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Power Generation up by 8.9% YoY during Jan’22


Jul 31, 2015
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Fuel cost is up by huge 101%. Hydel is down 50% in worst possible time because of imported fuel prices. Anyway 9% growth bodes well for GDP growth of 6% this FY.

Fuel cost is up by huge 101%. Hydel is down 50% in worst possible time because of imported fuel prices. Anyway 9% growth bodes well for GDP growth of 6% this FY.

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Seasonal effects, hydro and solar will increase after winter. Wind should be enhanced to cover the winter period for renewables. Second largest increase was in nuclear power generation. I believe another advanced Chinese reactor is set to come online soon.
Good to see nuclear's contribution going up.

The only feasible options for a country like ours going forward is either nuclear or hydel. Finally someone had the sense in government to start making dams and go ballistic on them.

Hopefully, nuclear energy gets the same impetus too, just as in France.
Good to see nuclear's contribution going up.

The only feasible options for a country like ours going forward is either nuclear or hydel. Finally someone had the sense in government to start making dams and go ballistic on them.

Hopefully, nuclear energy gets the same impetus too, just as in France.
Nice thing for Pakistan's nuclear industry is that your uranium fuel supply can be safely shipped from Kazakhstan via China, no chance for 'maritime pirates' intercepting your shipment at sea. Also, when China makes fusion reactors commercially viable in the future you'll likely get access to this tech as well.
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I think this will be last nuclear power plant for some time. Because I dont think any other nuclear plant is under construction.

It will be unless C-5 is approved in Chashma or M-1 and M-2 get a green light in Muzaffargarh.

For all we know, Pakistan could just be waiting on Hualong Two.

Which one is more expensive on average factoring in the electricity output nuclear power plant or a Dam.

Both have pros and cons.

Pakistan needs more dams to store water.

Nuclear power is a more reliable base load with high availability throughout the year.
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If the insurgency in Gawader stops then the ideal location for the next nuclear plant would be near Gawader. Similarly, the best site in Pakistan for wind turbines is also in the vicinity of Gawader.
If we sign today then it will about 5/6 years to construct it (say 2027/28) and hopefully by then the Gawader industrial zone and port would be operational along with grid connectivity to the one in Sindh and Balochistan.
Fuel cost is up by huge 101%. Hydel is down 50% in worst possible time because of imported fuel prices. Anyway 9% growth bodes well for GDP growth of 6% this FY.

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The broad based commodity inflation crisis the world is facing we should thank pti for their pro industrialization policies along with a fairly valued currency, had we left it to the old policies Pakistan guaranteed would have been 6 ft under the ground by now.
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