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Propagandists and shills on the forum.

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Feb 13, 2014
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After a few conversations and discussions with the forum's Chinese and Russian members, I've gotten this feeling that the PDF is housing members of an internet propagandists. They completely ignore logic and simply continue spewing anti-US and anti-Western garbage wherever they're main points of interest seem to coincide with a certain internet army which is used to combat any negative view of their country and ideology on the internet.

(1) To the extent possible make America the target of criticism. Play down the existence of Taiwan.
(2) Do not directly confront [the idea of] democracy; rather, frame the argument in terms of “what kind of system can truly implement democracy.”
(3) To the extent possible, choose various examples in Western countries of violence and unreasonable circumstances to explain how democracy is not well-suited to capitalism.
(4) Use America’s and other countries’ interference in international affairs to explain how Western democracy is actually an invasion of other countries and [how the West] is forcibly pushing [on other countries] Western values.
(5) Use the bloody and tear-stained history of a [once] weak people [i.e., China] to stir up pro-Party and patriotic emotions.
(6) Increase the exposure that positive developments inside China receive; further accommodate the work of maintaining [social] stability.
If that is true then they have learnt it from the West. There are now said to be paid posters who are placed in various forums/social networks by intelligence agencies/MNCs. Just like they have been using moles in the media.
There are reasonable and annoying members on all sides. There is reasonable and unreasonable criticism of all sides.

Opening self-indulgent rant threads rarely serve any useful purpose.

Annoying and un-reasonable criticism should not be tolerated. It's a stain upon this forum.
And this isn't criticism. It's mindless and irrational hate.
Why blaming Chinese and Russians members only???

Some Pakistani members also spew garbage about America.

Some middle easternerrs they see the fault of Saudi Arabia and Jew NATO USA

99.99% Bangladeshi members find the fault of India,RAW and AL in everything.

Turkish posters are the most sensible posters here.

I am an Indian so i cant see my own fault,members of other nationalities can shed light on tendency of posting of Indian posters.
@Aeronaut, could you check the OP's flags please.

He seems to be either an American or an Indian, but using Pakistani flags.

As for the topic, the so called "50 cent party" is about influencing domestic opinions in favor of domestic policies. I.e. On the Chinese-language internet.

Why would they care about an international English-language forum like this, where there are very few Chinese members, most of whom live overseas?

It makes no logical sense. Which would be obvious to anyone who was capable of basic rational thought.

P.S. And what exactly is wrong with opposing American global hegemony? If anything, it is a very positive and praiseworthy thing to do.
@Hiptullha ... You have joined since what ??? 2 weeks., 3 weeks???

Its too early for you to be in the suggestions corner.

We all hope the forum regains its glory days without propaganda's and hidden agendas.

God save pdf.
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As for the topic, the so called "50 cent party" is about influencing domestic opinions in favor of domestic policies. I.e. On the Chinese-language internet.

Must have been a mistake. What's this Internet Water Army about?

Why would they care about an international English-language forum like this, where there are very few Chinese members, most of whom live overseas?

Influencing global perception?

P.S. And what exactly is wrong with opposing American global hegemony? If anything, it is a very positive thing to do.

Nothing wrong with it.
But when it becomes "JEWS NATO US SEALS IRAQ AFGHANISTAN MOSSAD DIE DIE DIE", there is a problem.

Its too early for you to be in the suggestions corner.

Why? I can make my suggestions too. I've been lurking for a long time.

Why blaming Chinese and Russians members only???

Because most of the other nationalities, although have rather bizarre views, can change in their rhetoric.
Because most of the other nationalities, although have rather bizarre views, can change in their rhetoric.
have you ever been to Middle east and BD defence section??
RAW pays me 50 Paisa per post .

Now seriously internet tends to harvest the loony types more than normal one . Here people who don't have real life or something of significance under their name can act all larger than life and dandy . So this is the reason . Not to mention far right nationalist from every country . So its aight its internet .

have you ever been to Middle east and BD defence section??

There are many many nasty arsed Indian members as well .
@Developereo is the OP a Pakistani?

I haven't followed his posts, so I can't say anything.
Admins can check the IP address, but it can be faked anyway.

I tend to ignore these self-indulgent rant threads anyway -- especially when they are inherently self-contradictory: someone claiming to champion Western liberalism is advocating censorship on posts/people he personally finds unpalatable.

P.S. The "50-cent chibot" comment is an admission by a poster that they have lost the argument and can only resort to personal attacks. "but but but, you're just a 50-cent chibot..."
Anyone who comes to a forum called "Pakistan Defense Forum" and is surprised to hear anti-American statements from Chinese and Russian members, lacks even an average level of logical thinking ability.

And asking for it to stop is even more retarded.
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