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Private US firms oppose ISRO launching US satellites

New Recruit

Feb 20, 2013
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Amid the US’ push to expand cooperation with India in the space sector, the country’s nascent private space industry has expressed its opposition to the large scale use of low cost ISRO launch vehicles for putting American satellites into orbits.

Such a move, corporate leaders and officials of the fast- emerging American private space industry told lawmakers this week, would be detrimental to the future health of the private sector US space companies. They feel it would be tough for them to compete against low-cost Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launch vehicles, which they alleged are subsidised by the Indian government.

“I think the concern about using Indian boosters is not so much the transfer of sensitive technology to a nation that is a fellow democracy, but rather whether the Indian launches are subsidised by the government to a degree that other market actors would be priced out of the market,” Elliot Holokauahi Pulham, CEO of Space Foundation, said.

Testifying before a Congressional committee, Pulham said there has been some discussion about allowing US built satellites to fly on boosters such as the Indian PSLV. Eric Stallmer, president Commercial Spaceflight Federation, opposed efforts to facilitate a government-subsidised foreign launch company.

“In this case, India, to compete with US companies. Such policy runs counter to many national priorities and undermines the work and investment that has been made by the government and industry to ensure the health of the US commercial space launch industrial base,” Stallmer said.

He said the challenge right now is that the satellite manufacturers are making satellites at a quicker rate right now than the US has the launch capability.

So a satellite is not making money while it’s sitting on the ground, he said. “Currently, the Indian launch vehicle PSLV has a sweet spot and
READ MORE ABOUT IT AT :> http://www.indiandaily.in/private-us-firms-oppose-isro-launching-us-satellites/
We block US access to our solar market. Their SUN Edison went bankrupt today. More will go bankrupt too. And we put anti dumping duties on their solar cells. Force them to open a manufacturing business here.
Did you care to read the article before jumping directly to post.

NASA is the head authority the greatest symbol of science in USA , so it is a bench mark.

Private entities are branch / extension of that framework so one can expect same level of technical knowledge. Contracts that are perhaps are less priority go to private sector

If you have such assets in your own nation why would you outsource stuff from outside if it puts people out of work locally
NASA is the head authority the greatest symbol of science in USA , so it is a bench mark.

Private entities are branch / extension of that framework so one can expect same level of technical knowledge

If you such assets in your own nation why would you outsource stuff from outside if it puts people out of work

Do you like spoon feeding bhai.

The article clearly didn't mentioned NASA, but the private companies are opposing Indian ISRO, and those pvt companies are not the end customer, but various aeronautic companies. In USA there are various pvt companies that launches space mission. E.g Cargo launch for the Space Station by the US pvt. company, which uses the Russian Rocket purchased by them. There are many which are planning for the Space tourism.
NASA is the head authority the greatest symbol of science in USA , so it is a bench mark.

Private entities are branch / extension of that framework so one can expect same level of technical knowledge. Contracts that are perhaps are less priority go to private sector

If you have such assets in your own nation why would you outsource stuff from outside if it puts people out of work locally
Two words......Its Economical and Effective.
I put story in FULL context

NASA gets big pie , private firms in USA get little crumbs

Obviously they local firms will cry foul if any source of income is being threatened from outside
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