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Posting pictures on Facebook, Twitter un-Islamic: Clerics

Is there not a single human who has a balanced moderate mindset?! :unsure:

I'm balanced. if i were not, i'd post her naked. :smitten: ;)


See, more balance. :angel:
I just wanted to understand the Science part before we proceed...

So have you started browsing through the Quran coz I am still waiting for you to justify what you were talking about?!

Or do I have to wait until you browse through all the anti Islamic websites to find such a thing as stated in the Quran rather than the Hadith?! :azn:
So have you started browsing through the Quran coz I am still waiting for you to justify what you were talking about?!

Or do I have to wait until you browse through all the anti Islamic websites to find such a thing as stated in the Quran rather than the Hadith?! :azn:

I am waiting for you to clarify the circular logic first.

If a book says it is perfect with no external way to verify it, would you believe it? Is that how Science works?

Also, just because you "don't know the science of Hadhith (!!!!)", doesn't mean that the Muslim world doesn't believe them and has not done so for more than a thousand years.

So either you convince your fellow Muslims to avoid Hadhith for understanding or following Islam or learn the "science of Hadhith" if you are really interested in the issue.

And would Sahih Hadhith work for you or even they are not good enough?
I am waiting for you to clarify the circular logic first.

If a book says it is perfect with no external way to verify it, would you believe it? Is that how Science works?
who said there is NO EXTERNAL WAY TO VERIFY IT?!

Also, just because you "don't know the science of Hadhith (!!!!)", doesn't mean that the Muslim world doesn't believe them and has not done so for more than a thousand years.
and this is the VERY reason we have SOME sects....Coz some are different on really MINOR things....ESP things coming from interpretation of hadith!

So either you convince your fellow Muslims to avoid Hadhith for understanding or following Islam or learn the "science of Hadhith" if you are really interested in the issue.
I do refer to hadith ONLY when there is an issue that I can not find ....Otherwise the basic needs are answered by the Quran...Like I said Hadith are supplements!

And would Sahih Hadhith work for you or even they are not good enough?

Sahih Hadith...The Sahih Bukhari I had read had said at behind it these words which I follow:
If anything compiled goes against the Quran then, Act according to commands of the Qur'an and discard my words...I read some Hadith of Dawud and some other hadith books and MIND YOU ALL OF THEM said the same at the back....NO WHERE does it say go to the Mulana and produce a NEW FATWA!

Below is a hadith from Abu Hanifa who is 1 of the people

It has been reported in "Raudat ul-Ulama Al-Zandwasia" with a reference from "Al-Hadaya" that Imam Abu Hanifah was asked,
'If you say something that is in disagreement with the Qur'an, what should we do in this case?' He replied, 'Act according to commands of the Qur'an and discard my words' He was again asked, 'If your words go against the Hadith of the Prophet, how should we act in this situation?' Abu Hanifah again replied, 'Discard my words and act upon the Hadith' Once more he was asked, 'If your words oppose the words and actions of the noble companions of the Prophet?' He again repeated his reply, 'Discard my words and follow the example of noble Companions' "

It is reported in "Kitab Al-Imta" that Imam Baihaqi reported in his Sunan that Imam Shafi'I said,

" If I say something and it is in discord with the words of the
Prophet, in this case discard my opinion and act upon the Hadith "

Both famous Imams infact the other 2 famous Imam said the same cant find the references now....

I suggest read the whole page here:

How strange is it that in case of a noble Companion they accept the plea of not having the information about the Hadith, but in the case of an Imam they do not accept the same plea, whereas the eminence and status of a Companion is much higher than the Imam. Blind followers just teach and learn books of the Hadith, but never try to understand the significance of the Hadith in practical life, which is the real purpose of the Qur'an and Sunnah. When they come across a Hadith against their faith they interpret it in various ways and when they are unable to find a fair and reasonable interpretation, they lay the matter on the Imam by saying,

" Our Imam is well-versed in the science of Hadith, his scholarship and knowledge is far better than ours. He might be aware of his action, we merely follow him "

The words of the Imam are clear enough,

" Do not accept our verdict or do not follow our action,
until and unless you understand the argument behind it "
What? :blink: so backward people. But I guess women should keep their pic on display! It is unislamic!
Yea hail such men!! when they start putting weird restrictions on you next dont cry on this forum....

As for purer in whatever you think is purer...GOD BLESS YOU!!

Because it is clear you have not read the Quran with translation as you support weird mulana who give such fatwahs...


And as for the personal attack thank you for giving me a reason to report you!!

No matter how many times you report, we will not shun the path of truth, Zehad is our only goal. InshaAllah, very soon this earth will shun your dirty Zaguars and BMWs and the world will once again ride beautiful camels and mules. zarwan, kaha ho dost. madad karo, is talon ko batao, sahi kya hai aur galat kya hai.
No matter how many times you report, we will not shun the path of truth, Zehad is our only goal. InshaAllah, very soon this earth will shun your dirty Zaguars and BMWs and the world will once again ride beautiful camels and mules. zarwan, kaha ho dost. madad karo, is talon ko batao, sahi kya hai aur galat kya hai.
@Zarvan I think this guy tried to summon you using his djin :rofl:
@WebMaster @Awesome why let the forum reputation go to crap over this crazy guy?! ^^
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