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PUTIN: Russia Will Continue To Help Syria If The US Attacks

Star Wars

Jan 7, 2013
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Russian President Vladimir Putin says the Kremlin will continue to back Syria in the case of foreign military intervention.
Putin responded to a question about Syria at the G20 summit by saying, "Will we help Syria? Yes, we will. We’re doing it right now, we’re supplying arms."

Over the course of the 29-month Syrian conflict, Russia has provided the regime of Bashar al-Assad with supplies including guns, grenades, tank parts, fighter jets, advanced anti-ship cruise missiles, long-range air defense missiles, military officers as advisers, diplomatic cover, and lots of cash.

Bloomberg BNA reporter Claire Compton said the room was taken aback:

Audible reaction in the room following Putin's statement of support for Syria in event of military intervention.
Putin added that he believes allegations of a August 21 chemical weapons attack in the suburbs of Damascus was a "provocation" by Syrian rebels.

"Chemical weapons allegations were a provocation on the parts of Syrian militants to get support from those countries who support them and encourage intervention," Putin told reporters.

The U.S. Congress is currently debating whether to authorize a use of military force in Syria in resposne to chemical weapons use.

Russia Will Continue To Back Syria - Business Insider

“Will we help Syria? We will. And we are already helping, we send arms, we cooperate in the economics sphere, we hope to expand our cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, which includes sending humanitarian aid to support those people – the civilians – who have found themselves in a very dire situation in this country,” Putin said.

Putin: Syria chemical attack is ?rebels' provocation in hope of intervention? ? RT News

and it also looks like Obama is going to attack Syria ... so yea..am a tad bit worried :confused:
Most of the world is behind Syrian people and assad.

Obama and his saudi wahabi friends and Turkey and others are on the side of Al qeada.

Assad cannot fall as long he has so much backing.

Obama is just a confused retard, he gave Syrian army so much time before an attack, Syrians could had rearranged the entire country by now :lol:
Most of the world is behind Syrian people and assad.

Syrian people and assad are not compatible. Although, you can argue rebels are even worse then assad.

Btw, I don't think Putin did any thing exceptional for his country
Syrian people and assad are not compatible. Although, you can argue rebels are even worse then assad.

Btw, I don't think Putin did any thing exceptional for his country

You think Syria people are not on the side of assad?
assad is fighting and protecting his country from Al qeada backed by US,Turkey,Saudi arabia.
what's the difference?

Assertive , lets say . Though , actions speak louder than words and well that remains to be seen . Because , the attacks are coming and Russians are nowhere to be seen , except warning countries .
You think Syria people are not on the side of assad?
assad is fighting and protecting his country from Al qeada backed by US,Turkey,Saudi arabia.

To me, Syria people are helpless sheep between two evil wolves.

I don't know too much about Syria. Did Assad do anything good for his country and people in the past?
iran is already there !!! just pull the trigger shyt head obama!!!
and see that hell is a paradise compared to what we prepared for u
To me, Syria people are helpless sheep between two evil wolves.

I don't know too much about Syria. Did Assad do anything good for his country and people in the past?

Just free education, free healthcare, higher wages for state employees, better living conditions, economy improved... poverty is less than 1% International Human Development Indicators - UNDP

anyways... if you are interested you can check my previous threads
Putin can only do one thing, that is passing empty statements!
This statement shows he is psychologically prepared to accept syria being attacked.
To me, Syria people are helpless sheep between two evil wolves.

I don't know too much about Syria. Did Assad do anything good for his country and people in the past?
Except one of those 'evil' wolves is trying to protect the people from the other wolf which is trying to massacre them.
Assad is a good guy, if he chooses to fall then syrian people will suffer in hands of the saudi-US backed terrorists.
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