength is 22 squardons we can increase another 80 aircrafts of mirages and around 50 of a-5 at any given time..kept in good condition ..

its unlikly our jets will cross 500 as our santioned strength is 26 squardons..including transport and awacs...(in opposition to indian 39 sq but currently at 32 sq)
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