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proof of NATO, s AID to PTI kpk govt!


Jan 28, 2008
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United States
PTI does not want war with Nato, US: Imran Khan

Meanwhile, the US embassy refuted reports Khan had turned down a meeting request from US ambassador Richard Olson.—File Photo
Published 2013-12-06 20:27:35
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan met with Nato envoys on Friday to clarify his party’s position on drones and the blockade of supplies through Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Accompanied by Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Shireen Mazari and Naeemul Haq, the PTI chairman met the envoys during a dinner meeting at the residence of the Greek ambassador.

“PTI does not want war with the US or NATO, but we need to send a clear message to the US that drones are destroying the very fabric of FATA and Khyber Pukhtunkhwa,” he said.

According to a press release, Khan made it clear that it was in keeping with the electoral commitments made by the party on drones and the resolution passed by an all-parties conference, that the PTI had finally taken the action of stopping Nato supplies through KP.

Had the government moved on furthering the APC mandate and made it clear to the US that drones were not acceptable, the PTI may not have been compelled to take the step of halting Nato supplies through KP, the release quote Khan as saying.

While appreciating the assistance provided by many of the Nato member countries to Khyber Pukhtunkhwa's social sector, Khan stressed that all this assistance would be nullified if there were no peace and security in that province.

Peace in KP cannot come without a total halt in drone attacks and commencement of dialogue, he said. “It is only by ending the militants’ narrative of jihad that the state can isolate the hardliners from those prepared for dialogue,” Khan said. The party chairman expressed the hope that the Nato envoys would convey the PTI’s position to the US, which is also an integral member of Nato. Khan reminded them that there was a national consensus against drones and that it was counter-productive for US interests as well to continue with such policies.

US refutes reports of meeting request with Khan

Meanwhile, the US embassy in Islamabad rejected local media reports stating that US Ambassador to Islamabad Richard G. Olson had requested a meeting with Imran Khan to discuss the protests, but that Khan had refused the request.

No such meeting request was made, said a statement from the US embassy.

“Embassy officials do meet regularly with people from different segments of society including opposition politicians as a part of their normal diplomatic responsibilities. The Ambassador has met with PTI’s leadership on various occasions, however no such meeting was requested recently,” clarified the statement.
The NATO supply blockage was merely a pressure tactic by NATO on Hamid Karzai. NATO wants Karzai to sign the document which would allow NATO to stay in afghanistan for many years to come. But Karzai has a different game plan with Pakistan, China and Russia. This is the reason why Nawaz sharif was in afghanistan a week ago. NATO is simply using Imran khan for their own agenda.
" NATO truck drivers plan to block IK's next visit to UK and/or US. Ask him to exhibit honour by not traveling to murderous countries."
proof of NATO, s AID to PTI kpk govt!...

NATO countries started sending so-called support for Soba Sarhad & Tribal areas when that traitor was in power whose picture you have in ur avatar. Mushy-The-Traitor.

It's not that they just started that so-called support after seeing PTI in power.

tell the dam govt, to stop it now,
Keep ur ears open. IK has said many times already we don't need so-called support from Dajjal : the zionist-USA-&-Co.

isnt that means they also are part of traitory?
No it's NOT being part of "traitory". Ghaddari was mushy letting CIA freely inside Pak without check which resulted in never ending stream of terrorism inside Pak... And traitory was removing cases against BIG criminals in form of NRO allowing for the most corrupt pseudo-democratic government ever. etc etc etc.

Mushy-the-traitor is responsible for all innocent who died as a result of drones. Bcoz that ba$tard was the one who gave air bases to Dajjal... And he is responsible for ALL innocent who died in terrorist attacks mediated by CIA & it's b!tch R&AW.

still cant find a single crouption case against him?
This is all a set up, even children know that. Grow up. Mushy-the-traitor is being intentionally freed of all cases & they are making it look legit.
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NATO countries started sending so-called support for Soba Sarhad & Tribal areas when that traitor was in power whose picture you have in ur avatar. Mushy-The-Traitor.

It's not that they just started that so-called support after seeing PTI in power.
tell the dam govt, to stop it now, isnt that means they also are part of traitory?
musharaf built, more roads, more power supplies, more infrastructure then whole of this damocrazy, rule ?
still cant find a single crouption case against him?
you know , whole of dam prapoganda agianst musharaf, is going down just because then they were not lied, looted, & killed bh terrorists & politicians like imran?
stop this , aid ? for hells sake?
you double face coward IMRAN?

I would say " Refuse it , now " , its not late . Stop taking those funds which Musharraf started taking for your province . Who's stopping you now ?

eep ur ears open. IK has said many times already we don't need so-called support from Dajjal : the zionist-USA-&-Co.

This isn't unusual . Well , politicians say a lot of things but when they come into power , they suddenly realize the ground reality . Lets see how long he can continue this immature politics on the street without choosing to sign the " executive order " which can halt all NATO transit across the border legally and constitutionally and letting people take the law and order in their hands and stop shipments , without seeing the bigger picture of threat of sanctions and the ever declining economy and the harm it can cause Pakistan . The U.S. is already negotiating with Tehran if some non credible reports and rumors are to be believed , the Islamabad will lose its last leverage even . I can assure you , if Imran Khan had been in the place of Musharraf after the attack on twin towers or anyone else has been , he would still have made the same choice , it looks rosy from here talking irrationally and emotionally , changes when you take the driving seat .
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The NATO supply blockage was merely a pressure tactic by NATO on Hamid Karzai. NATO wants Karzai to sign the document which would allow NATO to stay in afghanistan for many years to come. But Karzai has a different game plan with Pakistan, China and Russia. This is the reason why Nawaz sharif was in afghanistan a week ago. NATO is simply using Imran khan for their own agenda.


Another noora idiot. Tm logon ka 'iq' btata hai k why you supported pml-n

So the great "Hamid Karzai" has such influence over affairs that United States, along with her Western allies, needs to find "pressure tactics" on Karzai so that he doesn't screw them? :lol:

And for that, NATO/U.S "planned" to use Imran Khan for their own purpose...


Another noora idiot. Tm logon ka 'iq' btata hai k why you supported pml-n

So the great "Hamid Karzai" has such influence over affairs that United States, along with her Western allies, needs to find "pressure tactics" on Karzai so that he doesn't screw them? :lol:

And for that, NATO/U.S "planned" to use Imran Khan for their own purpose...

Well you belong to PTI, go cry on the street.

Another noora idiot. Tm logon ka 'iq' btata hai k why you supported pml-n

So the great "Hamid Karzai" has such influence over affairs that United States, along with her Western allies, needs to find "pressure tactics" on Karzai so that he doesn't screw them? :lol:

And for that, NATO/U.S "planned" to use Imran Khan for their own purpose...

TTp supporter at his worst? lollllllzzzz

lol was that proof hahaha. keep up digg more
doesnt matters, plz keep sleeping with, his image in your takyiyaaa?
cause it wont, going away, even if tge god comes & told you?lolzzzz
becharey TTp supporters?lolzzzz
PTI in KPK has not taken any loans and grants from foreign organizations, governments and donors

Riaz Khan Daudzai Monday, December 02, 2013
From Print Edition

PESHAWAR: Though the coalition government led by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is being criticised by its political opponents for accepting foreign assistance and loans amounting to Rs35 billion for the province while staging protests against US drone strikes and blocking Nato supply lines, but the fact remains that it hasn’t received any new grant or loan during its six-month rule.

According to the budget documents, all these loans and grants were committed during the previous coalition government led by the Awami National Party (ANP) to implement its ambitious agenda laid down in the Comprehensive Development Strategy and Post-Conflict Need Assessment (PCNA).

A recent meeting of the provincial cabinet held in Peshawar was informed by the relevant officials from the finance department that the PTI-headed government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has not contracted any new loans and grants from foreign organizations, governments and donors and has no plan to accept grants with political conditions.

A high-ranking government official privy to the last meeting of the cabinet said the criticism against the PTI-led coalition government for the loans and grants taken by the province is political rather than logical.

Talking to this scribe, he said the Finance Department officials had informed the cabinet that foreign assistance to the province was provided by the federal government through Economic Affairs Division (EAD), Islamabad.

According to the official, who wished anonymity, it includes both loans and grants. Loans are provided by the World Bank and Asian Development Bank on lower mark-up and standard terms and conditions. The grants-in-aid are provided by a host of aid agencies,” he said.

“All foreign loans are handled by the federal government. These loans are used for the financing of specified developmental projects under an agreement between the respective governments. The relending terms and conditions of the loans to the provincial government are the same as agreed by the federal government with the loan-giving agencies,” the official added.

He said a number of foreign loans are under verification between provincial and federal governments and the disbursement could still be stopped by the federal government to the project executing agencies. “Grants are provided for poverty reduction and meeting Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Education, health, justice, local government system development, energy and power and environment are among the focus sectors of MDGs’ initiatives,” he said.

The official said the budget for the financial year 2013-14, which was mainly worked out by the caretakers in the province, has a total size of Rs344 billion with Annual Development Programme (ADP) of Rs118 billion, including the foreign assistance component of Rs35 billion.

“The foreign assistance portfolio in the ADP is 30 percent in which the share of grants is 88 percent while ratio of loans is 12 percent. The total size of foreign loans in the provincial budget is Rs4.30 billion while the grants are estimated at Rs30.69 billion,” he said.

He said the major chunk of these loans is being provided by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Asian Development Bank (ADB). The JICA is providing Rs3 billion in loan and it has also committed a grant of Rs514.195 million, while the ADB is providing Rs1.30 billion loan to the provincial government during the current fiscal.

The official said the rest of the Rs30 billion grants are provided by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Department for International Development (DFID) of UK, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ-German Society for International Cooperation), JICA, Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW), UNDP, Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), World Bank, Italian Department-Swap, CVF Japan, NICEF, INL and European Union (EU) in accordance with international agreements and commitments which are obligatory as the developed countries and institutions need to spend at least one percent of their GDP in social development projects in the developing states.

The official said the release of the foreign assistance is subject to completion of certain formalities and utilisation generally remained 20-30 percent of the committed amount. “The provincial government is also making repayment of old foreign loans along with mark-up as per the agreed schedule and only in the current financial year it is going to repay the foreign loans of Rs4.38 billion,” he concluded.


The News International(Jang/Geo)

PTI-led coalition in KP has taken no fresh foreign loans, grants - thenews.com.pk
Is PTI at war with NATO and US?

This argument of aid against standing against drones is a cruel joke. We had been taking aid since 47 but does that mean that any American or gora can come and kill our people?

Why is it so difficult to understand? Drones not only kill civilians, they also bring a sentiment to avenge. This is having devastating effects on our country. These drones must be stopped!

These western countries give biggest aid to Israel. Please tell me does Israel allow espionage networks, foreign forces or drones in its borders?

This only illustrates how mentally we are slaves. We are trying to prove very narrow political interests or we have not matured as a nation to unite for national causes.

Just because some members here are viscerally anti PTI, does it mean you have to bring idiotic arguments to prove your point?

Those who suffer in FATA and KPK are our fellow countrymen. They suffer , we suffer. Does it matter which govt or which party rules that province?
Just saking stop unnecessary stuff stay outside of Pakistan Borders seems like a legit ask
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