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Poll: Most Israelis Support the Occupation of Palestinian Territories


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
Most Israelis Reject Land Withdrawals - Middle East - News - Israel National News


Israelis march in Judea and Samaria
Flash 90
The majority of the Israeli public does not want to see Judea and Samaria relinquished to the Palestinian Authority (PA) as result of peace talks, according to a survey by the Madgem institute.

The survey, which was featured on the Knesset Channel this week, noted that only 39% of respondents believed that Israel must withdraw in order to attain peace with the Palestinian Arabs. 61% believed otherwise.

In addition, the survey revealed that 70% of the public "cannot relate to (PA Chairman) Mahmoud Abbas as a potential partner for a peace agreement," while 30% of the public believes the opposite.

The PA consistently blames “settlement construction” in the region as being an obstacle to peace, and has demanded that Israel withdraw to 1949 Armistice lines. To that end, Abbas threatened two weeks ago that unless a building freeze was imposed on Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, the peace talks would come to an end. The freeze was not previously announced as a precondition to thisround of talks.


It's funny that they occupy territory, build illegal settlements on them, and then when asked to end their occupation they then refuse to make what they call 'land concessions'.....

Land concessions, seriously......:rofl::rofl::omghaha::laughcry:


EU ready to pay Palestinians who renounce right of return | The Times of Israel

European colonialists at it again, they want to pay people to STFU about restoring their rights and to accept the Israeli occupation of their lands. Typical EU strategy, they showed us very clearly their stance on a Palestinian independent state in 1917.
Arabs to Saudi Arabia, Jews to Judea and Samaria.

We aren't Saudi Arabians, we are from the Levant. Go ahead, start mass killing them like you were doing from 2000 to 2009 you killed thousands of Palestinians also using DIME weapons to burn people's organs and fragment their bodies.

Terrorist fascists.
So far you couldn't exterminate the Palestinians, let's talk sense for now.

Yzd, why do you assume that is not common behavior amongst them? Their position is clear, they believe everything is their land and will wage economical, social, political and literal war against the original inhabitants who disagree with that.
So do I. Palestinian combatants are no longer freedom fighters.

What brought up combatants? We're talking about land here, are you trying to make a point or just a random rant?
What brought up combatants? We're talking about land here, are you trying to make a point or just a random rant?

I say that killing Israeli civilians no matter what you want is not the solution. Yes there are violations. Yes IDF have killed civis before.

What I say is a move which actually was a struggle for r freedom before now is an insurgery on a state and its people. No rant here
I say that killing Israeli civilians no matter what you want is not the solution. Yes there are violations. Yes IDF have killed civis before.

What I say is a move which actually was a struggle for r freedom before now is an insurgery on a state and its people. No rant here

Israelis have committed massacres and plenty of times targeted civilians. We don't kill Israeli civilians, Palestinians only seek the restoration of their rights. Your argument has no basis, you claim it's not a struggle freedom based on what? Don't give me that garbage that we acquire light arms to defend ourselves because we know our enemy more than you do, they don't act in self defense.
Israelis have committed massacres and plenty of times targeted civilians. We don't kill Israeli civilians, Palestinians only seek the restoration of their rights. Your argument has no basis, you claim it's not a struggle freedom based on what? Don't give me that garbage that we acquire light arms to defend ourselves because we know our enemy more than you do, they don't act in self defense.

So IDF built the Iron Dome, Active Trophy System for Merkava...etc to counter light arms????
terrorism rages in israel , no wonder about that poll

the thing that they dont understand is that no poll , no gun and no torture can take away muslim's first ghibla from them

go one and kill .....

one day , you'll pay back ...
So do I. Palestinian combatants are no longer freedom fighters.

How can you tell?

If Israel forms a Palestinian-state based on 1967 borders, and then Palestinians keep on fighting in for decades...only THEN you can come to that conclusion (we all will at that point). But now, Israel IS colonizing their lands...How can you justify this greater evil and call desperation of Palestinians as something other than the wish for freedom?

Your country never got colonized, did it? In 1857, people of India started an armed struggle against the occupying British Empire. They are called "terrorists" back then, too.

So I'd urge you to not support colonialism may be?

I remember, distinctly, there was another guy.... what was his name?? Lived some time before and during WWII, the one that wore the nazi arm band and had a funny looking mustache...

He said something very similar to what you're saying.

Modern day Israel is the direct manifestation of same funny guy you talk about....

Funny guy is probably proud on Jews today for following his lead when it comes to other people...
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