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Proofs given by Lawyers and Muktijoddhas against the injustice on Sayedee


Oct 14, 2012
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So i came across this video in Basherkella. This is mainly for the retarded youths and Indians who shout ignorantly like parrots without any proper knowledge.

Now the Chapati league and Shahbagis will declare them as Rejakars, just like kader siddique :lol:
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The verdict on maulana saydee is a farce of astronomical proportions. Fake name, witness abduction, farce charges and all sorts of open sham only imaginable by awami fagots. A regime that can afford to persecute a person based on such sham can do anything including massacring 150+ civilians. Such a disgrace to our justice system. Such parasites these awami fagots are. Inshallah these mirzafars won't get away with these open atrocities. No facist regime ever did.
AL is taking the country again to one party BAKSAL politics. People must protect the country from its poisonous claw. It is not only SHW, but almost all the AL leaders are mindless criminals who would do anything to gain a political mileage. Indians and our local Hindus are misled by the name of ******** trial. But, AL is doing only what is needed to get rid of anti-Awami Leaguers.

AL has introduced secularism only to mislead our Hindus, Indians and the western world. By introducing this word, AL has brought the wrath of the religious Muslims that made it easy for the AL to denounce the street protesters as Islamic fanatics. This tagging has implanted fears in the minds of westerners, and a belief in them that AL is indeed fighting against the extremists.

AL has been able to move world opinion in its favor with deceitful actions. I believe, the farce behind the judgement of the International War Crime Tribunal should be propagated throughout the world to unmask the real face of AL.
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