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Qatar to spend up to $205bn on infrastructure over the next 5 years

Dude, your GCC parade is getting so old now. I heard in 2009 that GCC currency is coming..but its 2014 and no signs of it :hitwall:

When is GCC becoming a full-fledged union? Its already too late..

And oh yeah, find some better name too..what "GCC"? Go something along the lines of United Arab Peninsula or something like that..with single currency, synchronized military power, effective diplomacy and so on...and have a governing shura where kings and rulers of KSA, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, and Kuwait come together and make decisions etc..

It will come. Right now there is no need for it. GCC is already in many ways one block. Especially if you are a citizen of any GCC state.

I like that name, mate. Or the Kingdom of the Arabian Peninsula. Or Kingdom of Arabia although that would be historically inaccurate since the Arabian Peninsula has had many different civilizations.
But anyway I would like you to reply to my post number 11. I would like to hear your ideas.

750 million. I will find a few links and some in Arabic for you. I posted one link (in English) not long ago when there was a discussion about population growth in the ME and the difficulties with that tendency.

No, all those countries I mentioned would be population centers and already are. Most importantly those are the Arab states that you can expect those things from. Not tiny Qatar that is SMALLER than Montenegro and which has a native population of about 1 million people if NOT LESS.
Which country in the world that is so small and which such a small population is leading in all those things you want to see? They are improving as I said but they will never become any hub for that. Not even regional. Maybe if they do a real effort although I don't see them threatening UAE.
Qatar is the one doing most of the spending including some of the emirates in UAE, mostly Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Qatar is doing it due to a lot of issues. One of them being them hosting the World Cup in 2022. You should read the article.

Qatar is basically the richest and most prosperous nation on earth. They sit on an enormous gas and oil wealth compared to their 2 million strong population of which many are not even nationals. Every Qatari national is living like a lord or baron. I am not joking. They make Emiratis and Kuwaitis look like poor people. Bastards.

But that is why we need to annex them. Insha'Allah this will soon happen or at least in my lifetime.
should this happen you would have my full support
should this happen you would have my full support


Qataris are extremely spoilt people but most are good-hearted when you get to know them. I don't know many though. The leadership is the problem. I would like to invade them personally. I can't stand their leadership and foreign policy. They should be a province of KSA anyway. But not possible since they are a sovereign country today and the Americans have a base there. You can't annex sovereign nations today but one day in the future it is inevitable that the smaller GCC states will merge with KSA. That's how I many others see it at least. But let us see.
Eeh :/ you Indians have been spending a lot and a lot more on industrial developments.
But look at the difference in size and starting base. Qatar, KSA, Egypt et all already had/have a much higher per capita income and per capita infrastructure.
India did not start spending on physical infrastructure till 1991. Before that money was spent mostly on socialist schemes.

Now, India is targeting to spend nearly $1 Trillion in the next 10 years on infrastructure. We are trying to become the next big thing in manufacturing since China. Japan is partnering India in that and we need massive capital. Japan is financing a substantial amount of that for it is in their interests to see a very strong India. They have already signed and started spending on a single massive $100 billion infrastructure corridor in India among numerous other projects.

That corridor is now under construction. Should that alone succeed as planned, it would change India fundamentally.

And there are many such projects lining up with Japan. Infact India has been trying to get Arab states like Qatar and KSA to invest in infrastructure in India as well.

But it all goes back to one point - we are starting from a low base. And we need to catch up quite fast.
Take the deal you struck with Japan and KSA - the Sabic $ 50 billions -
I believe it was $5 billion deal.
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Qataris are extremely spoilt people but most are good-hearted when you get to know them. I don't know many though. The leadership is the problem. I would like to invade them personally. I can't stand their leadership and foreign policy. They should be a province of KSA anyway. But not possible since they are a sovereign country today and the Americans have a base there. You can't annex sovereign nations today but one day in the future it is inevitable that the smaller GCC states will merge with KSA. That's how I many others see it at least. But let us see.
you know a united GCC one army one policy with control of a large percentege of oil and gas and if you add manpower from yeman after problems with rebels end maybe this would be the next superpower in the world
i only meet 1 qatari in egypt he was ok but of course you know what the qataries are doing (aljazera) they want to see egypt like syria
you know a united GCC one army one policy with control of a large percentege of oil and gas and if you add manpower from yeman after problems with rebels end maybe this would be the next superpower in the world
i only meet 1 qatari in egypt he was ok but of course you know what the qataries are doing (aljazera) they want to see egypt like syria

Not sure about the next world superpower 7abibi. That's taking it far too far.:cheesy:

The only real superpowers/possible ones in our world today and for a long, long time to come are USA and China. All the rest are middleweights while they are heavyweights.

But the GCC already is a regional power and a power in the ME. It will only grow. If the Arabian Peninsula merged as one country it would become a truly global player but one can argue that the GCC is already that.

If the WHOLE Arab world merged it would become a world superpower. That is right. But I don't see that happening. Working together constantly and improving relations and ties should be the aim.;)

Yes, that's the Qatari foreign policy that I am talking about. We often had disputes with them.
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But look at the difference in size and starting base. Qatar, KSA, Egypt et all already had/have a much higher per capita income and per capita infrastructure.
India did not start spending on physical infrastructure till 1991. Before that money was spent mostly on socialist schemes.

Now, India is targeting to spend nearly $1 Trillion in the next 10 years on infrastructure. We are trying to become the next big thing in manufacturing since China. Japan is partnering India in that and we need massive capital. Japan is financing a substantial amount of that for it is in their interests to see a very strong India. They have already signed and started spending on a single massive $100 billion infrastructure corridor in India among numerous other projects.

That corridor is now under construction. Should that alone succeed as planned, it would change India fundamentally.

And there are many such projects lining up with Japan. Infact India has been trying to get Arab states like Qatar and KSA to invest in infrastructure in India as well.

But it all goes back to one point - we are starting from a low base. And we need to catch up quite fast.

I believe it was $5 billion deal.

Point taken.

Thanks for elaborating one the current development status of India's.

It's a $50 billions deal:
India invites Sabic to invest in petrochem biz
Not sure about the next world superpower 7abibi. That's taking it far too far.:cheesy:

The only real superpowers/possible ones in our world today and for a long, long time to come are USA and China. All the rest are middleweights while they are heavyweights.

But the GCC already is a regional power and a power in the ME. It will only grow. If the Arabian Peninsula merged as one country it would become a truly global player but one can argue that the GCC is already that.

If the WHOLE Arab world merged it would become a world superpower. That is right. But I don't see that happening. Working together constantly and improving relations and ties should be the aim.;)

Yes, that's the Qatari foreign policy that I am talking about. We often had disputes with them.
china the US EU russia are the superpowers of today no one can tell that the futre look like and if there are others will rise why wouldnt it be Egypt or GCC or anyone it is up to the people to choose their future the all of the meddle east need just to beleive in themselves and work as hard as you can besides they always say aim at 100 percent to from 80 to 90 percent
i wish the best for our region we have been a war zone for a long time we deserve some peace like the world around us
china the US EU russia are the superpowers of today no one can tell that the futre look like and if there are others will rise why wouldnt it be Egypt or GCC or anyone it is up to the people to choose their future the all of the meddle east need just to beleive in themselves and work as hard as you can besides they always say aim at 100 percent to from 80 to 90 percent
i wish the best for our region we have been a war zone for a long time we deserve some peace like the world around us

7abibi the GCC has been lucky when it comes to stability and the Arabian Peninsula, if you exclude beautiful and ancient Yemen who unfortunately are a tragic story on many issues. But Insha'Allah they will escape their problems. I hope that they will become a GCC member state one day. We cannot leave Yemen alone.

Yes, I agree with that. We need to work in the right directions and learn from our mistakes. We can once again make our ancient region proud and not let it down as we have done for a long, long time. We have the resources, history, manpower, location and basically everything. But many of us keep shooting ourselves in the foot again and again.

Let us hope for the best.

But first Qatar needs to get invaded and annexed.
Qatar need to allow alcohol and women for the world cup, not roads.

It's just what I heard that Qatar doesn't allow these, I'm not sure.
Qatar need to allow alcohol and women for the world cup, not roads.

It's just what I heard that Qatar doesn't allow these, I'm not sure.

Allow women? What do you mean exactly, mate? Alcohol (word of Arabic origin btw) is sold in hotel bars and beaches in Qatar. I don't know what will happen for the World Cup in over 7 years time though. I expect them to change those laws by then and make them much more liberal.

Anyway UAE should have been given the World Cup if they had to give it to a small GCC state. They would have made an amazing World Cup but I am sure that Qatar will make a big show as well. A lot of awesome projects coming up.
Point taken.

Thanks for elaborating one the current development status of India's.

It's a $50 billions deal:
India invites Sabic to invest in petrochem biz
Ah. Thanks. I had misread it initially.

God bless Japan though. We are soaking up almost all of Japan's financing abilities worldwide - and they are truly substantial. We are the single largest receiver of Overseas Development Grant of Japan, the single largest recipient of JICA's entire global budget among other bodies.

Infact today, the situation is such that you can safely say that every major infrastructure project in India has some portion of Japanese financing and investment. None of it is aid though.

Its because of financing India that Japan is reducing future commitments to all other developing nations - including Pakistan (couldn't resist :D)

Now we are trying to do the same with WB- absorb most of World Banks available funding for our infrastructure needs.

In a word - we are as desperate for infrastructure financing as can possibly be.

And we are probably second only to China in infrastructure spending as a nation.

Which is why I was rather surprised at how much Qatar - being such a small state - is spending on its own infrastructure.

Double thumbs up to the Qataris.
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