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Philippine killing of Taiwanese fisherman is crime against humanity


Dec 15, 2009
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Philippine killing of Taiwanese fisherman is crime against humanity (ICC definition)

In May 2011, the International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo said "that killing unarmed civilians would qualify as a crime against humanity."

The Philippine coast guard chased an unarmed and defenseless elderly Taiwanese fisherman for an hour and fired 52 large-caliber bullets to kill him. The actions of the Philippine government and its agents (e.g. Filipino coast guard) meet the ICC's requirement for a crime against humanity.


Strong proof of Libya crimes against humanity: ICC | Reuters

"Strong proof of Libya crimes against humanity: ICC
By Louis Charbonneau
NEW YORK | Mon May 2, 2011 6:56pm EDT

(Reuters) - International Criminal Court investigators have proof that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's forces committed crimes against humanity, and the court's chief prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, said on Monday he would soon ask for up to five arrest warrants.

The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously in February to refer Gaddafi's violent crackdown against anti-government demonstrators to The Hague-based ICC and Moreno-Ocampo said his first recommendations for indictments should reach ICC judges within weeks.

"We have strong evidence on the beginning of the conflict, the shooting of civilians," he told Reuters in an interview, noting that killing unarmed civilians would qualify as a crime against humanity. (article continues)"

[Note: This thread is different by addressing the legal issues of the Philippine government killing of a defenseless elderly Taiwanese fisherman and not the military issues. It is better to not mix the two (e.g. legal and military issues), otherwise the discussion will become impossible to follow.]
It look like The Philippines must pay for the consequence of the crime against humanity. Taiwan should stand firm and make Philippine respond as how Taiwan had requested. Which is to hand over the criminal coast guards, pay compensation and government apology.
Philippines now is an uncivilized barbaric nation defined by PRC, and the hawkish PLA Generals wanna teach Pinoy a lesson for their murderous acts.

It is not the first time that they harassed/killed the fishermen from China/Taiwan.

Chinese people are peaceful by nature, but we could become the wolves when facing against the hostile enemies.
The OP is a troll who is trolling here, Look at the title as if Hans have never done any atrocities.

The title is the summation of the story, which is a judgment from the international criminal court regard the murder of the Taiwanese fisherman by a Filipino coast guard as a crime against humanity. Its not about who else have or have not committed any atrocities..
This is another reason why the PCG didn't take any chances againts the Taiwanese/Chinese fishermen as they might end up being killed too as they have no idea if there are weapons onboard the fishing boat , RIP to the Korean coast guard sailor that was killed last year ...

More b.s. excuses from Filipinos

It's actually pretty easy to determine that the Taiwanese fishermen were unarmed.

1. They never held a gun.
2. They never pointed a gun at the Filipino coast guard thugs.
3. They never fired a shot.
4. They were all hiding in the cabin.
5. The Filipinos never attempted to board the ship. The Filipino coast guard thugs riddled the little Taiwanese boat with large-caliber rounds and turned it into Swiss cheese.

Your Filipino excuse to fire 52 large-caliber bullets at defenseless Taiwanese fishermen (and killing one of them) sounds like more b.s. from Philippine criminals.


Imaginary excuses from the Philippines

The Philippine government's original excuse was an imaginary ramming. However, pictures prove the paint on the Taiwanese bow is pristine and undamaged.

Here, you are suggesting imaginary weapons as an excuse to fire on the defenseless Taiwanese fishermen.

Is that the best you Filipinos can do? Keep making up imaginary crap that no one will believe and clearly not supported by the facts?

If you insist on playing this ridiculous game, the Taiwan Navy will slaughter all you little Filipino pricks and claim a sea monster ate your ships.


Other excuses I've heard from the Philippines:

a. We fired warning shots.

Problem: Warning shots are fired into the air. How did the warning shots all end up piercing the little Taiwanese boat?

b. We fired at the engine.

Problem: How did the boat's cabin become riddled with bullets? Obviously, the Philippine coast guard was trying to kill the Taiwanese fishermen and was not aiming at the engine.

c. It was self defense.

Problem: The Taiwanese fishermen were unarmed. Self-defense from what? Also, the Philippine coast guard hunted down the Taiwanese fishermen for an hour and kept firing. The predator is claiming self-defense? How utterly ridiculous. There are 52 large-caliber bullets in the little Taiwanese boat to prove it was clearly not self-defense.


Excuse I've heard from Filipinos:

d. The Taiwanese fishermen were unfortunately caught in the crossfire.

Problem: What crossfire? The shooting was all one way. 52 large-caliber rounds came from the Philippine coast guard and killed a defenseless Taiwanese fisherman. There was no crossfire. Crossfire implies two opposing sources of gunshots.
Oh enough of this , Crime against Humanity B.S.

Your fisher men are even killing the Korean Coast Guard

Not sure if people on this board are un-educated or what, but blaming Taiwan on PRC affairs is just RETARDED. By your logic, India should be condemned for the atrocities of Pakistan. After all, you are both Indians are you not?
:offpost: please go back to the matter at hand this thread to demonized the Philippines hahahahaha
Taiwan is entitled to a 200-mile EEZ under the "One China" policy

As I had said previously, this thread is about the legal issues in the Taiwan-Philippine dispute.

I think it's pretty straightforward that the Philippine coast guard killing of an unarmed Taiwanese fisherman qualifies as a crime against humanity as specified by the International Criminal Court.

Today, I want to address a different legal issue.

Internationally, Taiwan is not recognized as a state. Taiwan cannot sign UNCLOS, because technically it doesn't exist.

However, under the One China policy (almost universally recognized except for a few islands in the middle of nowhere), Taiwan province is considered a part of China.

Since China is a signatory to UNCLOS, we treat Taiwan as a province of China and extend a 200-mile EEZ (ie. exclusive economic zone) around the coastal borders of Taiwan.

The Philippine coast guard brutally killed the unarmed Taiwanese fisherman at 164 miles south of Taiwan, which is located within Taiwan province's EEZ.

In conclusion, from a legal standpoint, the Philippine coast guard thugs intruded 36 miles into Taiwan's 200-mile EEZ to murder the unarmed Taiwanese fisherman by firing 52 large-caliber bullets.
Oh man what does 80 miles near batanes do you people don't get? its not even a EZZ its Philippine Waters your over claiming again typical chinese Imperialism
Oh man what does 80 miles near batanes do you people don't get? its not even a EZZ its Philippine Waters your over claiming again typical chinese Imperialism

UNCLOS Article 57 clearly states Taiwan is entitled to a 200-mile EEZ

That's your personal view and not supported by any legal document.

My claim is based on UNCLOS Article 57 text.

You lose.

The baseline is the southern tip of Taiwan. The Taiwanese fisherman was 164 miles south of Taiwan when he was murdered by Philippine coast guard criminals and inside Taiwan's 200-mile EEZ.






Breadth of the exclusive economic zone

The exclusive economic zone shall not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured."
How many times do we have to tell you this is an open public forum. It not some privileged club

Have any problems complain to the mods

I will complain to the mods about you if you keep derailing my thread.

A public forum to discuss the thread topic. Not whatever you want.
UNCLOS Article 57 clearly states Taiwan is entitled to a 200-mile EEZ

That's your personal view and not supported by any legal document.

My claim is based on UNCLOS Article 57 text.

You lose.

The baseline is the southern tip of Taiwan. The Taiwanese fisherman was 164 miles south of Taiwan when he was murdered by Philippine coast guard criminals and inside Taiwan's 200-mile EEZ.






Breadth of the exclusive economic zone

The exclusive economic zone shall not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured."

The EEZ do not give you the rights to prosecute any one. those incidents has to be prosecuted in International court as per International Law, Taiwan has no jurisdictional authority there.

Since you are so worried about Hans,

Han China must Apply the same UNCLOS and drop the Demand of Nine dotted line and stop complaining about SCS.
How many times do we have to tell you this is an open public forum. It not some privileged club

Have any problems complain to the mods

True, if you want to troll, the forum does not prevent you from doing so. But that do make you a troll.

I will complain to the mods about you if you keep derailing my thread.

A public forum to discuss the thread topic. Not whatever you want.

They purposely wants to derail the thread.
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