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Proud Baluchis Destroy Indian Tomatoes

Although, I like the spirit but it's such a waste of food. iss saray khel me tamataroon ka kiya kasoor, yehi kisi gareeb k buchay ko khanay ko mill jatay, would have been much better.
aaj zaya hovay hain agay say nahi aingay.. indian products are cheap quality.. Pakistan sudnt get it from india when we have other ways to get.
Well done Pakistan - India tomatoes are being crushed well!

Great work from our Baloch and Pukhtoon brothers. Dump out all Indian produce and Indian products, we want nothing to do with this rotten nation.
The title says Indian tomatoes. Mine are Pakistani they are well in demand.

Indian tomatoes are tasteless and bad quality.
HOW YOU differentiate between Indian and Pakistani without tasting?
Oh my bhi kahu kal shops py tamatar kyun nhi mil rhy thy ..
Ajiib jahil log jaon mujhy dete chaat to ban jata mera
Stupidity. You've already paid for them, the tomatoes don't sing Gay Hind at you....lol

It is a sin to waste food - in a country where so many go to sleep hungry, we don't need such stupid acts of patriotism. The act of patriotism we do need is for every Pakistani to do their best to earn a halal income to support themselves, pay taxes and offer sadaqah to the needy.
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