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Polio in Syria: An outbreak that threatens the Middle East

ای ایران

Apr 3, 2010
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
Pakistan needs to get rid of this menace. Otherwise, there may be a possibility of hostility towards Pakistanis traveling abroad
Many Pashtuns refuse to use vaccines as they say it causes infertility.There should be more education regarding this subject.
This isn't bad news necessarily.

The foreign fighters from Saudi, Jordan, Chechnya, Pakistan etc... can easily get the disease if there's an outbreak (b/c of their living conditions) and they will take it back home with them.
This isn't bad news necessarily.

The foreign fighters from Saudi, Jordan, Chechnya, Pakistan etc... can easily get the disease if there's an outbreak (b/c of their living conditions) and they will take it back home with them.

and infect innocent children....
This isn't bad news necessarily.

The foreign fighters from Saudi, Jordan, Chechnya, Pakistan etc... can easily get the disease if there's an outbreak (b/c of their living conditions) and they will take it back home with them.
Epidemiological studies suggest that the virus came from Pakistan/Afghanistan.
It has already been proven that Pakistan poses a biological hazard to the rest of the World when it was confirmed that illegals/jihadis/terrorists or whatever from there were responsible for infecting this filthy polio disease to Syria ( Pakistan Infects Syria With Polio, Says the WHO | TIME.com ) but the scale of this infection is much more massive than has previously been reported.

BBC News - Polio in Syria: An outbreak that threatens the Middle East

Polio had almost been eradicated from Pakistan but it has made a impressive come back due to illiteracy, propaganda that it is used by USA to make Muslims infertile lol and the continuous Taliban attacks on teams delivering polio vaccination. Bunch of backward idiots want their children to have no future and live a disabled life.
It has already been proven that Pakistan poses a biological hazard to the rest of the World when it was confirmed that illegals/jihadis/terrorists or whatever from there were responsible for infecting this filthy polio disease to Syria ( Pakistan Infects Syria With Polio, Says the WHO | TIME.com ) but the scale of this infection is much more massive than has previously been reported.

BBC News - Polio in Syria: An outbreak that threatens the Middle East

Please post the contents of the article, not your expert opinion. I would recommend you to edit your post.
This isn't bad news necessarily.

The foreign fighters from Saudi, Jordan, Chechnya, Pakistan etc... can easily get the disease if there's an outbreak (b/c of their living conditions) and they will take it back home with them.

We aren't in Iran, with patients dying due to the lack of medications because of the crazed Mullahs' nuclear ambition ...
We can also say that KSA girls are selling themselves to old men for their own father's debts:
Girl offers to marry old man to clear dad's debt - creditor reacts
But, I won't. since it has no benefit for any of us, and it is just a waste of time on trolling.
So, please, Stop this childish BS trolling.

The story you're quoting comes in a drama form, not a tragedy. :lol: ...

Nothing against you, let just hope to see your fellow countrymen behave :-)
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