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POF-Eye got outdated with introduction of Google Glass


Mar 21, 2010
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Frightening Google Glass App Lets Soldiers Shoot From Around Corners

Google is doing everything it can to push Glass onto the masses, even enlisting
well-known fashion designers to make it look more “chic.” But beyond its looks, the real selling-point will come through its functionality: can Google convince consumers they need a face computer? Will their lives be better with it? That remains a hot-button topic—and it’s getting even more controversial thanks to so-called “smart gun” support.

Through a precision-guided firearm (PGF), Austin-based TrackingPoint Solutions has enabled Glass support with its ShotView system, giving anyone with a Wi-Fi-enabled gadget the ability to basically fire at targets from around corners. This isn’t quite on theWanted level of sci-fi future, but it’s a potentially frightening implementation. For anyone in the military, though, it could be incredibly useful during battle.

TrackingPoint calls Glass support a new era in augmented marksman ability. Basically, the PGF will beam a live-feed into your gadget of choice—a phone, tablet or wearable—giving users the ability to shoot without leaving a safe position.

“When paired with wearable technology, PGF’s can provide unprecedented benefits to shooters, such as the ability to shoot around corners, from behind low walls, and from other positions that provide exceptional cover,” TrackingPoint said in a press release.

Advancements in everyday technology are typically only seen through the perspective of a consumer, but there are obviously many more possibilities we haven’t even thought of. With technology like Glass, a number of unforeseen implementations are being unlocked—some good, some not so good—paving the way for a wide open future. Robo-soldiers aren’t far off—you might one day wear the same tech used in wars.

So how exactly does it make POF eye outdated?

This technology is still not integrated and tested in actual combat unlike Corner Shot Gun concept. However it really wont be able to support in 90 degree angel. and risk of hands being exposed to the enemy will be enough for them to neutralize this.
So how exactly does it make POF eye outdated?
This technology is still not integrated and tested in actual combat unlike Corner Shot Gun concept. However it really wont be able to support in 90 degree angel. and risk of hands being exposed to the enemy will be enough for them to neutralize this.
Keep your BS nationalism in your own pocket mate, this is the era of technology and their is no military technology, i repeat..... no military technology of the current era which the U.S corporations can't make!
And yeah corner shot IS outdated!

Frightening Google Glass App Lets Soldiers Shoot From Around Corners

Google is doing everything it can to push Glass onto the masses, even enlisting
well-known fashion designers to make it look more “chic.” But beyond its looks, the real selling-point will come through its functionality: can Google convince consumers they need a face computer? Will their lives be better with it? That remains a hot-button topic—and it’s getting even more controversial thanks to so-called “smart gun” support.

Through a precision-guided firearm (PGF), Austin-based TrackingPoint Solutions has enabled Glass support with its ShotView system, giving anyone with a Wi-Fi-enabled gadget the ability to basically fire at targets from around corners. This isn’t quite on theWanted level of sci-fi future, but it’s a potentially frightening implementation. For anyone in the military, though, it could be incredibly useful during battle.

TrackingPoint calls Glass support a new era in augmented marksman ability. Basically, the PGF will beam a live-feed into your gadget of choice—a phone, tablet or wearable—giving users the ability to shoot without leaving a safe position.

“When paired with wearable technology, PGF’s can provide unprecedented benefits to shooters, such as the ability to shoot around corners, from behind low walls, and from other positions that provide exceptional cover,” TrackingPoint said in a press release.

Advancements in everyday technology are typically only seen through the perspective of a consumer, but there are obviously many more possibilities we haven’t even thought of. With technology like Glass, a number of unforeseen implementations are being unlocked—some good, some not so good—paving the way for a wide open future. Robo-soldiers aren’t far off—you might one day wear the same tech used in wars.
Nice title bro.
So how exactly does it make POF eye outdated?

This technology is still not integrated and tested in actual combat unlike Corner Shot Gun concept. However it really wont be able to support in 90 degree angel. and risk of hands being exposed to the enemy will be enough for them to neutralize this.

This can be mounted on various guns. This is a big plus. Also, improvement in accuracy is another plus.
HMDs were there even before POF's corner shot was launched.
But were not regarded as effective weapon. Its just like touch screen phone were available in the market long before Iphone launched.
Keep your BS nationalism in your own pocket mate, this is the era of technology and their is no military technology, i repeat..... no military technology of the current era which the U.S corporations can't make!
Km Sy Km Roo Too Naaaa!! :lol:
Km Sy Km Roo Too Naaaa!! :lol:
Thanks for the one liner.... :)

Any ways on topic, please learn to criticize guys, just admit that the tech. we have is old or is in need of dire up gradations and give you advice as to what would be the best approach to tackle this problem.
My 2 cents....
1-Make an independent body of engineers (start from robotics and small arms experts)
2-Make a research facility near one of the special forces training centres
3-Develop/upgrade gadgets for special forces from the input of a large user base (that's the whole point for the setup)
4-Don't forget to sell em' :D
How does google glasses replace a cornershooting Rifle system?
Do you even know what POF eye is and does?
Comparing Corner Shot Gun with glasses ??? i mean how will you shoot from the corner wearing glasses and make 90 degree angel??


Google Glass
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