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Prayer for my family member !!


Jun 6, 2006
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United States
Dear Members,

Usually i do not open a thread or post something very personal regarding me or my family but i have in the past and i am again requesting for your prayers as i think of many of you as part of my own family . A family member of mines has been burtually murdered in karachi i can not go in detail but it is a very sad moment for our family he is leaving behind a wife and a year and a half daughter . Please pray that may ALLAH have mercey on his soul and to his / our family GOD bless you all and please try to be safe and be thankful for what you have and life in general thankyou.

Murdered? how and why?

I myself narrowly escaped death twice in Karachi so i have a rough idea,but still.

May Allah give him Jannat and peace to his family.
oh no ! - really saddened to hear that.

In'a lilah-e wa in'a eleh-e rajeun.
i am deeply sorry to hear this news. It give us alot of headaches. Sad news. How can we fcking stop this murders in Karachi?
Karachi is a major city of pakistan. The situation almost looks like civil war. Is it so bad?
It is an ocean of humans and you need to know where not to go and things not to do..But my info is a decade old..Dont know about now.
Although i was there in 1980s when Karachi saw a proper civil war.
Murdered? how and why?

I myself narrowly escaped death twice in Karachi so i have a rough idea,but still.

May Allah give him Jannat and peace to his family.

Safriz as i said i can not go in detail nor do i want to its very personal to my family ... i only posted this so i can request all of yours prayers (members) and may ALLAH rest his soul in peace. Thank GOD you have escaped death twice may not there ever be another time for you nor anyone else thankyou for your prayers GOD bless you.
I was told by friends, it recently happened in Karachi where there is university. One of the students was caught by teacher for their cheating. He confronted teacher to accept the cheating on exams. Honest teacher rejected his threatening drama.

Next day, this guy and some gangs bought him to the other rooms of the school to cut off their legs. Many students were shocked surpringinly.

I am saying, what suppose we stop this murdering lovers heavens in Karachi.
May god give his family and yours the strength to pass through this difficult phase.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

May Allah grant him/her Jannat'ul Firdaus. And may he grant you and your whole family Peace and comfort through such dark times.

He is shaheed bro, Prayers for the family, Karachi is turning into a very unsafe place to be. May his soul rest in peace
inalilahey wa ina ilehey rajeoon.... RIP and may his family n loved ones have strenght n patience.Ameen.
I am deeply saddened to hear this Topgun. May Allah give your cousin a good place in Jannat-ul-Firdous and keep him away from the wrath of hellfire and Grave. Rest in peace

Inna Lilla hai wa inna ellaihi raji'oon
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