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Privatisation or the sale of the century?

The problem with government run enterprises is that usually they are a monopoly of that sector (they strongly dissuade others from going into that sector)

Because there is no competition they have no incentive or pressure to improve what they are doing (the government isn't going to jump when people complain). The company goes on autopilot. What's worse is it becomes a comfy cushy place to work and the headcount goes up and up as more people try and hop in. Now it ends up sucking funds that could be better used elsewhere.

While capitalism isn't the greatest solution it has its pros. Products get better and better and hopefully less pricey as the moment you try and gouge people a competitor sees an opening and a market segment that could be taken advantage of simply with lower prices.

When cell phone prices get high a competitor swoops in with lower priced models. Airline tickets become super expensive...a budget airline appears.
privatization will cut of the hands of political and other mafia that was sucking us dry and now is out in full force crying.

Privatization, under the hands of Nawaz League, will, in fact, empower the hands of politicians and corporate mafia which rule the country, because, they will also be the secret bidders and if we remember from past, Nawaz Sharif has privatized Billion Rupee properties with a symbolic sum of One Rupee. Now he is only emboldened and more experienced to screw public property.

What's your problem with capitalists? This is the age of Capital and of capitalists. Socialism and communism are dead. Market is supreme. Government has no business to do business. It's there to govern and business must be done by businessmen.

Uncontrolled Capitalism has miserably failed in the 2008 crisis and after that all the Western governments had to come to the rescue of the financial institutions with public money; i.e. Govts. came to rescue the businesses. Same goes for a lot of mortgages in the West. In addition, governments injected liquidity in the circulation and increased the social safety nets. It may be called capitalism but it is a very controlled kind with sufficient garnishing of socialist principles. Governments in West, in fact, take away money from the pay of highly paid and distribute it to low paid people. It is, to my limited understanding, very much like John Maynard Keynes' 'Big Government'.
Why does nobody talk about selling the corporations to employees? An employee owned corporation always has a big chance of turning itself in to profit. I think, it's the best route. But the problem is that the buyer are only the entrenched Power Elite who will never allow middle class to come to their levels.
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