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Peking University Professor Says China Reform a Dead End

Jan 15, 2012
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A professor at Peking University, one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in China, has gone out on a limb in recent remarks in Taiwan, denouncing the Chinese communist political system and saying that he and his colleagues have given up hope in the Communist Party.

Dr. Xia Yeliang, an economics professor, also concluded in the seminar at National Taiwan University on Dec. 18 that the economic reforms of the last 30 years are as far as it is going to go, because the Chinese Communist Party will not willingly relinquish its monopoly on power. There will be no democratic political reform in China under the Party, he said.
“If the people in China want democracy, the society at large need to pressure the CCP,” he said.
“One-party ruling easily leads to a tyrannical government due to the lack of supervision and restraining mechanisms,” he said.

He said that the CCP has meticulously controlled public opinion by monopolizing the media, where all televisions, radios, newspapers, and publishers—in China, and in Hong Kong, and Taiwan to a lesser extent—are transmitting the CCP’s propaganda in one way or another.

All universities in China are public schools directly controlled by the CCP, he said.
The Party also maintains what it calls a “stable society” through what Xia calls “national terrorism,” which cost 570 billion yuan (US$90 billion) last year, more than the country’s entire military expenses. This year the operation is estimated to exceed US$95 billion, he said.

When asked by a member of the audience whether China is a capitalist or socialist country, Xia allowed that there are capitalist themes, but that it is really state monopolistic capitalism, elitist capitalism, and nepotistic capitalism, instead of free market capitalism.

“They adopt whatever is beneficial for them,” he said of Party officials. “They have neither religious belief nor political ideals. They worship money.”
Xia noted that the number of people involved in local protests in China has gone from dozens or thousands in the past to tens of thousands at a time now. The protests take place in one village after another, and desperate people are willing to die for their appeals, having been pushed so far by the regime.

He believes that there will be more widespread and violent social conflicts which, if not diffused, could bring an end to the communist regime. Totalitarian regimes in general, he said, are all bound to end sooner or later. If most of people in the country believe that the regime is corrupt, in decline, and its doings go against the general welfare, then it is only natural that the people will overthrow it, he said. That will take a variety of social forces working over a period of time, he said.

Peking University Professor Says China Reform a Dead End | Business & Economy | China | Epoch Times
The professors statement that china is headed for much violence and strife against the govt is being seen as holding much truth.
What about it? Is the news false. Just because the 50 cent army does not like this publication, because it prints banned articles in your motherland, does not , not make it creditable.

Excuse me, you are talking to a journalist who has been working in the German/French media for almost 15 years. I have yet to see any of my colleagues quoting Epoch Times as a source.

Oh, not my motherland your motherland again. Come up with some more creative argument. :disagree:
There is nothing new in the professor's saying. The world already knows since ages what the professor is saying
There is nothing new in the professor's saying. The world already knows since ages what the professor is saying

really bcz i thought they knew china would become a super power not some broken fighting nation.... buy everybody can have their opinions i can go ahead and say aliens are ruling us with proof you can believe me or not ;);)
really bcz i thought they knew china would become a super power not some broken fighting nation.... buy everybody can have their opinions i can go ahead and say aliens are ruling us with proof you can believe me or not ;);)

China and super-power :lol: don't gel. Yes, if nothing serious happens, then China could be on its way to become an economic heavyweight...nothing more than that. Regarding controlling the media, it is the official policy of Chinese government to keep its media under its control
China and super-power don't gel. Yes, if nothing serious happens, then China could be on its way to become an economic heavyweight...nothing more than that. Regarding controlling the media, it is the official policy of Chinese government to keep its media under its control

nothing serious happens what are u expecting a world war that would create a crisis.... china is lending trillions of dollars to the present super power as loans. china is already quite an economic power if not china who do you think will be the next super power and plz plz be realistic
nothing serious happens what are u expecting a world war that would create a crisis.... china is lending trillions of dollars to the present super power as loans. china is already quite an economic power if not china who do you think will be the next super power and plz plz be realistic

I think why China cannot be a superpower has been to death on this forum. Even I believe, China itself doesn't want to be a superpower. Most of its military modernization is aimed at keeping US at bay in South China sea.

Why don't we foresee a world where there is no superpower, but multiple power centres
Here's why Epoch is not credible. Remember, Epoch Times is owned by Falun Gong.

Falun Gong not so innocent

"Beneath that surface, the Falun Gong is really more like the Chinese counterpart to Scientology, and it has all the classic makings of a cult. The Scientology parallel comes out most strikingly when you look up the quotes and writings of the Falun Gong’s leader, Li Hongzhi.

For starters, Master Li persistently claims that the Earth is under attack from extraterrestrial aliens who are getting ready to clone and supplant the human race even as we speak. All of modern culture and technology, according to Li, is the product of alien mind control, and it’s only a matter of time before the aliens possess us all because they envy humans for having the most perfect bodies in the universe.

You don’t even need to look to the Chinese government’s anti-Falun Gong propaganda to find these snippets of Li’s cockamamie insights. It’s all there in his writings and in his interviews with the international press. The information above on Li’s alien-invasion theories comes right from an interview he had with a correspondent from Time-Asia in 1999. The article is still on Time-Asia’s Web site, and — if this interests you at all — I encourage you to look it up; I’m really only giving small glimpses here of the wacky stuff that comes out of Li Hongzhi’s mouth."

---------- Post added at 04:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 AM ----------

Falun Gong is an enemy of humanity. Not even Nazis truly enjoyed killing Jews.

Falun Gong Tried to Celebrate Sichuan Earthquake But Got Boo’ed | The New Voice
Agree with Götterdämmerung, sourcing Epoch Times is the height of desperation and frustration by Indiot troll 'Smarterthanyou' who is actually an Indian, and ashmed of India, pretending to be American.

I call this a Troll thread.
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