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Previous govt’s economic policies to continue: Dar

AgNoStiC MuSliM

Jul 11, 2007
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United States
Previous govt’s economic policies to continue: Dar

WASHINGTON: Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has said the incumbent government would continue the economic policies of the previous government and would issue bonds amounting to US $1 billion to reduce the trade deficit.

Addressing the Pakistani community and talking to the media here on Sunday, he said the government would overcome the economic and trade challenges soon, while complete protection would be provided to investors in Pakistan.

No change would be made in the economic policies of the previous government, the minister said. He added that the government would maintain the confidence of the investors. Inviting the investors for investment in Pakistan, Ishaq said the current environment in the country was conducive for investment.

The trade deficit could touch the level of 9.5 per cent if immediate steps were not taken and it would be destructive, he said. We will try our level best to reduce the trade deficit up to 7 per cent, he added. Bonds worth US $1 billion would be issued to reduce the trade deficit, Ishaq maintained.

Pakistan faced the loss of Rs482 billion due to not increasing the petroleum prices by the previous government at the stipulated time, he pointed out. Ishaq claimed that the coalition government was very strong and would overcome the crisis being faced by the nation.

There is a dire need of legal and political reforms in the country because there are no strong parliamentary and presidency system due to the amendments made in the Constitution by the previous government, he concluded.
Previous govt’s economic policies to continue: Dar

Continuity in policies is always a good sign.

Should go some way in calming investors, though its still early days, and other challenges remain.
I am starting to like this guy, seems to have a head on his shoulders.
I am starting to like this guy, seems to have a head on his shoulders.

This is the same guy who left the country nothing in 1999, at least Shakut Aziz left him something. I just hope he doesn't repeat the same mistakes again, well their not mistakes if he did them on purpose.
I am starting to like this guy, seems to have a head on his shoulders.

He served in the Nawaz government. I remeber him being younger, jet black hair...........Amzing what time does to a person. I loved him and Sartaj Aziz. I want the political crisis resolved and then this nation making progress economically by aiding the middle and lower class that has suffered so much over the past few years. Share the wealth generated and the gains made....No alienate the public.
He served in the Nawaz government. I remeber him being younger, jet black hair...........Amzing what time does to a person. I loved him and Sartaj Aziz. I want the political crisis resolved and then this nation making progress economically by aiding the middle and lower class that has suffered so much over the past few years. Share the wealth generated and the gains made....No alienate the public.

Exactly, the middle and lower class should be our main focus. We should not and can not follow indians example. Their rich get richer and the poor get worse. We need to distribute our wealth equally, or at least try to air the poor more then the rich. :pakistan:
Exactly, the middle and lower class should be our main focus. We should not and can not follow indians example. Their rich get richer and the poor get worse. We need to distribute our wealth equally, or at least try to air the poor more then the rich. :pakistan:

A strong free market system that encourages entrepreneurship and does provide incentives for businesses to keep growing, along with strong social sector spending - education, health care, sanitation etc. is what is needed.

A strong private sector is essential for any country's economic growth, and you cannot do that if you do not allow for "the rich to get richer". However, the government needs to ensure that the poor have the opportunities and facilities to succeed.
I am starting to like this guy, seems to have a head on his shoulders.

May be he got benefitted by technology and get a wisdom chip by brain surgey like his Master who got new hairs on his skinhead. :smokin:

Principly, I agreed with you Plasma, as " Wisdon needed to copy" (Naqal key liyan bhi aqal ki zaroorat hey), he said "he will continue the policies of previous govt"
Statment shows, Honorable Finance minister found previous policies are good enough.
Its really confusing.:undecided:........as if that policies are good then:
  1. Why there is No electricity?
  2. Where are the foriegn reserves?
  3. Why Industries are going to close day by day and industrials are uncertain?
  4. Why our exports are going down particularly in textile sector which is our speciality?( While we are one of the lowest labor rated country, abundon of natural resources, skilled and unskilled low cost labour).
  5. Why unemployments ratio is so high upto the danger level and which is causing several other social problems?
  6. Does Finanace Ministry Understand the importance of VET (Vocational Education & Training)and SMEs(Small & Medium Enterprises)and the difference in between these two, which play vital role not only for country's economy but most important to generate the mass employement opportunity in Urban & Rural areas of the country, Is there any particular and practical policy for the promotion and implementations of VET & SMEs ??? I confirm not yet practically:hitwall:

If this previous policies are good and will be continue according to Honorbale Finance minister as "GOOD POLICIES"! then Almighty Allah bless us at all!

According to FM's statement here are more other serious points are being raised:

  1. If policies are good enough then why he was continously crying alongwith his master and opposing the same policies to mislead the nation?
  2. Do they just have misguiding propeganda, Like "andey ka funda"???
  3. If so ......... this cud be a serious criminal punishable effense specially when this happened by the peoples claimed them selves loyal leaders.
  4. If he and his master did it by mistake he must realize it........ but even that, this cud be a big blunt with nation.......... as Finance minster and his master Nawaz are here again just for mistakes which ultimatly faced by Loving Pakistani nation (while they already have recognised their mistakes during thier previous tenur till 1999, and asked appology during interviews in front of Dr. Shahid Massod, Kamran Khan and other, i still have recordings of those programs.
In general "Mistake can be happened by anyone but unitentionally, continue mistakes shows the selfish linient behavior"

The Repetitions of mistakes define that, the persons are not capable for their assignment speacially to lead the peoples. Specially the mistakes of the peples who claimed themsales Leader, can push the nation (we already at the verge of several known and unknown challenges), to the dept of darkest caves.

Word became a global village and we should all make our every efforts to be updated, alert and continue sincere hardworking to not only just to face the challenges of "War On Terrorism" and economy Globalization, but need ot be recognised as a dignified successful nation of the world. Wud you plz think the continue mistake can lead us towards successes or...............?

NOTE: If FM dont have capabilities or time to review the policies and amend them to achieve great ecomoic returns, then i may give them time to make policies, and assure its implementations to get good results for the sake of our loving country with out any charges /Salary, on emrgancy basis by continue working with out day /night difference to get economical results at ealriest with in short time by confronting the problems faces by our nation.

Dear Freind Hope you would not mind, as you may observe yourselves that, above view not as Bias, but I have made comments and advises what ever best of my view for the sake of our loving Country :pakistan:Pakistan.:pakistan:
I am starting to like this guy, seems to have a head on his shoulders.

Too soon to tell, the guy made a mess in 1999. Give him 90 days to curb inflation and come up with new reforms.

I certainlly hope he doesnt cut in development funds as suggested earlier.
Dar promises hard work to address grim economic situation

NEW YORK (April 15 2008): Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has said that after having released a balance sheet of the grim economic situation left behind by the previous government he will now get on with "fire fighting and damage control" to try and turn it around.

"It is an uphill task, and we have to take on the situation on an emergency basis," he told members of Pakistani community at a restaurant in Brooklyn, a borough of New York City, on Sunday night. "We have to recover what we have lost," he said while lambasting the previous government for mismanaging the economy, and expressing fears that the country may miss most of its economic targets for fiscal year, up to June 30.

After concluding his heavy engagements in Washington, where he led Pakistan's delegation to the World Bank-International Monetary Fund (IMF) spring meetings, the finance minister drove straight to Brooklyn where PML-N had arranged the meeting.

Besides PML-N US-based members, the meeting was attended by representatives of PPP and ANP. The minister spoke for more than 1-1/2 hours on the state of Pakistan's economy, laying all the facts on the table, and then answered questions, some of which were political in nature.

He told a questioner that the superior judiciary would be restored under the terms of the Murree Accord, signed by the leaders of PPP and PML-N. He said he did not have the slightest doubt that the time-bound pact would be honoured. "Restoration of pre-emergency judiciary and its independence is a priority of the coalition government." He declined to comment on MQM's move to part ways with PPP and sit in the opposition, but said that the alliance between PPP and PML-N was strong and in the best interests of the country.

Dealing with the economy, the finance minister said that the budget deficit had overshot the target of 4.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) for the financial year while inflation was running at 9.5 percent. The former government had also not raised oil prices in line with international trends in order to gain popularity in an election year.

"This is the legacy which the previous government has left us. There is evidence of understatement and fudging in economic projects by the previous government. We have to revise all our economic targets," the minister said.

Dar ruled out returning to another International Monetary Fund programme, to stabilise the economy. "Our experience in the 1990s [with the IMF] was not that encouraging, and we feel we can tackle this situation on our own."

He said that the previous government's claim that it had broadened the tax base proved of no consequence because it wasted huge amounts on luxury items. "Basically, the last government pursued a 'tax-and-spend' policy."

He said it was not his intention to play the blame game but the basic facts as he had found them had to be placed on record so as to enable the people to judge the performance of the present government in a year's time. He said the previous government had not been forthcoming on crucial economic information.

There just had not been enough transparency; something he promised the new government was committing itself to. He said there was need for Pakistan to go into more sustainable areas of growth, because the growth path chosen in the past was not sustainable.

"We have to go back to agriculture," he added. Dar said that strong safety nets for the poor would be built, in contrast with what the earlier government had done by providing such safety nets not for those most in need but for the rich. He promised progressive taxation with those with higher earnings paying more than those lower down the income scale. He said the country needs vigorous financial discipline.

Reform was needed and one reform was going to be the conversion of the Federal Bureau of Statistics into an autonomous agency so that its figures could be considered credible, he said. He said there were serious energy shortages today.

The Finance Minister said, "We are working to reduce fiscal deficit, reduce government borrowing from the central bank and correct other macro economic indicators. We have already started damage controlling the situation, including curbing the inflation and want to achieve maximum targets before the closing of this financial year. We are hopeful that we will reverse the negative trend and have a year of consolidation next year."

He said he was he was grateful to the coalition partners for having placed their confidence in him, and said: "All I promise is that I will put in hard effort to accomplish the task assigned to me."

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Too soon to tell, the guy made a mess in 1999. Give him 90 days to curb inflation and come up with new reforms.

No, its ten days less then what he asked for. He asked for 100 days, and 100 days we shall wait.
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