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Quaid e Azam Quote


Apr 28, 2011
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@Aeronaut @WebMaster @Oscar @nuclearpak @RazPaK @AUz @Areesh @A.Rafay @HRK @PWFI @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @JUBA @JonAsad and others
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"From Atlantic to the Ganges"...

He should not use a holy Hindu river when talking about islam, no offence. He could have said something else like from Atlantic to Mecca/pakistan or something...
Some quotes:-

1)I have one underlying principle in mind: the principle of Muslim democracy. It is my belief that our salvation lies in following the golden rules of conduct set for us by our great lawgiver, the Prophet of Islam.
In 1948, Address to Sibi Darbar

2)I cannot understand the logic of those who have been deliberately and mischievously propagating that the Constitution of Pakistan will not be based on Islamic Sharia. Islamic principles today are as much applicable to life as they were 1300 years ago.
Address to Karachi Bar Association in January 25, 1948

3)Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but Muslims ideology which has to be preserved which has come to us a precious gift and treasure and which we hope, others will share with us.
Address to Frontier Muslim Students Federation on 18th June 1945

4)I have full faith in my people that they will rise to every occasion worthy of our past Islamic history, glory and traditions.
Message to the Nation on the occasion of the first Anniversary of Pakistan on 14th August, 1948

5)When we say 'This flag (Muslim League's flag) is the flag of Islam' they think we are introducing religion into politics - a fact of which we are proud. Islam gives us a complete code.
Address to the Gaya Muslim League Conference in January 1938

Truly a secular leader!!!:pakistan::laughcry:
"From Atlantic to the Ganges"...

He should not use a holy Hindu river when talking about islam, no offence. He could have said something else like from Atlantic to Mecca/pakistan or something...

water is oxygen and hydrogen,not hindu or muslim.
water is oxygen and hydrogen,not hindu or muslim.

In this context, hindu or muslim matters. He was talking about greatness of islam, if you look at the quote. It makes no sense to bring a holy Hindu river when talking about the greatness of islam, he could have just used an islamic place like pakistan or mecca instead.
@Zarvan great post but you really need to read things in context, boyo, a rebuttal to this is in an upcoming project I'll tag ya :)
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The more Jinnah is portrayed Islamic, the more he will lose respect of outside world. Hope Pakistanis understand this golden rule and try to project him in a different light. History is nothing but narratives and these narratives always toe the line of the people who are powerful & rich of that time and even get changed according to their will.Pakistanis do not have the money or power to dictate History. Hence, image of Jinnah will take a hit with every passing day outside and he will be considered nothing but a communal fanatic and right-wing fundamentalist. No nation wants to portray the "Father of a Nation" in this light.
I like rebuttals and education of fundoz. You get to have the first go at educating them, if you fail, I get to shoot them! :pop:

@Zarvan great post but you really need to read things in context, boyo, a rebuttal to this is in an upcoming project I'll tag ya :)
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Zarvan i think it the best thread started by you, it's enough to say shut up to these "laïc"/"seculars" morrons, who want a secular pakistan, instead of "truely" ISLMAMIC nation based on Califat-e-Rashida, keep it up.
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