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Pentagon halts ground shipments via Pakistan

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Pentagon halts ground shipments out of Afghanistan via Pakistan

WASHINGTON: The US military has halted ground shipments of cargo leaving Afghanistan via its key Pakistan supply route to ensure the safety of drivers following protests in Pakistan over American drone strikes, a Pentagon spokesperson said on Tuesday.

The affected route, which runs from Torkham Gate at the Afghanistan-Pakistan border to Karachi, has been crucial for the United States as it winds down its combat mission in landlocked Afghanistan and moves equipment out of the country.

The route accounts for the vast majority of ground traffic of US military cargo through Pakistan and has been targeted by protesters in Pakistan angered by US drone strikes.

“We are aware protests have affected one of the primary commercial transit routes between Pakistan and Afghanistan,” Pentagon spokesperson Mark Wright told Reuters.

“We have voluntarily halted US shipments of retrograde cargo … to ensure the safety of the drivers contracted to move our equipment,” he added, referring to shipments going out of Afghanistan.

The US decision to temporary suspend its use of the route is another headache for military planners just as Afghan President Hamid Karzai throws into doubt American plans to keep some forces in Afghanistan after Nato’s combat mission ends next year.

Karzai has so far refused to sign a bilateral security pact the United States and Nato say are crucial for some international forces to stay to advise and assist Afghans.

Wright said the US military expected it could resume its retrograde shipments through the Pakistani route in the near future. He also pointed out that the United States has other options to move equipment out of the country.

Still, other options are far more costly, including the shipments via the so-called Northern Distribution Network, a complex web of transit routes through Russia and Central Asia. That route is key in bringing supplies into Afghanistan.

The United States also flies equipment out of Afghanistan in jets, including munitions and weapons.

The US military had to rely on those alternatives, however, when Pakistan closed down the routes to protest a Nato cross-border killing of Pakistani soldiers in 2011.

Although there is another ground supply route through Pakistan, closure of the main route essentially shuts off retrograde shipments, one US official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The United States still has about 46,000 troops in Afghanistan, a figure set to fall to 34,000 by early next year.

As Nato winds down its operations, it is handing responsibility for fighting Taliban insurgents to the Afghans, before most foreign combat forces pull out by the end of 2014.

Nato plans to leave a training mission, expected to number 8,000 to 12,000 soldiers, in Afghanistan after 2014.

US and Nato officials have warned that if Karzai does not sign the security deal with the United States promptly, both Washington and the alliance would have to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

Nato officials have also warned that, if all foreign troops left, it could put at risk billions of dollars in foreign aid because donors would be reluctant to contribute to funding Afghan security forces if there were no foreign troops on the ground to see how the money was spent.
:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) for countering Karzai's jingoism ?


It is not countering Karzai, But some politics involving KPK PTI Govt., Afghanistan Govt and the USA.

Karzai will become a good leader if he opposes USA and shows his spine.

Secondly Afghanistan , USA and other nations are on the verge of cutting a deal with the Afghan Taliban.

Third If Karzai opposes USA doings in Afghanistan and also asks USA to leave he will score more brownie points in his home land particularly in the areas of Taliban influence.

Fourth USA will never choose Iran as an alternate route to Pakistan as Pakistan is ready to capitalize on what ever money it will get from USA for offering the transit.

PTI Dharna is not a failed one but a message to USA reminding the growing opposition of Drones in Pakistani establishment and the KPK.

PTI will also score brownie points here by opposing USA.
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As US decreases its presence in Afghanistan, it will become less dependent on Pakistan. Pakistan will be the net loser here. their forex reserves are already so good that they can afford to close down down some existing channels of dollar inflow.
It is not countering Karzai, But some politics involving KPK PTI Govt., Afghanistan Govt and the USA.

Karzai will become a good leader if he opposes USA and shows his spine.

Secondly Afghanistan , USA and other nations are on the verge of cutting a deal with the Afghan Taliban.

Third If Karzai opposes USA doings in Afghanistan and also asks USA to leave he will score more brownie points in his home land particularly in the areas of Taliban influence.

Fourth USA will never choose Iran as an alternate route to Pakistan as Pakistan is ready to capitalize on what ever money it will get from USA for offering the transit.

PTI Dharna is not a failed one but a message to USA reminding the growing opposition of Drones in Pakistani establishment and the KPK.

PTI will also score brownie points here by opposing USA.

I personally believe that PTI's dharna is helping US indirectly :).

Karzai already scored few points by getting Taliban appreciation over NOT signing the deal ;)

There are also rumours he might try to amend constitution for getting himself elected for third time.

All in all whatever he does, the fact remains that Karzai is not capable of ruling after US withdrawal.

Now the issue is NATO/US pull out there is a mess for all of us, if it doesnt pull out still a mess but not that bigger.

the main thing is lack of clear policy
I personally believe that PTI's dharna is helping US indirectly :).

Karzai already scored few points by getting Taliban appreciation over NOT signing the deal ;)

There are also rumours he might try to amend constitution for getting himself elected for third time.

All in all whatever he does, the fact remains that Karzai is not capable of ruling after US withdrawal.

Now the issue is NATO/US pull out there is a mess for all of us, if it doesnt pull out still a mess but not that bigger.

the main thing is lack of clear policy

NATO is not pulling out!!!

Just reducing the troops simple as that, they are calling it "Afghan troop draw down" not pull out.

USA and other countries are firmly behind Karzai govt. now and any new Govt. coming after the elections will have Karzai's influence.

regarding the mess on both sides of Durand line, I hope for better after the talks and the out come.
Sanctions may soon follow.

I would favor USA sanctioning us as this will end the dollar-sucking regime and their moron leaders would know the reward of slavery has ended. Pakistan doesn't need to be an enemy of USA but its been equally dangerous and expensive being its "friend". We will be better off by having USA far far away from us - that is it.

On realistic side, If USA sanctions us, what else it would have to keep Pakistan in the loop in Afghanistan? USA wouldn't want to destroy the little gain they have achieved after burning billions in Afghanistan. USA still needs to withdraw 35 billion dollar equipment from Afghanistan and would still want to keep a working relationship to maintain its two airbases and 10,000+ personals on ground.
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NATO is not pulling out!!!

Just reducing the troops simple as that, they are calling it "Afghan troop draw down" not pull out.

USA and other countries are firmly behind Karzai govt. now and any new Govt. coming after the elections will have Karzai's influence.

regarding the mess on both sides of Durand line, I hope for better after the talks and the out come.

what will they get by remaining there ? when full cant control the mess what will half do ?
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