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'Pope John Paul II wished to take a dip in Ganga'


You shut the f**k up!! If you don't believe in Hinduism and it rituals and beliefs then don't bark here with your stupid posts..!

And yeah if Ganga can't then take a dip in Thames river that will wash your sins for sure!!

You shut the f**k up!! If you don't believe in Hinduism and it rituals and beliefs then don't bark here with your stupid posts..!

And yeah if Ganga can't then take a dip in Thames river that will wash your sins for sure!!

You are not suppoed to discuss religion in pdf. Not as your main topic. I did not bring hinduism into the thread.

People will write stuff like romans had hindu customs, and you want others not to comment on that?
What next, mohammed was hindu?

Thames is very dirty.
I did not question why taking dip in ganga will wash your sins. I only question the guy who seems to give a intellectual spin on it.
The Ganga, metaphorically, represents the flow of the Kundalini energy. The "sins" are the imperfections of consciousness that keep the seeker from enlightenment, from realizing his own divinity.

That is the metaphor behind the concept of the Ganga washing away sins.

OT: The scientific facts about Ganga river,
It has been studied by Scientists that the water collected from Ganga at its origin is in a pure state and even after being kept for several years, does not get contaminated.. These medicinal properties of Ganga-Jal are attributed to the medicinal secretions of herbs and mineral content which get mixed with the water.
Story of Ganga

River Ganga originates in Himalayas fallow the path through Uttarakhand (famous for exporting Ayurvedic Medicines !?) where Ganga's water brushes with medicinal Plants extracting medicinal ingredients!
So, I don't know about "sins" but Ganga-jal could cure Physical illness.
Wrong - the sixteen thousand Gopikas are a physical representation of the worldly desires and Lord Krishna's marriage to them symbolizes the God's ability to control them.

In short control the worldly desires and elevate yourself to the status of God - the central concept of Hinduism or pretty much the the central concept of Dharmic or Indic religions.

And Desi - pls cutback on the dry humour when talking about Gods.

Asceticism... revered by all... practiced by none :lol:

By the way, Asceticism is not the central concept of Hinduism. If it were, there would be no practicing Hindu today (all of them would have died out without producing anymore by not giving into the desires).
OT: The scientific facts about Ganga river,

Story of Ganga

River Ganga originates in Himalayas fallow the path through Uttarakhand (famous for exporting Ayurvedic Medicines !?) where Ganga's water brushes with medicinal Plants extracting medicinal ingredients!
So, I don't know about "sins" but Ganga-jal could cure Physical illness.

Again, this is a scientific claim you make. There is no evidence of water of ganga curing illness. All in your mind. You just made it up, does not make it true.
Somebody needs to study the water, show how it has medicinal properties, get it peer reviewed and tested. As far as I know nobody did it yet.

You shut the f**k up!! If you don't believe in Hinduism and it rituals and beliefs then don't bark here with your stupid posts..!

And yeah if Ganga can't then take a dip in Thames river that will wash your sins for sure!!

Do you often bathe in Ganga? Last time I did that I got infections.
Ganga is our national pride. I hope we first clean the water of Holy Ganga and stop washing our clothes and throwing dead bodies into it.
Only after that we should invite/advice others to take a dip into it.
Ganga is our national pride. I hope we first clean the water of Holy Ganga and stop washing our clothes and throwing dead bodies into it.
Only after that we should invite/advice others to take a dip into it.

There is a ganga action plan. I guess they are investing thousands of crores on that. Holy or not, we deserve better water management. Cheers.
There is a ganga action plan. I guess they are investing thousands of crores on that. Holy or not, we deserve better water management. Cheers.
Honestly speaking I do not see much happening with that Ganga action plan, unless the people change their habits, no action plan can turn it clean.
It is very unfortunate that a river that is held in such high regards by so many people has literally become a garbage dumping area.
Again, this is a scientific claim you make. There is no evidence of water of ganga curing illness. All in your mind. You just made it up, does not make it true.
Somebody needs to study the water, show how it has medicinal properties, get it peer reviewed and tested. As far as I know nobody did it yet.
Dude, I am not claiming anything.
here is news source,
Polluted Ganga still has medicinal qualities
And a book
The Ganga, a scientific study By C. R. Krishna Murti, Gaṅgā Pariyojanā Nideśālaya, India. Environment Research Committee

Somebody needs to study the water, show how it has medicinal properties, get it peer reviewed and tested.

Again Dude, If "research is not done" then it is not a proof of lack of medicinal properties !! it means no body knows about it !! get it ??
Existence or non-existence Both need proof.

As far as I know nobody did it yet

that only proves you know nothing.

PS: However, pollution in Ganga river and human ability to "accept" active medicinal ingredients, Medicinal water from Ganga may not work on everyone... This is my Claim.
Dude, I am not claiming anything.
here is news source,
Polluted Ganga still has medicinal qualities
And a book
The Ganga, a scientific study By C. R. Krishna Murti, Gaṅgā Pariyojanā Nideśālaya, India. Environment Research Committee

Again Dude, If "research is not done" then it is not a proof of lack of medicinal properties !! it means no body knows about it !! get it ??
Existence or non-existence Both need proof.

that only proves you know nothing.

PS: However, pollution in Ganga river and human ability to "accept" active medicinal ingredients, Medicinal water from Ganga may not work on everyone... This is my Claim.

I have nothing more to tell you. I am speechless. Carry on with your pseudo scientific claims.
Do you often bathe in Ganga? Last time I did that I got infections.

Yes I did once, along with my whole family. And there were millions present there, men, women, kids, elderly taking dips.
Dont know about others, but I or anyone n my family didn't get any infection.
Pope John Paul know very well that romans were the followeres of vedic culture and load Ram , and the vatican city was actually called the vatika those day...
so , by blood , Pope John Paul is a hindu..

:lol: then his decision to dip in gangs is right. and btw since you proved that the pope is a hindu by blood then Vatican should remove him as pope
Do you often bathe in Ganga? Last time I did that I got infections.

Yes thats the point. irrespective of religious implications i guess no sane person will risk getting fatal infections by dipping in the polluted river
Yes thats the point. irrespective of religious implications i guess no sane person will risk getting fatal infections by dipping in the polluted river

I can sense your obvious intentions. Do you want me to reply you in the language you understand ?
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