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President Barack Obama on Monday approved a civilian nuclear pact with Vietnam


Jul 29, 2012
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Viet Nam
Viet Nam
The White House

Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release
February 24, 2014
Presidential Determination -- Proposed Nuclear Agreement with Vietnam

SUBJECT: Proposed Agreement for Cooperation Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy

I have considered the proposed Agreement for Cooperation Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, along with the views, recommendations, and statements of the interested agencies.

I have determined that the performance of the Agreement will promote, and will not constitute an unreasonable risk to, the common defense and security. Pursuant to section 123 b. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2153(b)), I hereby approve the proposed Agreement and authorize the Secretary of State to arrange for its execution.

The Secretary of State is authorized to publish this determination in the Federal Register.

too bad...the US does not allow Vietnam to enrich uranium and develop nukes. :hitwall:
If Dr. Sinochalanger threat to use Nuke against us, we can use Russian technology to produce nukes. Don't worry.
Vietnam is a member of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

The deal with the US is a civilian nuclear cooperation, limited on energy generation and other civilian purposes. We will face international sanctions if we enrich high grade uranium and develop nuclear weapons. see Iran and North Korea.

Vietnam | Country Profiles | NTI

What'zzzz matter, too chicken to develop Nuke? you Vietnamese claimed to defeat U.S in Vietnam war and you still afraid of them when spend your own money on NUKEs? sound irrational to me. :lol:

I think this deal will open China to have similar deal with South Latine countries, :lol:
Actually, this PACT opens the chance for US companies to sell nuclear tech and material to Vietnam.
If they don't approve that, the chances are only for Russian and Japanese companies ...

Without US companies, Vietnam is still open to the remain world as free trade partnership !!!
What'zzzz matter, too chicken to develop Nuke? you Vietnamese claimed to defeat U.S in Vietnam war and you still afraid of them when spend your own money on NUKEs? sound irrational to me. :lol:

I think this deal will open China to have similar deal with South Latine countries, :lol:

try to close Red river, kid.
IAEA to support Vietnam's nuclear projects
Jan. 13, 2014 at 12:18 PM | 0 comments

HANOI, Vietnam, Jan. 13 (UPI) -- The International Atomic Energy Agency said it would provide support to Vietnam for its nuclear power sector.
Vietnam is teaming with Russian utility and energy company Rosatom on the country's first nuclear power plant, a two-reactor facility, in the south-central province of Ninh Thuan. Construction of the first reactor, with a total capacity of 2,000 megawatts, is slated to begin this year and is scheduled to come online in 2020.

Vietnam would be the first Southeast Asian nation to commission a working nuclear plant.

In comments published in VietNamNet, the IAEA chief, Yukiya Amano, told reporters during his January 7-11 visit to Hanoi: "We will do everything to help Vietnam successfully carry out the Ninh Thuan nuclear power plant project."

The IAEA will send delegations of leading experts to Vietnam to discuss issues such as infrastructure, safety and other related issues related to nuclear energy, Amano said. The agency also plans to send a delegation to Vietnam each year to help the country in applying atomic energy.

Noting that the construction of a country's first nuclear plant is typically 10-15 years from the planning stage, the IAEA chief said time "is not the main problem, but how to prepare it carefully."

"Therefore, Vietnam should not hurry, because this is a big project with a country without experience in nuclear power development," Amano said.

Vietnam joined the IAEA in 1978 and was elected to the agency's board of governors in 2013.

In October, the United States and Vietnam agreed to allow U.S. companies to develop civilian nuclear power in Vietnam. Japan and South Korea have also shown interest in Vietnam's nuclear power sector.

As for the outlook for nuclear power globally, Amano said after the March 2011 disaster at Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant, the international community's confidence in nuclear power had diminished.

"The clearest evidence is Germany's decision to terminate nuclear power before schedule," he said.

"But now it is very different. Many countries still have faith in nuclear power to ensure energy security because it has many advantages," Amano said, noting it does not produce greenhouse gases, the necessary product costs are "unchanged" compared with fossil fuels and it provides a "stable power source."

"It can be said that nuclear power plants are much safer than the period before the incident in Japan," he added.

Based on IAEA's forecast, by 2030, nuclear power worldwide will grow at least 17 percent under the "baseline" scenario and up to 94 percent under the "high" scenario, Amano said, adding there are around 30 countries and territories developing nuclear energy.

Read more: IAEA backs Vietnam's nuclear power sector - UPI.com
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What'zzzz matter, too chicken to develop Nuke? you Vietnamese claimed to defeat U.S in Vietnam war and you still afraid of them when spend your own money on NUKEs? sound irrational to me. :lol:

I think this deal will open China to have similar deal with South Latine countries, :lol:
if the US imposes sanction on Vietnam, then we forget the economics recovery.

Unless America changes its mind in one day, if for example a facist artic penguine country threatens Vietnam with a nuclear attack. Either the US provides nuclear umbrella or they allow us to acquire nukes.
if the US imposes sanction on Vietnam, then we forget the economics recovery.

Unless America changes its mind in one day, if for example a facist artic penguine country threatens Vietnam with a nuclear attack. Either the US provides nuclear umbrella or they allow us to acquire nukes.
No one is going to threaten vietnam with nuclear strikes. Your country is not that important to waste nukes on.
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