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Philippine 'massacre clan' enjoys election wins



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May 14, 2013
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A clan whose chiefs are on trial for the Philippines' worst political massacre secured big wins in local elections this week, results showed Friday, deepening fears that justice may never be served.
Leaders of the Ampatuan family and their gunmen are accused of massacring 58 people, including 32 journalists, in the southern province of Maguindanao more than three years ago in a bid to quash a rival's challenge to become governor.
Wives of three senior clan figures who are on trial for the murders were re-elected for town mayor posts in Maguindanao in Monday's mid-term elections, according to the official results website.
At least 16 other members of the Ampatuan family were elected or re-elected as town mayors, vice mayors and councillors in the province, according to the Commission on Elections website.
The Ampatuans deny all charges against them.
"This could really crush the people's hopes that those responsible for the massacre will be punished," Noemi Parcon, whose journalist husband died in the massacre, told AFP.
Another of those re-elected as a town mayor in Maguindanao was Benzar Ampatuan, 27, a grandson of Andal Ampatuan Snr, who is the patriarch of the family and is among those detained in Manila while on trial for the massacre.
Local rights groups and election monitors said the strong performance of the Ampatuans was not a surprise, citing the well-known clan power structure in the Muslim-dominated southern provinces such as Maguindanao.
"It doesn't matter that the massacre happened... as long as you're the leader of the municipality, the respect is still there even if you are doing wrong," said Bobby Taguntong, spokesman for a local election monitor.
Andal Ampatuan Snr was the governor of the province at the time of the massacre. Then president Gloria Arroyo helped fund a personal army for him that was used as a proxy force against Muslim separatist rebels.
Aside from Ampatuan Snr, five of his sons and two of his grandsons are on trial. In total 93 people, many of them alleged gunmen, are on trial.
But the justice proceedings are expected to take years to complete and victims' relatives, as well as rights groups, fear the Ampatuans are using the time to sabotage the case by killing or intimidating witnesses.
Three witnesses and three more potential witnesses have been killed since 2010, according to local police.
Justice Secretary Leila de Lima told AFP this month that President Benigno Aquino had issued a directive to try and secure convictions against the senior Ampatuans before his term ended in 2016.
The Philippines' political and justice systems are infamously corrupt, helping to create a "culture of impunity" in which powerful figures often use their influence to avoid punishment for criminal acts.
In this light, Harry Roque, a lawyer for families of 15 massacre victims, said the enduring political influence of the Ampatuans was a concern, and emphasised why convictions must be secured before Aquino stepped down.
"All it takes is a friendly president (to the Ampatuans) to change the equation," Roque said.
The rival politician whose wife and relatives were killed in the massacre, Esmael Mangudadatu, became governor of Maguindanao in 2010 elections and was re-elected this week.
He is the head of a Muslim clan that has long jostled for power with the Ampatuans and other families in Maguindanao.
But highlighting the ever-shifting allegiances, he has formed an alliance with some Ampatuans, although not the clan leaders and their wives.

unfu**ingbelievable , really? they were still allow to run for election in Philippines?
Only in a primitive tribal society without law and order.

The Maguindanao massacre, also known as the Ampatuan massacre after the town where the mass graves were found, occurred on the morning of November 23, 2009, in the town of Ampatuan in Maguindanao province, on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines. While the victims were on their way to file a certificate of candidacy for Esmael Mangudadatu, vice mayor of Buluan town, they were kidnapped and brutally killed. Mangudadatu was challenging Datu Unsay mayor Andal Ampatuan, Jr., son of the incumbent Maguindanao governor Andal Ampatuan, Sr., in the forthcoming Maguindanao governatorial election, part of the national elections in 2010. The 58 people killed included Mangudadatu's wife, his two sisters, journalists, lawyers, aides, and motorists who were witnesses or were mistakenly identified as part of the convoy.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has called the Maguindanao massacre the single deadliest event for journalists in history. At least 34 journalists are known to have died in the massacre. In a statement, CPJ executive director Joel Simon noted that the killings, "appears to be single deadliest event for the press since 1992, when CPJ began keeping detailed records on journalist deaths." The CPJ further noted that, "Even as we tally the dead in this horrific massacre, our initial research indicates that this is the deadliest single attack on the press ever documented by CPJ." Even before the Maguindanao massacre, the CPJ had labeled the Philippines the second most dangerous country for journalists, second only to Iraq.

And yet our economy is still booming and people still come to the Philippines trying to bring down my country and my people demonizing them just say's that you people have nothing else but lower people down if you don't like us fine its not the end of the world for us so ya sit on your sidelines and cry because no matter what lets face it the Philippines is in a roll of success
Wow Its admiral general hi buddy nice posting again first its Mindanao go figure second why the whole family or some members are guilty tell me something does your justice system automatically condemns the whole family of a crime?
We certainly do not elect family members who were complicit in murders unlike you.
first of all its a local election and second am not from Mindanao again that's stupid and the guys i elected are new blood to the political seen people with vision tell me do you stop playing call of duty and go to the ballot box? So let the People Mindanao elect their leaders its their choices why are so concern did some tea bag you again you stupid n00b!
I am concerned for the welfare of the Filipinos.

Shame on you. You should be concerned too. Just because you live in a different hell hole barrio it doesn't mean you should not care when your countrymen elected murderers. What is is going to be next? Comedians and rapist?
I am concerned for the welfare of the Filipinos.

Shame on you. You should be concerned too. Just because you live in a different hell hole barrio it doesn't mean you should not care when your countrymen elected murderers. What is is going to be next? Comedians and rapist?

Really i live really nice subdivision in Luzon province i am the level of political maturity is different from each province i admit but that's democracy its not the greatest system but its the common system people love and its local election so its their own deal not you or me is going to change that so just stick to your Call of duty games or whatever military theme game you have there shooting your mouth at me or any Filipino is not going to change their minds.
first of all its a local election and second am not from Mindanao again that's stupid and the guys i elected are new blood to the political seen people with vision tell me do you stop playing call of duty and go to the ballot box? So let the People Mindanao elect their leaders its their choices why are so concern did some tea bag you again you stupid n00b!

claim down, bro... he just concerned about that, me too.
I don't understand "how" in Philippine, but I think that will hard for accept that in other country.

Political situation in Philippine seem like very complex, so that how your government can not make enough effort in SCS?
claim down, bro... he just concerned about that, me too.
I don't understand "how" in Philippine, but I think that will hard for accept that in other country.

Political situation in Philippine seem like very complex, so that how your goverment can not make enough effort in SCS?

Dude he's nay anti filipino i exchange post with him before believe me i even doubt if hes even what he say's he is its Mindanao get use to the Idea that they elect royalty of their province and that's not even a figure of speech that's truth they are royal blood and they always have the power their that's why a lot Muslim filipinos are here in Luzon and Visayas to live in peaceful lives because its impossible to do that in Mindanao especially the Muslim dominated province of ARMM because besides the civil war that is dying out its because of the Redo or Family wars between the clans like the ampatuans and the magundadatus so its common place this thing is problem there we try to educated them but that's how they pick leaders there but things are changing in other places its no longer the case but takes a long time here People are learning you have to be their to understand the situation.

And about the West Philippine Sea we are going something we just purchase Planes and ships and weapons and equipment from many sources like Italy, Korea, Poland, Israel and America but this items are big ones so they take a lot of time to get here but the ship we loan from Japan will be here by next year i hope and now we are deciding from the weapons offering of Britain, Germany and Russia but like everything else its still proposals and bidding's but Government is thinking we should just buy stuff buy G2G (Government to Government) Just like the one with Canada when we bought some equipment from them for the Government Arsenal but that's still far in between. Keeping my figure cross.
Dude he's nay anti filipino i exchange post with him before believe me i even doubt if hes even what he say's he is its Mindanao get use to the Idea that they elect royalty of their province and that's not even a figure of speech that's truth they are royal blood and they always have the power their that's why a lot Muslim filipinos are here in Luzon and Visayas to live in peaceful lives because its impossible to do that in Mindanao especially the Muslim dominated province of ARMM because besides the civil war that is dying out its because of the Redo or Family wars between the clans like the ampatuans and the magundadatus so its common place this thing is problem there we try to educated them but that's how they pick leaders there but things are changing in other places its no longer the case but takes a long time here People are learning you have to be their to understand the situation.

And about the West Philippine Sea we are going something we just purchase Planes and ships and weapons and equipment from many sources like Italy, Korea, Poland, Israel and America but this items are big ones so they take a lot of time to get here but the ship we loan from Japan will be here by next year i hope and now we are deciding from the weapons offering of Britain, Germany and Russia but like everything else its still proposals and bidding's but Government is thinking we should just buy stuff buy G2G (Government to Government) Just like the one with Canada when we bought some equipment from them for the Government Arsenal but that's still far in between. Keeping my figure cross.

1. So it need the time to change, I know and hope everything will better in future.
2. Try your best, stand on your own is better rely on USA for sure. Another chance is ASEAN cooperative in region.
1. So it need the time to change, I know and hope everything will better in future.
2. Try your best, stand on your own is better rely on USA for sure. Another chance is ASEAN cooperative in region.

We are not depending on America, America is an ally if they can help let them but if they don't fine and we are buying stuff too like America gave us anything but use helicopters we have to rehub ourselves sometimes so we start buying stuff but we are not rich that's the reality we have to face! So we have to buy things slowly and time is not in our side but that's is how far my country's limited budget goes. As far as ASEAN goes am not too sure about ASEAN its already a failure to me its not as sold as EU and the EU has a lot of problems right now, Think about it if we were as block face the same level of problem as ASEAN will not go anywhere with it because we would just discuses it and it would not be acted upon hence the term talk shop its all talk no action so as we filipinos would say parang hagin (just like air) nothing would be done otherwise would have come together a long time ago on many issue like West Philippine sea or in your case the East Sea issue as block besides we don't even trade with one other our major trading praters are far too different so it would not help to have a single market it would be worse for us in the long run and it will end up worse than Euro zone crisis so for me ASEAN is death trap for the Philippines its members heck we don't even like each other far divided not just in terms of economy and politics if the if would led the Philippines i would sign to level ASEAN for good the risk is just too great than the gains.
It's more fun in the Philippines

And yet our economy is still booming and people still come to the Philippines trying to bring down my country and my people demonizing them just say's that you people have nothing else but lower people down if you don't like us fine its not the end of the world for us so ya sit on your sidelines and cry because no matter what lets face it the Philippines is in a roll of success

Again cut it with the "economic boom" thing and that image.

Our economy is still minuscule, and also its growth is 6.6%
You mean my country's economy your no filipino how can you be your one of the Anti filipinos here! as if i care what you say you have no understand of my country so please stop it because true filipino supports his country your propose is to troll and create confusion.

You mean my country's economy your no filipino how can you be your one of the Anti filipinos here! as if i care what you say you have no understand of my country so please stop it because true filipino supports his country your propose is to troll and create confusion.

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