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Possible ASBM application of Shaheen's radar guided RV?


Aug 9, 2013
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this is the problem with pakistanis. they are living in a dream world, they think that they can defeat india with their nuclear weapons, pakistanis talk about their nuclear weapons in such a manner that indian doesn't have WMD, they always talk about the fist use of NW. pakistan always forgets that india can at-least defend its country with a BMD, pakistan don't even have any credible defense against india's BM. and if indian retaliates to Pakistan's nuclear attack, the country pakistan will be wiped out. there will not be anything left in pakistan after indian retaliation. india had credible nuclear Nuclear triad. whenever india have/tested a credible weapon pakistan always came up with their substandard items, then they clam that those pakistani substandard toys will be a reply to indian weapons. followed by a ceasefire violation on the LOC.

here what pakis don't think that with a BMD india can latest prevent fist wave of attack, and also get enough time to retaliations to pakis misadventure. when india retaliates pakistan can only watch indain missiles comming towards pakistan and hitting its targets they can't do any thing else... here some pakis living in Britain who don't even know the capability of india's anti-ballistic missiles calm that they cannot defend india from pakistan's missile attack!!!! pakistan have a cruse missile with a sub sonic speed, mean time india have a supersonic one... a hypersonic one is under development.

pakistan always dream about winning till they get defeated by india...every time the day before the pakistani surrender they cam that pakistan is winning the war...the country pakistan never learn they are asking for war and get defeated every time. with idiotic planing strategies and over confidence pakistan is failing itself, be it in conventional war or unconventional war...
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this is the problem with pakistanis. they are living in a dream world, they think that they can defeat india with their nuclear weapons, pakistanis talk about their nuclear weapons in such a manner that indian doesn't have WMD, they always talk about the fist use of NW. pakistan always forgets that india can at-least defend its country with a BMD, pakistan don't even have any credible defense against india's BM. and if indian retaliates to Pakistan's nuclear attack, the country pakistan will be wiped out. there will not be anything left in pakistan after indian retaliation. india had credible nuclear Nuclear triad. whenever india have/tested a credible weapon pakistan always came up with their substandard items, then they clam that those pakistani substandard toys will be a reply to indian weapons. followed by a ceasefire violation on the LOC.

here what pakis don't think that with a BMD india can latest prevent fist wave of attack, and also get enough time to retaliations to pakis misadventure. when india retaliates pakistan can only watch indain missiles comming towards pakistan and hitting its targets they can't do any thing else... here some pakis living in Britain who don't even know the capability of india's anti-ballistic missiles calm that they cannot defend india from pakistan's missile attack!!!! pakistan have a cruse missile with a sub sonic speed, mean time india have a supersonic one... a hypersonic one is under development.

pakistan always dream about winning till they get defeated by india...every time the day before the pakistani surrender they cam that pakistan is winning the war...the country pakistan never learn they are asking for war and get defeated every time. with idiotic planing strategies and over confidence pakistan is failing itself, be it in conventional war or unconventional war...

use of BM does not necessarily mean that it will be armed with a nuclear warhead every time ..... rest of the post is ranting, does not deserve a proper reply .....
this is the problem with pakistanis. they are living in a dream world, they think that they can defeat india with their nuclear weapons, pakistanis talk about their nuclear weapons in such a manner that indian doesn't have WMD, they always talk about the fist use of NW. pakistan always forgets that india can at-least defend its country with a BMD, pakistan don't even have any credible defense against india's BM. and if indian retaliates to Pakistan's nuclear attack, the country pakistan will be wiped out. there will not be anything left in pakistan after indian retaliation. india had credible nuclear Nuclear triad. whenever india have/tested a credible weapon pakistan always came up with their substandard items, then they clam that those pakistani substandard toys will be a reply to indian weapons. followed by a ceasefire violation on the LOC.

here what pakis don't think that with a BMD india can latest prevent fist wave of attack, and also get enough time to retaliations to pakis misadventure. when india retaliates pakistan can only watch indain missiles comming towards pakistan and hitting its targets they can't do any thing else... here some pakis living in Britain who don't even know the capability of india's anti-ballistic missiles calm that they cannot defend india from pakistan's missile attack!!!! pakistan have a cruse missile with a sub sonic speed, mean time india have a supersonic one... a hypersonic one is under development.

pakistan always dream about winning till they get defeated by india...every time the day before the pakistani surrender they cam that pakistan is winning the war...the country pakistan never learn they are asking for war and get defeated every time. with idiotic planing strategies and over confidence pakistan is failing itself, be it in conventional war or unconventional war...

U keep talking of "credible" BMD and nuclear triad.... nothing about your BMD and nuclear triad is credible as for yet

London and newyork does not have a Credible BMD ....u think u have??
There are no radar seekers aboard Pakistani Ballistic Missiles in the first place.

However, one solution can be developed like the Iranian one, in which they have used an electro-optical seeker on a 300 km range ballistic missile (Khalij-e-Fars). That would require a manoeuvrable warhead version of the Ghaznavi missile with electro-optical seekers.
There are no radar seekers aboard Pakistani Ballistic Missiles in the first place.

However, one solution can be developed like the Iranian one, in which they have used an electro-optical seeker on a 300 km range ballistic missile (Khalij-e-Fars). That would require a manoeuvrable warhead version of the Ghaznavi missile with electro-optical seekers.

Khalij-e-Fars indeed is an interesting missile.
There is every indication that Pakistan might opt for an ASBM system to make up for the lack of firepower in the Pakistan Navy visa-vis the IN.

Asymmetric area denial weapons can be the key for PN. Specially to deny IN it's dream of blockade and to return to a degree of parity in our immediate naval theatre.
ASBM is definitely a go-go for Pak. Plenty of options. Cruise missiles should, imo, be further developed to become quasi-uavs. Autonomous and intelligent vehicles are the way to go.
If Pakistan want to have a credible ASBM system to be put in place and at time of war it can work as it is intended, then Pakistan also have to build a very robust ultra modern layered air defense (from point to area defense), which can handle any threat posed by the enemy because if Pakistan don't have that kind of air defense it will be very easy for our enemy to overwhelm point defenses and destroy ASBM assets specially OTH radars, which are usually very huge and easy to target.
U keep talking of "credible" BMD and nuclear triad.... nothing about your BMD and nuclear triad is credible as for yet

Nuclear triads is already there,Arihant will soon fire K 15s.
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