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Purohit Wanted to Establish Hindu Rashtra


Oct 31, 2008
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Malegaon blast: ATS chargesheet says Purohit main conspirator

20 Jan 2009, 1921 hrs IST, PTI

MUMBAI: Nearly four months after the blast at Malegaon, police have filed a chargesheet that named Army officer Lt Col Prasad Purohit as the main
conspirator who provided the explosives, and Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur as the prime accused who arranged for the men who planted the explosives

The 4,000-page chargesheet, filed by Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) before the Special MCOCA court here, stated that Purohit floated right wing group Abhinav Bharat in 2007 with an intention to "propagate a separate Hindu Rashtra with its own Constitution".

According to the document, the Army officer collected "huge amounts" to the tune of Rs 21 lakh for himself and Abhinav Bharat to promote his "fundamentalist ideology."

The amount was disbursed by Ajay Rahirkar, treasurer of the group, to various other accused to procure explosives for committing unlawful activities.

The conspiracy meetings were held from January 2008 at Faridabad, Bhopal, Kolkata, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Indore and Nashik.

At a meeting in Bhopal on April 11, 2008 Purohit took responsibility of providing explosives while the Sadhvi took the task of arranging for the men for exploding the bombs in the Muslim-dominated town in North Maharashtra.

Purohit had bought RDX with him when he returned from his Kashmir posting. He assembled the explosives at his residence in Pune with the help of co-accused Sudhakar Chaturvedi and wanted accused Ramji Kalsangra, and the same was used in the September 29 blast at Malegaon that killed six persons, it said

Malegaon blast: ATS chargesheet says Purohit main conspirator-India-The Times of India

Few questions, One, How come an army officer was able to bring army issued RDX with him while coming back from his kashmir posting???????

Two, this terrorist was commanding a unit in Kashmir, if he can plan to build a hindu rashtra while being in hindustan army, what would he have done during his tenure as commanding colonel in Kashmir?????????/

Three, what does it indicate about the discipline and radicalisation in hindustani army??????????? Ever wondered why hindustani army so fervently opposes resolution of siachen dispute???????????

Four, what does it say about indian allegation that Pakistani army is opposed to indo-Pak peace??????// who do you think is radicalized enough to establish Hindu Rashtra and is really opposed to indo-Pakistan peace????????

Last question, are we seeing the radicalization of indian army into Hinduvta army or Hindu Rashtra army
Woman SP probing Samjhauta blasts receives threat call

21 Jan 2009, 1900 hrs IST, PTI

AMBALA (HARYANA): A woman Railway Police officer probing the Samjhauta Express blast case on Wednesday alleged she had received a telephone call threatening her with dire consequences if she persisted with the investigations.

Superintendent of Police Railways (Haryana) Bharti Arora told that the caller identified himself as an activist of an extremist outfit and told her to slow down the pace of the probe.

Otherwise, she would have to face dire consequences, the caller warned her, the woman police officer said.

Arora said she had received the call on the landline at her office on January 16 and a day after, she reported the matter to SP (Ambala) Y Puran Kumar.

Kumar was looking into the matter, she said adding she had also summoned a meeting of GRP officers in this regard.

A case had been registered in connection with the alleged threatening call, police said.

In the past two years, some six anonymous letters had been received by the Railways threatening to blow up Ambala Cantt, Ludhiana, Chandigarh and some other stations if the authorities persisted with the probe.

Sixty-eight people, mostly Pakistani civilians, were killed in the Samjhauta Express bombings and the ensuing blaze near Panipat on February 18, 2007.

Woman SP probing Samjhauta blasts receives threat call-India-The Times of India

Wonder who is sending these threats....... should we expect another Karkare style execution.................. ;)
Pakistan must be aware of the fact that the people of india have been hijacked by hindu fascists who hold political power, military, economic and social power as well. There are a number of Purohits and they face Pakistan as their enemy froma religious point of view and social, political and economic point of view. In fact all their points of hostility are intrinsically linked with each other. So the concept of Hindu Rashtra is antithetical to the existence of Pakistan as a sovereign nation because the Hindu Rashtra's map is much more bigger than what the present indian state has, and thus expanding national boundaries at the cost of Pakistan primarily is Purohit type hindus' first and foremost concern.
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Few questions, One, How come an army officer was able to bring army issued RDX with him while coming back from his kashmir posting???????

don't know, in a container?

Two, this terrorist was commanding a unit in Kashmir, if he can plan to build a hindu rashtra while being in hindustan army, what would he have done during his tenure as commanding colonel in Kashmir?????????/

killed some terrorists of the opposing camp?

Three, what does it indicate about the discipline and radicalisation in hindustani army??????????? Ever wondered why hindustani army so fervently opposes resolution of siachen dispute???????????

It indicates that one or more indian army officers are radicalised and criminalised. also the fact that he was caught by indian police w/o UN having to armtwist us, that he was suspended and will be prosecuted in civil courts mean there is accountability in army :) however it means nothing for the whole army. when indian army takes over india and re writes our school text books zia style, then u ask :)

Four, what does it say about indian allegation that Pakistani army is opposed to indo-Pak peace??????// who do you think is radicalized enough to establish Hindu Rashtra and is really opposed to indo-Pakistan peace????????

i don't know, why don't u ask ur kargil heroes, military coup specialists, bhutto hangers and LET masters?

Last question, are we seeing the radicalization of indian army into Hinduvta army or Hindu Rashtra army

No, u r just seeing the mirror image of ur own guilt conscience :P
hey, first learn to multi quote a message and then come and waste our time in your antics. hey mods, why dont you look into such quacks hijacking serious discussions.
Here is another confirmation of Purohit's plans

'They wanted Hindu nation, saffron flag'
Menaka Rao
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 4:01 IST

Mumbai: Abhinav Bharat, the suspected Hindu radical outfit behind the September 29 Malegaon blast, wanted to propagate the idea of a "Hindu rashtra" and lieutenant colonel Prasad Purohit had in 2007 conceived a saffron national flag for it, says the chargesheet filed by the anti-terrorism squad of the Maharashtra police in the special MCOCA court on Tuesday.
The organisation "created an impression that they are taking revenge for bomb blasts committed by alleged culprits belonging to the Muslim community," the chargesheet says.
At least nine alleged members of Abhinav Bharat have been arrested for their alleged involvement in the September 29 Malegaon blast.
Abhinav Bharat wanted a separate constitution for the "Hindu Rashtra" with "Bharat Swarajya, Surajya and Suraksha in its preamble", the ATS has claimed in the chargesheet.
"They wanted to overthrow the government. It's horrible. That material has been procured from the laptop of Dayanand Pandey," special public prosecutor Rohini Salian told the MCOCA court.
Judge Salian reserved the order for taking cognisance of the chargesheet till Wednesday after the defence argued that there was no ground to slap MCOCA against the accused.
DNA: India: 'They wanted Hindu nation, saffron flag'
hey, first learn to multi quote a message and then come and waste our time in your antics. hey mods, why dont you look into such quacks hijacking serious discussions.

How so great master, I've given serious answers where u asked serious questions (like does it mean indian army is getting radicalised), where u asked leading questions to get the answers u hoped to get, i just punctured it :)

hey first learn the meaning of 'hindu rashtra army' and then hope to start a serious discussion.
How so great master, I've given serious answers where u asked serious questions (like does it mean indian army is getting radicalised), where u asked leading questions to get the answers u hoped to get, i just punctured it :)

hey first learn the meaning of 'hindu rashtra army' and then hope to start a serious discussion.

The only thing you managed to puncture is some amount of reservation i had about these reports.

Rest assured, i can teach you a thing or two about your own hindu rashtra. You are more than welcome to open a new thread about it starting from vedic era to modern day revival of hindu fundamentalism. Consider it a challenge.

For ignoramous types like you which btw abound on this forum, i will put following link to clear your doubts about the term Hindu Rashtra.

Hindu Rashtra
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The only thing you managed to pucture is some amount of reservation i had about these reports.

Rest assured, i can teach you a thing or two about your own hindu rashtra. You are more than welcome to open a new thread about it starting from vedic era to modern day revival of hindu fundamentalism. Consider it a challenge.

For ignoramous types like you which btw abound on this forum, i will put following link to clear your doubts about the term Hindu Rashtra.

Hindu Rashtra

I do not doubt you O Omnicient,

but what is hindu rashtra army? as the article u so thoughtfully provided states that hindu rashtra is not a religious concept, neither is it a potilical concept. i'm confused.

what is my own hindu rashtra, because as a hindu, i've not heard abt it in my religious books :) but i'm sure u know what it is... it takes a thief to...
The only thing you managed to pucture is some amount of reservation i had about these reports.

Rest assured, i can teach you a thing or two about your own hindu rashtra. You are more than welcome to open a new thread about it starting from vedic era to modern day revival of hindu fundamentalism. Consider it a challenge.

For ignoramous types like you which btw abound on this forum, i will put following link to clear your doubts about the term Hindu Rashtra.

Hindu Rashtra

If Jinnah can plan a Pakistan based on religious lines then why not this bechara Col.Purohit after all it's his birthright.
If Jinnah can plan a Pakistan based on religious lines then why not this bechara Col.Purohit after all it's his birthright.

In fact the Pakistani members should be happy to be vindicated at long last if this really happens! ;)
If Jinnah can plan a Pakistan based on religious lines then why not this bechara Col.Purohit after all it's his birthright.

No, it isn't. The constitution of India does not afford their citizens this particular option.
Rest assured, i can teach you a thing or two about your own hindu rashtra.

Don't you think a person who lives in India will know more about this "Hindu Rashtra" philosophy than someone who is from an "enemy" nation, with a disdain for all things Hindu ?
Malegaon: The Israeli Connection

By Mustafa Khan

23 January, 2009-Countercurrents.org

It is grim reading how Lt Col Srikant Purohit and others wanted to establish a Hindu Rashtra with the help of Israel. The RSS and Jan Sangh did not whole heartedly join the national juggernaut that Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had started for the foundation of a democratic liberal state of India in which all could live. The same could be said of the neighbouring Pakistan whose founder Jinnah had created his country for all the people irrespective of their religion but this was systematically undermined and then President Ziaul Haq hijacked it in the name of Sharia. The grudge Purohit and his ilk was that the British did not leave India as a Hindu Rashtra while they took Pakistan as a theocratic state based on Islam. The only state established on theocracy was, of course, Israel. The recent Gaza incursion of the Israeli army is the most recent and vivid murderous effort in the long history of establishing a theocratic state of Israel. Its birth in 1948 was catastrophic for the native Palestinians of the erstwhile Palestine. Such a visualized state has been the cherished dream of the right wing groups of the RSS and its offshoots who have never been content with the democratic, secular republic of India.

There have been many occasions when extreme Hindutva leaders like Bal Thackeray and the leaders of the sangh parivar have expressed their desire for a Hindu Rashtra, nay they have de facto lived and worked as though India is already one. Their angst is that there are many in India, overwhelmingly Hindus, who do not want India to be just that. The right wing organizations have used every opportunity to divide the people on religious lines and have craftily created situations which could virtually subvert the whole system of governance into what their cherished dream has been.

It is in this context that Purohit made the bold attempt albeit with a difference after 9/11, camouflaging his plan by joining what the British Foreign Secretary David Miliband calls "the mistaken war on terror". Believing all acts of terrorism in the country as Islamic terrorism he designed his own terrorism to fight terrorism. The Samjhauta express attack and the attacks in Mecca mosque of Hyderabad and the one in Ajmer shrine fall in line with this design. He picked up the thread where VD Savarkar had left it and so revived the organization that Savarkar had disbanded and took the name of the newspaper which Nathuram had started, "Hindu Rashtra". The Jewish connection cannot be stretched any further although Aston David was principal of Wadia college where the two professors taught their subjects and also taught making bombs to Rakesh Dhawde and others. Aston's being a Jew cannot be taken to mean that he too is involved as are two of his professors. But that does not dispel suspicion that "the safe houses in Israel" Purohit had arranged for could not be there waiting for any eventuality that he had in mind. Inquiry is still on...

Malegaon: The Israeli Connection By Mustafa Khan
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