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Phew! Asteroid to miss Earth in 2040, NASA says


Mar 23, 2012
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Saudi Arabia

The position data obtained for near-Earth asteroid 2011 AG5 in October was used to reduce its future orbital uncertainties.

Phew! Asteroid to miss Earth in 2040, NASA says
By Melissa Gray, CNN - December 24, 2012 -- Updated 1012 GMT (1812 HKT)

(CNN) -- On a day when global doomsday predictions failed to pan out, NASA had more good news for the Earth: An asteroid feared to be on a collision course with our planet no longer poses a threat.

Uncertainties about the orbit of the asteroid, known as 2011 AG5, previously allowed for a less than a 1% chance it would hit the Earth in February 2040, NASA said.

To narrow down the asteroid's future course, NASA put out a call for more observation. Astronomers from the University of Hawaii at Manoa took up the task and managed to observe the asteroid over several days in October.

"An analysis of the new data conducted by NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, shows that the risk of collision in 2040 has been eliminated," NASA declared Friday.

The new observations, made with the Gemini 8-meter telescope in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, reduce the orbit uncertainties by more than a factor of 60. That means the Earth's position in February 2040 is not in range of the asteroid's possible future paths.

The asteroid, which is 140 meters (460 feet) in diameter, will get no closer to Earth than 890,000 kilometers (553,000 miles), or more than twice the distance to the moon, NASA said.

A collision with Earth would have released about 100 megatons of energy, several thousand times more powerful than the atomic bombs that ended World War II, according to the Gemini Observatory.

Observing the asteroid wasn't easy, said David Tholen, an astronomer at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy.

The asteroid's position was very close to the sun, so astronomers had to observe it when the sky was dark. Tholen told CNN there was about a half-hour between when the asteroid got high enough in the sky for the telescope to point at it and before the sky became too light to observe it.

Because the astronomers were looking at the asteroid low in the sky, they were viewing it through a lot of atmosphere, which scattered some of the light and made the object fainter, he said.

"The second effect is the turbulence of the atmosphere makes things fainter," Tholen said. "We had to keep trying over and over until we got one of those nights when the atmosphere was calm."

Tholen and the team also discovered the asteroid is elongated, so that as it rotates, its brightness changes. That was another challenge for the astronomers: Because they didn't know the asteroid's rotation period, they didn't know when it would wax and wane, and when it would grow too faint to see.

"This object was changing its brightness by a factor of three or four -- it was just enormously variable," Tholen said. "It was hit and miss depending on which night you observed it."

Many predicted the end of the world would come Friday, the day on which a long phase in the ancient Mayan calendar came to an end. Some believe the day actually comes Sunday.

Modern-day Mayans say the end of the calendar phase doesn't mean the end of the world -- just the end of an era, and the start of a new one.

That asteroid better run otherwise we'll send Bruce Willis to deal with him.
The big news i got is that tall greys (who rules usa) are the one took responciblity to protect Earth.... They the one dumping chemicals on planet sun to make sun spot dissapear to make earth cool (they worried about global warming).... Any astroid that might hit earth will be pushed away by tall greys.... They the one who dont want anything harm earth as they right now in power.... Btw they are rebels who turned against their masters nibirians (ancient earth gods).... They symbol of tall greys are similar to arcturians (Eye on pyramid).... Check currency dollar.... They rule american goverment and helping them by giving them puzzles to solve.... Lasor beam weapon is one of them.... Soon america will have lasor beam that can really make america rule world truly....
here sunspot dissapeared....
Where have all the sunspots gone? | Watts Up With That?
Here the reason sunspot dissapeared....
UFO Activity Near Sun & Stellar Evolution | Deus Nexus
Here the tall greys ruling American goverment (in video)....
The Pyramid on the Dollar bill did not originate from Egypt! - YouTube
Here the tall greys ruling american goverment (in text)....
Pyramid With the Eye | Restricted News
The big news i got is that tall greys (who rules usa) are the one took responciblity to protect Earth.... They the one dumping chemicals on planet sun to make sun spot dissapear to make earth cool (they worried about global warming).... Any astroid that might hit earth will be pushed away by tall greys.... They the one who dont want anything harm earth as they right now in power.... Btw they are rebels who turned against their masters nibirians (ancient earth gods).... They symbol of tall greys are similar to arcturians (Eye on pyramid).... Check currency dollar.... They rule american goverment and helping them by giving them puzzles to solve.... Lasor beam weapon is one of them.... Soon america will have lasor beam that can really make america rule world truly....
here sunspot dissapeared....
Where have all the sunspots gone? | Watts Up With That?
Here the reason sunspot dissapeared....
UFO Activity Near Sun & Stellar Evolution | Deus Nexus
Here the tall greys ruling American goverment (in video)....
The Pyramid on the Dollar bill did not originate from Egypt! - YouTube
Here the tall greys ruling american goverment (in text)....
Pyramid With the Eye | Restricted News

What happened to 12/21/12 ??? You said it would start a new age but nothing happened you and your annunakis are weak liars. Your tall greys are also full of sht as are nibirians.
Damn! Not again.

For how long will they keep on missing the target? Just hit it. :hitwall:

To some people, your post might give off the impression that someone is intentionally targeting the Earth with Asteroids, but foolishly keeps on missing.

Is Shao Kahn planning to invade Earthrealm again? :lol:
@KingMamba93 i dont mind a yankee insulting me.... World saw the effect of golden age on yankeestan when your beloved mr Obama shed tears over 20 kids (even when yankeestan killed well over 20 million innocent kids around world recent times. Not included what yankee did in japan and vietnaam).... Thats a effect of golden age where mr obama looked helpless (couldnt believe he president of yankeestan with those crocodile tears).... The golden age effects started in india where people protesting for tough law and punishment to rapist and police. The effects of golden age slow will pick up the speed just like a boiling water which boils slowly (it started from india and will spread around world).... Nothing is sudden like yankees wish for.... Yankeestan is under tall greys. You all are just a slave of tall greys as your goverment selled yankees for technology.... Yankees are used as cattles by tall greys.... insulting wont change the facts....
Secret Treaty between the Aliens and our Government
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@KingMamba93 i dont mind a yankee insulting me.... World saw the effect of golden age on yankeestan when your beloved mr Obama shed tears over 20 kids (even when yankeestan killed well over 20 million innocent kids around world recent times. Not included what yankee did in japan and vietnaam).... Thats a effect of golden age where mr obama looked helpless (couldnt believe he president of yankeestan with those crocodile tears).... The golden age effects started in india where people protesting for tough law and punishment to rapist and police. The effects of golden age slow will pick up the speed just like a boiling water which boils slowly (it started from india and will spread around world).... Nothing is sudden like yankees wish for.... Yankeestan is under tall greys. You all are just a slave of tall greys as your goverment selled yankees for technology.... Yankees are used as cattles by tall greys.... insulting wont change the facts....
Secret Treaty between the Aliens and our Government

Umm, irso2222, I believe that KingMamba93, was expressing himself facetiously on account of the overall sarcastic tone his message.
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@PITA calling someone liar is a insult specially if its from a yankee (real evil atlantis genes).... It was brits who created poverty around world (and left behind politicians like indian congress party).... And it was yankeestan who put earth into global warming and violence.... Pleiadians hates yankeestan as world knows when earth was one piece our genes native american (indians) got split and large part of it (india) floated towards asia leaving our genes native americans in america.... Both native americans and mexicans were indian blood.... What happened than? The atlantis blood (yankeestan) destroyed native americans.... indians (india), asia, native americans, mexican (mayans) is Pleiadian genes.... Did america ever felt bad about it? Who nuked japan? Who attacked vietnaam? Who brought hovac in middle east? Whos spreading disease? Did america ever said even a small sorry? They didnt.... Ancient america (atlantis empire) was known to launch war around world and on moon, mars.... Now they dissapeard.... Thanks to rama empire (india).... Now modern america doing same thing what ancient america did (atlantis empire).... Pleiadians already had said america will dissapear soon. Tall greys will use them and throw them away.... America lucky that our commander ashtar kind hearted or else yankees would had been in trouble by now....
1977 Broadcast from the Ashtar Galactic Command | The 2012 Scenario
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I always knew there was a better explanation to the whole Red Indian and the other Indian, except for the Geronimo sounds and the thumb on the forehead. I am actually happy that we have solid reasoning presented by Isro to clear they are both the same, hence the word Indian.
Umm, irso2222, I believe that KingMamba93, was expressing himself facetiously on account of the overall sarcastic tone his message.

He is the resident nutcase, I was just playing with him since he was talking about 12/21/12 up until the day. :lol:

@PITA calling someone liar is a insult specially if its from a yankee (real evil atlantis genes).... It was brits who created poverty around world (and left behind politicians like indian congress party).... And it was yankeestan who put earth into global warming and violence.... Pleiadians hates yankeestan as world knows when earth was one piece our genes native american (indians) got split and large part of it (india) floated towards asia leaving our genes native americans in america.... Both native americans and mexicans were indian blood.... What happened than? The atlantis blood (yankeestan) destroyed native americans.... indians (india), asia, native americans, mexican (mayans) is Pleiadian genes.... Did america ever felt bad about it? Who nuked japan? Who attacked vietnaam? Who brought hovac in middle east? Whos spreading disease? Did america ever said even a small sorry? They didnt.... Ancient america (atlantis empire) was known to launch war around world and on moon, mars.... Now they dissapeard.... Thanks to rama empire (india).... Now modern america doing same thing what ancient america did (atlantis empire).... Pleiadians already had said america will dissapear soon. Tall greys will use them and throw them away.... America lucky that our commander ashtar kind hearted or else yankees would had been in trouble by now....
1977 Broadcast from the Ashtar Galactic Command | The 2012 Scenario

I just fought a Pleiadian yesterday, you guys ain't so tough. I had tea with Ashtar, he told me he doesn't even know you.
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@KingMamba93 say what u want to say but its not going to change anything.... Yankee will be used as cattles.... America, mexico, brazil under tall greys. Yankee body is just tool for expriment.... Just like a rat for scientists.... Yankees getting back what they did to world. Yankeestan thought none can harm them.... Well tall greys had yankees good.... Majority of yankees, mexicans and brazil dead body not found.... The one found were horrifying to even look at it.... This is destiny of yankees (faint hearted must not view. GRAPHIC)....
WARNING [GRAPHIC] Horrific Proof Aliens Mutilating Humans..!
The Most Disturbing Case of Alien Abduction Ever
Till now around 5 million yankees were abducted.... Previous abductions didnt had any memory erasing but tall greys created technology that erases memory of abduction.... Please note that majority of people who get abducted are bad karmic who emits negative energy.... The research shows people who eats beef, pork, meat or takes alcohol and drugs or did bad karma are the one getting abducted.... The numbers we have is 5 million yankees till now.... They been implanted a invisible painless micro chips for experiment and control (in a way yankees are slave now).... Same thing happening with north east indians whos diet similar to yankees.... majority of people never returns back as they used for their internal organs and tongue....
ET Among Us - Nearly A Million Americans Say They've Been Abducted
BBC NEWS | In Depth | Denver 2003 | Alien 'abductees' show real symptoms
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@KingMamba93 say what u want to say but its not going to change anything.... Yankee will be used as cattles.... America, mexico, brazil under tall greys. Yankee body is just tool for expriment.... Just like a rat for scientists.... Yankees getting back what they did to world. Yankeestan thought none can harm them.... Well tall greys had yankees good.... Blau bhu blabla blu ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Dude!!!!!What do you smoke? and more importantly where can i get some?
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