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Posting pictures on Facebook, Twitter un-Islamic: Clerics


Feb 28, 2013
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NEW DELHI: India's two prominent Islamic helplines are discouraging young callers, especially women, from creating profiles and posting pictures on popular social networking websites Facebook and Twitter on the ground that it is un-Islamic.

The heads of the two popular Lucknow-based helplines, run for Shia and Sunni Muslims, have been flooded with phone calls asking if virtual profiles are Islamic.

"You can't see someone's face on Facebook and decide that you want to be friends. Look for 'pyar aur mohabbat' (love) in real life. Virtual relationships are not 'faydaymand' (profitable)," Sunni Mufti Abul Irfan Naimul Halim Firagni Mahli told PTI on phone from Lucknow.

The Mufti wants youngsters to bond in the real and not the virtual world. Of the over 1,000 calls that the Mufti fields in a month on his popular helpline, more than 50% questions are about internet usage.

"If one is on Facebook for business purposes or for constructive purposes, then the account is justifiable," he said.

However, the Mufti is not pleased about women being on Facebook to make friends and is definitely against them uploading pictures on the social networking site.

"Women should not post pictures on Facebook or anywhere else on the Internet. This is un-Islamic," he said.

A Maulana from the minority Shia sect too endorsed the Mufti's views.

"Women are not allowed to show their faces to anyone apart from their 'mehram' (male kin like father and brothers). So posting pictures on Facebook is 'haraam' (banned)," Maulana Saif Abbas Naqvi told PTI.

Posting pictures on Facebook, Twitter un-Islamic: Clerics - The Times of India
Man even the Muslims are like sheeps....Must they ask each and every activity...Next these muftis would be saying to sneeze and drive is unislamic...

1) car was not present during Prophet's time + its invention of the West

2) You should cover your mouth when sneezing and hence when that is not done it is haraaaaaammmmm!! :blink: :rofl:

Sunni Mufti Abul Irfan Naimul Halim Firagni Mahli told PTI on phone from Lucknow.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...twitter-un-islamic-clerics.html#ixzz2berFmvwx

Wait a min this mufti has Firagni which sounds like Firangi HARAAAAMMMM!!! He is on phone!! Another HARAAAAAMMMM!! :rofl:

I am starting to believe our mullahs came from this very same background!! :rofl:
India seems to have funny Muslims no wonder Indians here on PDF THINK Pakistanis are the same :unsure:

Pakistanis have even worse with clerics preaching stuff like eating iodized salt is a Zionist conspiracy to make Muslim infertile
I guess most Indians like to troll out here :lol:

Yes indeed!

They probably cant say much to those in their country so come here to vent out and show what they think...I wouldnt paint everyone with the same brush....some are nice but seriously after you read one too many of these Mullah stories...You really need to wonder what is going on in India under the "ISLAMIC" name?! :blink:
Yes indeed!

They probably cant say much to those in their country so come here to vent out and show what they think...I wouldnt paint everyone with the same brush....some are nice but seriously after you read one too many of these Mullah stories...You really need to wonder what is going on in India under the "ISLAMIC" name?! :blink:

The more u bash us, the more you fear us :azn:

we are all same bro.... :cheers:

Of course, can't you see me smiling :lol:
India seems to have funny Muslims no wonder Indians here on PDF THINK Pakistanis are the same :unsure:

Not really. This issue is not specific to Indian Muslims and he is probably not wrong from an Islamic perspective.
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