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Peking University Professor Says China Reform a Dead End

Götterdämmerung;2505781 said:
Excuse me, you are talking to a journalist who has been working in the German/French media for almost 15 years. I have yet to see any of my colleagues quoting Epoch Times as a source.

Oh, not my motherland your motherland again. Come up with some more creative argument. :disagree:

If you are a journalist , I'm the president of the united states. You know why? Because no journalist worth a darn penny would say "Quoting"someone is the basis of a news organization being credible. That is the most stupid excuse I have heard for what is your obvious disdain for epoch.
Agree with Götterdämmerung, sourcing Epoch Times is the height of desperation and frustration by Indiot troll 'Smarterthanyou' who is actually an Indian, and ashmed of India, pretending to be American.

I call this a Troll thread.

You said it exactly right brother. :lol:
Here's why Epoch is not credible. Remember, Epoch Times is owned by Falun Gong.

Falun Gong not so innocent

"Beneath that surface, the Falun Gong is really more like the Chinese counterpart to Scientology, and it has all the classic makings of a cult. The Scientology parallel comes out most strikingly when you look up the quotes and writings of the Falun Gong’s leader, Li Hongzhi.

For starters, Master Li persistently claims that the Earth is under attack from extraterrestrial aliens who are getting ready to clone and supplant the human race even as we speak. All of modern culture and technology, according to Li, is the product of alien mind control, and it’s only a matter of time before the aliens possess us all because they envy humans for having the most perfect bodies in the universe.

You don’t even need to look to the Chinese government’s anti-Falun Gong propaganda to find these snippets of Li’s cockamamie insights. It’s all there in his writings and in his interviews with the international press. The information above on Li’s alien-invasion theories comes right from an interview he had with a correspondent from Time-Asia in 1999. The article is still on Time-Asia’s Web site, and — if this interests you at all — I encourage you to look it up; I’m really only giving small glimpses here of the wacky stuff that comes out of Li Hongzhi’s mouth."

---------- Post added at 04:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 AM ----------

Falun Gong is an enemy of humanity. Not even Nazis truly enjoyed killing Jews.

Falun Gong Tried to Celebrate Sichuan Earthquake But Got Boo’ed | The New Voice

First epoch is not owned by any gong and even if they were. You guys kill Muslims, Buddhist and much too many religious followers if they protest peacefully for anyone to take about any gong. Secondly, Epoch times have several creditable articles, great majority and even if they have had the occasional controversial opinion piece, not unlike BBC or new York times has had, it does mean they are to be totally untrusted.

The biggest testament being, you guys are attacking epoch times and not the article. Tells us,did your professor not say this? Is the article a lie? I can produce 10 x articles of them being right on the money too. You 50 cent posters hate epoch simply because they post non propaganda proved articles. Shame on you for selling out against your people.
First epoch is not owned by any gong and even if they were. You guys kill Muslims, Buddhist and much too many religious followers if they protest peacefully for anyone to take about any gong. Secondly, Epoch times have several creditable articles, great majority and even if they have had the occasional controversial opinion piece, not unlike BBC or new York times has had, it does mean they are to be totally untrusted.

The biggest testament being, you guys are attacking epoch times and not the article. Tells us,did your professor not say this? Is the article a lie? I can produce 10 x articles of them being right on the money too. You 50 cent posters hate epoch simply because they post non propaganda proved articles. Shame on you for selling out against your people.

I don't know whether he said this or not. Did you personally hear him speak? If not, how did you know? Why is Epoch the only paper talking about this if its true?

I don't need to attack Epoch times or Falun Gong. They do a good enough job of that themselves :lol:

The Epoch Times -- Anyone Have Ownership/Background Info? - Democratic Underground

In the West, where the group is free to organize and freedom of the press is far greater, the FLG do much advocacy work through the press. In 2004 questions began to arise over whether certain Western-based organizations, such as newspaper group The Epoch Times and New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), are actually FLG organizations. The Chinese government claims they are propaganda tools for the FLG intended to damage the reputation of the Chinese government. The FLG claim they are independent news organizations.

There does appear to be, at the very least, an intimate association between these groups and the FLG. In early 2004, Li Hongzhi, the founder and spiritual leader of the group, gave his one and only interview since the group was banned to the NTDTV. According to a report in the Far Eastern Economic Review, prominent FLG spokespeople serve as a director for NTDTV and on the board of The Epoch Times; both organizations give the FLG prominent coverage. In addition, both organizations are staffed by volunteers, often FLG followers, whose main jobs are unrelated to journalism.

One reason why the group might deny its association with these news organizations is that Li Hongzhi teaches his followers that they must not be political. This was a good survival tactic while the group was still legal in China. However, it now seems at odds with reality while the group functions as a protest movement outside China. Nonetheless, the group continues to maintain this position. This may partly explain why they deny association with these media organizations notable for their distinctive focus critical of the Chinese government.

Regardless of how one views the control/ownership controversy, it is clear that the FLG organization and its members are producing news and information for public consumption. In the past few years, Mr. Li has encouraged his practitioners to establish their own news organizations in order to get their message out. This might have something to do with the group's gradually increasing dissatisfaction with FLG coverage in mainstream press. Initially, the coverage of the group was mostly sympathetic, frequent and reflected the group's views. Over time, however, followers felt the coverage grew inadequate and failed to reflect their concerns about the magnitude and immediacy of their cause. The solution was to create their own coverage.


and this link too:


A professor at Peking University, one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in China, has gone out on a limb in recent remarks in Taiwan, denouncing the Chinese communist political system and saying that he and his colleagues have given up hope in the Communist Party.

Dr. Xia Yeliang, an economics professor, also concluded in the seminar at National Taiwan University on Dec. 18 that the economic reforms of the last 30 years are as far as it is going to go, because the Chinese Communist Party will not willingly relinquish its monopoly on power. There will be no democratic political reform in China under the Party, he said.
“If the people in China want democracy, the society at large need to pressure the CCP,” he said.
“One-party ruling easily leads to a tyrannical government due to the lack of supervision and restraining mechanisms,” he said.

He said that the CCP has meticulously controlled public opinion by monopolizing the media, where all televisions, radios, newspapers, and publishers—in China, and in Hong Kong, and Taiwan to a lesser extent—are transmitting the CCP’s propaganda in one way or another.

All universities in China are public schools directly controlled by the CCP, he said.
The Party also maintains what it calls a “stable society” through what Xia calls “national terrorism,” which cost 570 billion yuan (US$90 billion) last year, more than the country’s entire military expenses. This year the operation is estimated to exceed US$95 billion, he said.

When asked by a member of the audience whether China is a capitalist or socialist country, Xia allowed that there are capitalist themes, but that it is really state monopolistic capitalism, elitist capitalism, and nepotistic capitalism, instead of free market capitalism.

“They adopt whatever is beneficial for them,” he said of Party officials. “They have neither religious belief nor political ideals. They worship money.”
Xia noted that the number of people involved in local protests in China has gone from dozens or thousands in the past to tens of thousands at a time now. The protests take place in one village after another, and desperate people are willing to die for their appeals, having been pushed so far by the regime.

He believes that there will be more widespread and violent social conflicts which, if not diffused, could bring an end to the communist regime. Totalitarian regimes in general, he said, are all bound to end sooner or later. If most of people in the country believe that the regime is corrupt, in decline, and its doings go against the general welfare, then it is only natural that the people will overthrow it, he said. That will take a variety of social forces working over a period of time, he said.

Peking University Professor Says China Reform a Dead End | Business & Economy | China | Epoch Times
OH! Excellent work/try by the CIA paid professor to derail the system of China....WOW......looks like CIA wants to move aggressively against China nowadayz cuz of so much frustration and enmity.But I guess these kind of cheap moves won't workout nowadayz they gone obsolete......:smokin:
The said professor has long been discredited and fired. His education is also disrecognized.

Source of information is important because it establishes credibility.
First epoch is not owned by any gong and even if they were. You guys kill Muslims, Buddhist and much too many religious followers if they protest peacefully for anyone to take about any gong. Secondly, Epoch times have several creditable articles, great majority and even if they have had the occasional controversial opinion piece, not unlike BBC or new York times has had, it does mean they are to be totally untrusted.

The biggest testament being, you guys are attacking epoch times and not the article. Tells us,did your professor not say this? Is the article a lie? I can produce 10 x articles of them being right on the money too. You 50 cent posters hate epoch simply because they post non propaganda proved articles. Shame on you for selling out against your people.

US has done a fair share of it's own muslim killing in Iraq and Afghanistan don't get me started on how many Buddhist were killed in the Vietnam war. Epoch Times is rather a Pro Falun Gong site reports mostly makes up stuff like 100 million CCP members left when at max 80 million have ever been in the party.

Sure professor did say this however Falun Gong Pro Sites right all the time your argument fails on that? it's best not to go on Pro anything news and remain. so you accuse him of being a 50 cent poster reading his comment he makes his fair share of criticism toward his government yet a 50 cent poster must always praise maybe your the wrong one. Epoch is unreliable on most stuff. Falun Gong is pretty hated if they get sold out it won't matter, Don't really think Chinese care what an American thinks ya my Nig ?
The said professor has long been discredited and fired. His education is also disrecognized.

Source of information is important because it establishes credibility.

What do you guys smoke? On one hand you confirm the news article and then in the next sentence say thwy the one who published it is not creditabie
US has done a fair share of it's own muslim killing in Iraq and Afghanistan don't get me started on how many Buddhist were killed in the Vietnam war. Epoch Times is rather a Pro Falun Gong site reports mostly makes up stuff like 100 million CCP members left when at max 80 million have ever been in the party.

Sure professor did say this however Falun Gong Pro Sites right all the time your argument fails on that? it's best not to go on Pro anything news and remain. so you accuse him of being a 50 cent poster reading his comment he makes his fair share of criticism toward his government yet a 50 cent poster must always praise maybe your the wrong one. Epoch is unreliable on most stuff. Falun Gong is pretty hated if they get sold out it won't matter, Don't really think Chinese care what an American thinks ya my Nig ?

Ismail, what are you going on about now. What basis are you calling epoch not credible? Even new York times writes controversial opinion pieces. Do you understand the difference between reporting news vs opinion pieces? Right here in this thread - we have the news confirmed by a Chinese poster.
Ismail, what are you going on about now. What basis are you calling epoch not credible? Even new York times writes controversial opinion pieces. Do you understand the difference between reporting news vs opinion pieces? Right here in this thread - we have the news confirmed by a Chinese poster.

which poster confirmed it? which poster said "this professor did this."

lmao no one. kid, learn better English. No one can understand you. How did you pass ESL?
If you are a journalist , I'm the president of the united states. You know why? Because no journalist worth a darn penny would say "Quoting"someone is the basis of a news organization being credible. That is the most stupid excuse I have heard for what is your obvious disdain for epoch.

Well, your stupidity cum ignorance is the reason why you are not the president of anything but I'm a journalist. Journalists and media company pride themselves that they are quoted just like scientists like to be quoted by peers. It's a sign of excellence and reliability.
Götterdämmerung;2508517 said:
Well, your stupidity cum ignorance is the reason why you are not the president of anything but I'm a journalist. Journalists and media company pride themselves that they are quoted just like scientists like to be quoted by peers. It's a sign of excellence and reliability.

You are a journalist and you don't know the difference between taking pride in accomplishments vs. what you claimed was a sign of absolute creditability for a online news edition. Perhaps you mistook writing for the local ads mailer as a sign of journalism .
You are a journalist and you don't know the difference between taking pride in accomplishments vs. what you claimed was a sign of absolute creditability for a online news edition. Perhaps you mistook writing for the local ads mailer as a sign of journalism .

You know, if your newspaper is never quoted and ignored by respected media peers, that tells you a lot about the credibility of your newspaper.

By the end of the day, you are not a president of anything, logically therefor I must be a journalist. :smokin:
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