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Poorly paid, but test pilots love their job


Jul 6, 2009
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Poorly paid, but test pilots love their job - The Times of India

The challenge of the job, not the money, keeps them going. Air Force pilots, who aren't paid anywhere close to what commercial pilots earn, say the challenge of testing, flying and certifying an aircraft keeps them hooked to the force and the project. In this case, there was national pride in the indigenously-developed LCA.

Pilots with long experience of flying combat aircraft and the LCA told TOI: "It's purely the challenge of delivering an indigenous aircraft to the country that keeps us motivated. We are aware that we aren't paid what commercial pilots are. But we stick on for flight testing jobs because we are highly motivated — we know and understand how difficult it is to design and build an aircraft on our own. We'd love to be part of such a dream — you don't get that pleasure elsewhere."

The pilots said they are paid as per the Sixth Pay Commission, which is better than their prior pay package, but is still way below commercial salaries. If a young defence pilot earns around Rs 25,000-Rs 40,000 depending on grade, and a senior pilot earns around Rs 1 lakh and more, a commercial pilot gets Rs 2-Rs 5 lakh, and in some cases, even Rs 10 lakh — this despite the fact that the skills of an Air Force test pilot are as good, as if not superior.

Test pilots said there is a big team behind the project. "There are hundreds of unknown people who have worked hard all these 20 years to bring the aircraft to this stage. It can't be done by just eight to 10 people. They are all paid public sector salaries, again while good, not comparable to IT salaries. They stick around purely because they are designing and developing brand new technologies that India has never done before."
Where motive behind the service given is different ,and there whats the difference comes.What they earn in a single test run(pride/esteem and Honour to The Country),a commercial pilot cant even in its whole carrierspan.
Many times I thought sitting in front of the computer in AC office, we are good for nothing. These people don't need the motivation of money, rather they live and die for this country.
I did try to get into services but failed miserably, but here in our sector the biggest failures are big success.

Bro..for you we are proud of our country. We don't have anything to feel proud of, if people like you turn like us for whom money is the only motivating factor.
Can we have comparison of salaries of PAF and Chinese Air Force along with BD with the India to have a better insight on where our pilots actually stand in terms of salaries within the sub continent?
It's good to know in today's world their are still young men with honour, dignity and morality. It is a sad fact that public sector workers will never be paid as much as those in the private sector but India should definitely work harder to close the gap. Bravo.

“We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”- George Orwell



But if one need to get a pilot liscence from private he may need to spend some 20-25 lakhs but those who are in AF getting these training with free of cost and with salry of 20-30 k..... so obviously their salary cant be compared with private airlines..
The pilots said they are paid as per the Sixth Pay Commission, which is better than their prior pay package, but is still way below commercial salaries. If a young defence pilot earns around Rs 25,000-Rs 40,000 depending on grade, and a senior pilot earns around Rs 1 lakh and more, a commercial pilot gets Rs 2-Rs 5 lakh, and in some cases, even Rs 10 lakh — this despite the fact that the skills of an Air Force test pilot are as good, as if not superior.

This is the idiocracy at its best! Even a junior entry level bank employee get something similar to that even more. An IT engineer gets more than that. National pride and be on the news are good but the talents deserve something more than that. Forget IAF regular pilots even the flight testing of a new aircraft as they do in the National Flight Test Centre are very critical jobs. Same goes to DRDO. The govt wants the brightest students to come to DRDO when they get multiple time more salary in private companies. They should come to the top institutes and should offer packages like others.
nation pride and love for his country cannot be substituted and compared with money.......

money can buy everything but not satisfaction.....

and its what they get..........
i salute u all
The joy and pride in flying a supersonic aircraft, priceless. On top of that, the pilots can move on to civilian airline positions after ending their contract. Air Force also provides free training. I don't think the AF pilots are losing anything.

Its very common in US.
But if one need to get a pilot liscence from private he may need to spend some 20-25 lakhs but those who are in AF getting these training with free of cost and with salry of 20-30 k..... so obviously their salary cant be compared with private airlines..

A trainee commercial pilot while investing his 25 lakhs has no guarantee of a job.

From filling the medical forms to giving your tests everything a trainee commercial pilot has to do on his own...trainee airforce pilots get everything easily coz the airforce does it for them...and yeah they get priority in medicals also while trainee commercial pilots have to wait.

A commercial pilots jobs is the one of profit where an airlines earns so much so whats wrong in the pilot geting his share....i dont think there is any profit when an airforce jet goes up in the sky..talking from a business point of view.

Still people have the choices they can make....and many people leave the army and airforce job also.

So my point is...dont just be jealous of commercial pilots if they are earning more...they have the lives of hundreds of people in their hand.

And lastly i wanna say that i dont mean any disrespect to the great pilots the airforce has...i respect them for doing their duty...but as a trainee commercial pilot i dont like people taking a shot at us...choice is in ur hands..no one has forced anyone to do anything.
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A trainee commercial pilot while investing his 25 lakhs has no guarantee of a job.

From filling the medical forms to giving your tests everything a trainee commercial pilot has to do on his own...trainee airforce pilots get everything easily coz the airforce does it for them...and yeah they get priority in medicals also while trainee commercial pilots have to wait.

A commercial pilots jobs is the one of profit where an airlines earns so much so whats wrong in the pilot geting his share....i dont think there is any profit when an airforce jet goes up in the sky..talking from a business point of view.

Still people have the choices they can make....and many people leave the army and airforce job also.

So my point is...dont just be jealous of commercial pilots if they are earning more...they have the lives of hundreds of people in their hand.

And lastly i wanna say that i dont mean any disrespect to the great pilots the airforce has...i respect them for doing their duty...but as a trainee commercial pilot i dont like people taking a shot at us...choice is in ur hands..no one has forced anyone to do anything.

that was my whole point....

But one thing is sure... all armed force people salary has to be increase....
But one thing is sure... all armed force people salary has to be increase....

Surely they should...it is really sad that when they have to increase their own salary ie the politicians they do it so easily...but for the people who matter it takes so much time.

I dont know what the Airforce guys earn but i am from an Army background and after the 6th pay commision...the salary is pretty good for an Army officer.
this is the figure i got from IAF site...

RANK Gross Monthly Emoluments
Flight Lieutenant Rs 45,765 /-
Squadron Leader Rs 53,473/-
Wing Commander Rs 73,710/-
Group Captain Rs 79,366/-
Air Commodore Rs 83,011/-

Indian Air Force : Career Opportunities

This..+ the flying salary of 10-15 thousand is not bad at all considering they get...

Almost free housing facility
Free medical facility
Canteen facility
Recreation facility
Cheap education faciilty for their children
almost no electricity and water bill
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