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PDF's obsession about KSA's (Arabs in general) trade ties with India - Arabs winning the trade war

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India recorded an annual trade deficit with KSA last year that amounted to 22.9 billion USD.


Same case with every single Arab country that has any relevant trade ties with India with the exception of UAE.

So KSA, unlike China (India's main trade partner and like KSA, China also has an enormous trade surplus with India but is somehow never criticized for its trade ties with India unlike KSA and Arabs), is criticized by simpletons on PDF for de facto weakening the Indian economy on a massive scale annually.


Add to that the massive (cheap) albeit decreasing (due to nationalization policies) Indian labour in GCC.

To make it simple, India is a gold mine for the GCC by large and that has been the case for decades in a row.

To somehow expect KSA or Arabs in some imaginary alternative universe, to cease this trade relationship, equates to not being aware of simple geopolitics that dictate the policies of every non-failed nation state in the world that looks out for its own interests first and foremost in the jungle that is the world.

Whats the point of this post?.
Thanks to Saudi Arabia for giving so many opportunities for Pakistanis and standing by with Pakistan in a lot of difficult time. and we have good ties No Denying this fact.
But Your country have good relations with India and your government means no harm to India, Don't argue on that. Indian Government is AGGRESSIVELY Anti-Pakistan on each and every forum. Sports, Arts, Military, Economy you name it. KSA have FRIENDLY Ties with India. And it bothers a lot of us when your government have such ties with India, yet your government always pressurize our Govt to keep away from Iran, Your Archival.
But still i am good with Saudi KSA Government, They have never Opposed Pakistan anywhere on any forum (Not that i know of) and always helped us in time of Crisis, Financially and Diplomatically.

Problem with Pakistani people in general is that they are way too much indoctrinated into this UMMA stuff they cannot even perceive any other ideology when it comes to International relations relating to Muslim countries. Hell, trust me most of my fellow countrymen cannot even digest the amount of hatred and enmity that exist between some Muslim countries and simply rebuff it calling "American Israeli Conspiracy". They think that every Muslim country that makes a decision against their wishes is betraying them no matter how many favors they are giving you.
Why the title PDF? What's the reason to attack Forum?
Cuz he is a attention seeker, who needs attention and validation every now and than, for the Arab grandeur that only exists in his mind.

If I am not wrong it’s the same 2 people who keep coming back with new IDs after getting banned.
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Problem with Pakistani people in general is that they are way too much indoctrinated into this UMMA stuff they cannot even perceive any other ideology when it comes to International relations relating to Muslim countries. Hell, trust me most of my fellow countrymen cannot even digest the amount of hatred and enmity that exist between some Muslim countries and simply rebuff it calling "American Israeli Conspiracy". They think that every Muslim country that makes a decision against their wishes is betraying them no matter how many favors they are giving you.

Ummah concept will get stronger in real politics if political Islam get more power in Muslim world. You can see it clearly the policy taken by Egypt during Mursi compared to Sisi in relation with Palestine issue. Egypt relation with Turkey is also different between those Egypt government version.

For example Indonesian people is divided between nationalist and Islamist supporter and they constantly fight in online platform, be it Youtube comment or Facebook. Both have different sentiment about Ummah concept. I just post my comment on Facebook post talking about Syrian refugee suffering and urge Indonesian to take Syrian refugees and I get huge support and like because the Facebook page members comes from Islamist supporter group.

Kashmir issue and Delhi massacre also get many attention from this group and lately many Facebook post talk about the Delhi massacre within my group of friend. Both issues are also mentioned in my Today Jumat prayer.

You cannot take GCC rulers policy to make generalization about Arab people. Those nations are monarchy. Arab in general have large percentage of Islamist supporter and if their government adopt democratic system they will definatelly change their international politics policy. You can clearly see it in Algeria and Egypt during their free election, and democratic Tunisia and Maroco.

For my point of view there is no wrong on having trade relation with India as the OP shows that the trade is benefiting them. Despite so I think Gulf nations investment should favor Muslim nations compared to India and China.

As Muslim populace become more conservative, the chance to implement Ummah concept in real international politics policy is getting bigger. Particularly because democracy concept is also popular among Muslim. As we know, democratic nation usually make policy that is inline with the interest of their voters.
If I am not wrong it’s the same 2 people who keep coming back with new IDs after getting banned.

Such IPs always give away even if a genius uses proxy/vpn to mask. The gentleman has nothing to explain for his baseless allegations against PDF but still; comes here with such kind of title without any substance to prove and downplays the Forum.

Such activities are not allowed and such dis-info & mislead will be dealt accordingly. Thread closed due to lack of substance, having malicious & disrespectful approach towards this very Forum & an illogical yet lame excuse to initiate such a topic which creates more divide among communities as compare to bringing any good to the table to discuss.

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