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Protest in Beijing over worker's death


Jun 3, 2011
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Viet Nam
Viet Nam
Busloads of police were brought in to a Beijing suburb a day after a protest over the death of a migrant worker.

Yuan Liya, a 22-year-old from Anhui, fell to her death on 3 May from a mall in Fengtai district in Beijing.

At least 100 people took part in a rare protest on Wednesday demanding her death be fully investigated. Many said her death was suspicious.

On Thursday, Beijing police issued a statement saying that Yuan Liya had committed suicide.

More than 10 buses and vans carrying police officers were in Fengtai district on Thursday, with AFP news agency reporting that hundreds of police were lining the streets near the mall where Yuan Liya had died.

Yuan Liya was a worker at the clothing retail centre, and was last seen entering the building on 2 May. She was found dead on the morning of 3 May.

A statement posted on the Beijing police's page on weibo, China's version of Twitter, said her death had been ruled a suicide.

Following investigation, "poisoning, sexual assault and homicide had been ruled out as causes of death", the statement said, describing her death as an "autonomous fall from a height".

Family members did not object to the cause of death, the statement added.

However, the cause of death has been questioned by friends and fellow migrant workers, who do not believe she would have jumped.

'Anti-riot vans'

On Wednesday, crowds protested outside the building where she was found. Police said nearly 100 people took part in the protest, although activists said the number was closer to a 1,000.

Police maintained a heavy presence in the district on Thursday, with reports of anti-riot vans deployed in the area.

"Today the security is so tight, I don't think anyone else will come and protest," Zou, a migrant worker from Anhui who had taken part in Wednesday's protest, told AP news agency. He would not give his first name.

Bloggers and activists said close to 1,000 people took part in Wednesday's protest
Coverage of the incident was limited in Chinese media, and several search terms related to the case were blocked on weibo.

The search terms "Yuan Liya", and "Jingwen", the name of the mall where she died, were blocked from weibo searches. As a result, the terms "falling off" and "Yuan X" were being used in searches instead.

Many weibo users were sceptical about the Beijing police's statement, and expressed incredulity that other causes of death had been ruled out so quickly.

"This was concluded really quickly, despite it being a case where someone has died. Probably, someone set the tone [behind the scenes]," one wrote.

User FORRESTRU 7pe wrote: "Indeed, she died by falling off herself! The question is why would a normal girl jump from a height. Rather, who made her die. Who did it?"

The scepticism reflects a common mistrust of the authorities, including from migrant workers, many of whom feel discriminated against.

There are millions of migrant workers within China, with many moving from poorer rural areas to the cities for work.
BBC News - Security tight in Beijing suburb after protest over worker's death

Police helicopters hover over protesters in Beijing


Seem.like China is very unstable now,people cant stand corruption and unfair judgement any more,just likeThe Tiananmen Square protests of 1989:pop:
Yes, it's time for revolution to kick out communism and all the foreign trash...!!!
Yes, it's time for revolution to kick out communism and all the foreign trash...!!!

Unfair comment. You had anti nuclear protests now should capitalist trash be kicked out in your country?

China needs to care for its people more just like you and others should also care for their respective people.
we have knew the news, the government should investigate the case...

But vietcong post these, which is very interesting, and say it lik Tiananmen Square protests, hehe, how ignorant it is, such sucking trick, could be more creative?!!

vietcong too suck, want to emulate western instigate chinese, hehe, they don't mirror to know what are them, we even now belive western human, how can we believe a SE *****y? back to eat your banana!!

Yes, it's time for revolution to kick out communism and all the foreign trash...!!!
You follow vietcong? you are trash now, you also should be kicked out from taiwan, don't enter into mainland, will pollute it, although it has been, I don't want it become worse.
You follow vietcong? you are trash now, you also should be kicked out from taiwan, don't enter into mainland, will pollute it, although it has been, I don't want it become worse.


Ok I prove your message, will you join the revolution?

Just give the signal, most people in Taiwan will join. :cheers:

Unfair comment. You had anti nuclear protests now should capitalist trash be kicked out in your country?

China needs to care for its people more just like you and others should also care for their respective people.

Caring it's people???

Instead they burn down the whole civilization down.

Those people would blame every death in hospital on doctors. Doctors are human too and they do make mistakes, but plus, Chinese doctors have huge huge workload compared to others in U.S. In U.S. I have to make appointment for everything, but in China, you can just walk in and demand service.

I have more sympathy with doctors then with patients in China. Those people just want to make lots of noises and grab attention.

In general, protests are good and harmless ways for the government to let people vent their frustration over various issues so the people don't take drastic actions such as mass murder etc.
I am not trolling here mate, The anger in the citizens is evident from the past couple of years. People are protesting more these days and there is a chance that it may be turned into revolution.
I am surprised the "revolution" didn't happen in Shining India.
I am not trolling here mate, The anger in the citizens is evident from the past couple of years. People are protesting more these days and there is a chance that it may be turned into revolution.

That's just wishful thinking on your part. Problems with migrant workers is being effectively addressed by the Chinese government.
The anger that you wish to see has abated from what it was 10 years ago.
I am surprised the "revolution" didn't happen in Shining India.
Every one will help India to put it down if it happen in India....but no one will help big bad bully China, what sow shall reap,dude:pop:

That's just wishful thinking on your part. Problems with migrant workers is being effectively addressed by the Chinese government.
The anger that you wish to see has abated from what it was 10 years ago.
If China wage war against VN-Phil now, you will get Tienanment incident again after wasting people's money in fighting us.
That's just wishful thinking on your part. Problems with migrant workers is being effectively addressed by the Chinese government.
The anger that you wish to see has abated from what it was 10 years ago.

There are similar kind of problems since beginning but these days you will see more assertive crowd who are will to punish even CCP higher level officials.

I am surprised the "revolution" didn't happen in Shining India.

We have revolutions and changes happening every time, we are a democracy. :)
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