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Peshawar Jangla Metro using Punjab metro as prime model and case Study

I suppose KPK is still part of Pakistan and when an existing model is already present inside the country then shud time and money be wasted on any other model just to show that KPK govt pays a damn to what others are doing? Nonetheless Peshawar is damn chocked as there is just one main road passing through the city and this project is need of time.
Wow , words of wisdom from Ptians Kids to justify the peshawar metro.

For your kind information, Peshawar is 1/3 the size of lahore where metro was first built and ptian were crying why a metro in lahore.

Dare to accept the reality that pTI Rona dhona on metros and infrastructure project is nothing but dirty politics.

What's up with you moronic nooni toons and personal attacks? Patwari nooni toon .. I'm pretty much A-Political... Meaning I support no party not do I have any localities for any..
Your replies are enough to reflects your political fan following and childish logics.
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Wow , words of wisdom from Ptians Kids to justify the peshawar metro.

For your kind information, Peshawar is 1/3 the size of lahore where metro was first built and ptian were crying why a metro in lahore.

Dare to accept the reality that TI Rona China on metros and infrastructure project is nothing but dirty politics.

Your replies are enough to reflects your political fan following and childish logics.

Really ? Says the nooni who went off and started throwing cheap shots on a logical post which itself had nothing to do with his "political masters".

My post;

Instead of making useless fly overs and overhead bridges .. It's better to widen the roads and dedicate a lane for these buses... Or better yet .. Invest in local transportation system .. Make it efficient .. Buy more buses from HinoPak or other reputed manufacturers.

So called "metro buses" are a waste of precious (limited) public resources.

And the usual more loyal ... sort of a reply;
Wet dreams of Ptians.s this will remain a paper project like all other PRI projects.
And for your information, the coat of this greater Peshawar merti project as per initial estimates is 160 billion.

Go and tell them to your pti masters.

Halal Peshawar metro. Hahah.
Kindly talk on topic, I know you can't because these pi di metro pics are hitting every Ptians very hard on their head.

Let pti do some thing and then come up with these if and buts conspiracy theories.

And you accuse me of fan following? Kinda stupid don't you think.
Well there are many difference . firstly the steal use will not be from sharif family mills. the files for audit will be available and not burnt in a mysterious fire. third the cost would be low. like pmln 4 billion for advertisement will not be given .
Ptians and their retarded logics.
You are making all tall claims even before this project is complete on paper.

Really ? Says the nooni who went off and started throwing cheap shots on a logical post which itself had nothing to do with his "political masters".

My post;

And the usual more loyal ... sort of a reply;

And you accuse me of fan following? Kinda stupid don't you think.
For you and all crying Ptians.

Wow , words of wisdom from Ptians Kids to justify the peshawar metro.

For your kind information, Peshawar is 1/3 the size of lahore where metro was first built and ptian were crying why a metro in lahore.

Dare to accept the reality that pTI Rona dhona on metros and infrastructure project is nothing but dirty politics.

It was never about the metro but about the fact how major chunk of money was spent at exuberant rate when it was needed to be spent on projects related to power generation, health and education at that very time. Bdw did anyone say anything when the fund collected from whole country's gas consumers, amounting Rs183 billion on account of GIDC, were solely spent by Punjab Govt for Metro and Orange line? This is when other provinces start raising objections for their own right. Why is that U wud blindly support just one party but wud remain silent on malpractices of the very same? Are they saint or what? And let me tell U again, when it comes to even a pint of bad decision/malpractice by PTI, I am the one hell of critic of them and U know why? Coz i aint a blind follower nor am I slave to anyone.
Wet dreams of Ptians.s this will remain a paper project like all other PRI projects.
And for your information, the coat of this greater Peshawar merti project as per initial estimates is 160 billion.

Go and tell them to your pti masters.

Halal Peshawar metro. Hahah.
Kindly talk on topic, I know you can't because these pi di metro pics are hitting every Ptians very hard on their head.

Let pti do some thing and then come up with these if and buts conspiracy theories.
its just price less to see these gooner Youthias Burn ...but one thing is for sure they can never ever admit their mistake or Lie ...n be ashamed ....
Again it's not my fault nooni toons are stupid۔۔.
Dear kid, Use burnol.
I know you can't defend anti infrastructure logic of pti, the hats why you are just trolling and hasn't said a single word on topic.

Bdw did anyone say anything when the fund collected from whole country's gas consumers, amounting Rs183 billion on account of GIDC, were solely spent by Punjab Govt for Metro and Orange line
Totally baseless allegation.
U jab gov. Can't spend any such money which is collect under federal umbrella. They can only spend money from their provincial budget.

Lahore and pindi metro were completed using provincial budget of punjab.
Even orange line metro has zero finance from Federal gov.

Son, Im old enough to be a father of 10 .. And probably a child your age had i married in my teens..
Why would I ? It's your behind that seems to be on fire for no reason .. Nooni toon.

I know you can't defend anti infrastructure logic of pti, the hats why you are just trolling and hasn't said a single word on topic.
Too retarded to comprehend that I'm not a PTI fan? Or just too much daal or nihari like ganja papi today? Goof ball.
Pakistan don't have enough land. Pakistan need underground subway systems.

That would be even more expensive I presume? Personally I like competition amongst political parties for things that will actually benefit the common man. That is the spirit of democracy and glad to see PTI and PML try to outdo each other. Lets just try to keep it civil guys.
Son, Im old enough to be a father of 10 .. And probably a child your age had i married in my teens..
I am talking about your mental age and maturity dear.

Why would I ? It's your behind that seems to be on fire for no reason .. Nooni toon.
Here comes a pti youthia in action.

It's raining these days... Swimming pools and artificial rainfall is ready for you nooni toons;
View attachment 322153 View attachment 322154 View attachment 322155 View attachment 322156

Jump in and cool your unused brain.
All these issues have already been solved and there hasn't been any such issues despite heavy rains in Islamabad and pindi in last 1 year.
I am talking about your mental age and maturity dear.
Clearly superior to your depreciated mental capacity.
Here comes a pti youthia in action.

So I'm a PTI supporter because I have intellect to call a spade and present my opinion? And despite me not being a PTI supporter? Wah Lahori/nooni toon logic

Dimagh mein bhoosa bhara hai ganjay ki tarah? Bloody sheep.

You political party supporters are like sheep lead my wolves. Same cartoons different brands.

I am talking about your mental age and maturity dear.

Here comes a pti youthia in action.

All these issues have already been solved and there hasn't been any such issues despite heavy rains in Islamabad and pindi in last 1 year.

Nooni toon check it out;

Aqal bari k bhainse? For you definitely bhains..
A year back i said the very same thing to PTI kidies here that you will see khatak following same path as PMLN. In Pakistan such political trophies win the elections which is just sad and pathetic.
A year back i said the very same thing to PTI kidies here that you will see khatak following same path as PMLN. In Pakistan such political trophies win the elections which is just sad and pathetic.

I agree, and personally i don't see anything wrong with this Project. I would not be surprised if PTI manages to build this project at half the cost of Lahore Metro, just like PTI was able to build a much bigger flyover at half the cost of Lahore. The biggest bone of contention is corruption, as every Project the PML-N undertakes is steeped with corruption and kickbacks. And sadly, PML-N supporter whether on this forum or offline don't find anything wrong with corruption.
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