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Frank Martin

Aug 27, 2010
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Historic moment for both ISRO and India..PSLV C-17 launched GSAT-12 satellite successfully..Hearty congratulations to ISRO scientists :cheers: :cheers:

PSLV puts communication
satellite into space
Historic moment for both ISRO and India..PSLV C-17 launched GSAT-12 satellite successfully :cheers: :cheers:
Its not complete yet..Part 4 is still left and than 5 complex maneuvers for satellite placement in right orbit are left (which will take place in next 4 days) after this it will be complete success.

By the way, the success will be a very big leap for ISRO. Especially the placement part of it.
Dr Radhakrishnan told after the mission , another flight of GSLV with Indian cryogenic engine with in one year. He said ISRO is determined to make it success. :cheers:

Indian Vikram processor based mission computer and rocket motors were so precise that they wanted to achieve 21000 km apogee and achieved 8 km less than that.

99.9997% accurate. :victory:
Dr Radhakrishnan told after the mission , another flight of GSLV with Indian cryogenic engine with in one year. He said ISRO is determined to make it success. :cheers:

Indian Vikram processor based mission computer and rocket motors were so precise that they wanted to achieve 21000 km apogee and achieved 8 km less than that.

99.9997% accurate. :victory:
Go isro ,make it 100% accuracy . more accuracy needed so that we can land on moon .
This is the time where gsat was launched by modified PSLV .
India's another giant leap in the field of aerospace..

Congratulation to All Indian Bothers

Go isro ,make it 100% accuracy . more accuracy needed so that we can land on moon .
This is the time where gsat was launched by modified PSLV .

It is very high accuracy , more than that is not needed. This is enough to launch and land on Moon, remember MIP. MIP precisely landed on the Moon.
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