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PDF's obsession about KSA's (Arabs in general) trade ties with India - Arabs winning the trade war

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We were told that a Muslim will always support another Muslim and in a perfect world this would be true. But we live in the reality and especially Pakistan should stop relying on other so called Muslim nations. States have no morale, they have no friends, they have no principles in general. They have interests! Check the history of mankind, how many different wars were fought? How the alliances changed over time? In 1856 the Ottomans won the Crimean War with England and France against Russia. 20 Years later France and England couldn't care less about the Russo-Turkish War of 1877. Shall I continue?

Governments hide behind Islam in order to control their people and to promote their good guy image in Islamic world. You want Muslim solidarity, you want change? Start with yourself, become a rich man, go educate yourself and try your best to be a good Muslim on the way to it. This will help us, not this entitlement mentality! The Ummah needs a strong Pakistan, because we are the only nation, that is build on this principle. Every other country has nationalist or royalist foundation.

Pakistan is not just a nation state, it's a state of mind! It's kind of a Megali Idea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megali_Idea) for a great Islamic nation.

We don't need remittances from abroad, we have to change our mind! Pakistan has a big potencial to become a wealthy state. We have enough rescources, we are not that overcrowded like India and so on. I know so many Pakistani scientists and business owners (no, I don't mean restaurants or grocery stores...) here in Germany. If the environment is right, we can do everything with the help of Allah! Just create this environment in Pakistan and our nation will prosper. No need for Ummah Socialism or dependancy from foreign remittances!

Pakistan Zindabad!

Sincerely, does any modern state highlight foreign remittance as a national treasure in 2020 ? We do.

We were told that a Muslim will always support another Muslim and in a perfect world this would be true. But we live in the reality and especially Pakistan should stop relying on other so called Muslim nations. States have no morale, they have no friends, they have no principles in general. They have interests! Check the history of mankind, how many different wars were fought? How the alliances changed over time? In 1856 the Ottomans won the Crimean War with England and France against Russia. 20 Years later France and England couldn't care less about the Russo-Turkish War of 1877. Shall I continue?

Governments hide behind Islam in order to control their people and to promote their good guy image in Islamic world. You want Muslim solidarity, you want change? Start with yourself, become a rich man, go educate yourself and try your best to be a good Muslim on the way to it. This will help us, not this entitlement mentality! The Ummah needs a strong Pakistan, because we are the only nation, that is build on this principle. Every other country has nationalist or royalist foundation.

Pakistan is not just a nation state, it's a state of mind! It's kind of a Megali Idea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megali_Idea) for a great Islamic nation.

We don't need remittances from abroad, we have to change our mind! Pakistan has a big potencial to become a wealthy state. We have enough rescources, we are not that overcrowded like India and so on. I know so many Pakistani scientists and business owners (no, I don't mean restaurants or grocery stores...) here in Germany. If the environment is right, we can do everything with the help of Allah! Just create this environment in Pakistan and our nation will prosper. No need for Ummah Socialism or dependancy from foreign remittances!

Pakistan Zindabad!
Why do Pakistanis expect other countries to spoil their relations with India for Pakistan, while imran khan openly says that china is a good friend and we are dependent on China, so cant say anything in support of the Uighur muslims in china ? Like Pakistan values its relationship with china , so do others with India. Their are no selfless actions taking place anywhere.
Even mahatir blatantly said that China is too powerful and Malaysia cant support the uighurs. This is the real world.
Nepal does not support India in everything though we share a common religion.
Doesn't Arabs consider themselves as leader of Islam since Islam came from Arabia and the most holiest sites of Islam are in KSA???
The next two battle fields will be what is left of the "Arab" kingdoms.. and India. Pakistan needs to prepare for this eventuality. Arabs have lost their identity and they are hopeless. The GCC is already surrounded by the Americans and Yahoods.

India has grown so belligerent that they will attack Pakistan sooner or later. It would be foolish to think the Arabs can help us. A people who are already so divided.. Look at what they are doing to other Arabs in Syria and Yemen.

If GCC and KSA jeopardize the petrodollar for one second then they will be thrown out just like Qaddafi and Saddam Hussein. It is only a matter of time. Pakistan cannot afford to be on the side of a people who want to fight with Allah and the Hindus are in a direct war with Allah.

So if the Arabs want to buddy up with them then let them. We cannot win a losing battle and supporting the kuffar is a losing battle.
20 arab countries ? Has 500 million Arabs in this alliance. Not one has a nuke capabilities. Only oil to sweeten there humiliation from Libya to Iraq. We Pashtuns/ Pakistan came to Qatar humbled your USA. You can now run along and play with your new infidel friend modi’s and stroke his balls.
20 arab countries ? Has 500 million Arabs in this alliance. Not one has a nuke capabilities. Only oil to sweeten there humiliation from Libya to Iraq. We Pashtuns/ Pakistan came to Qatar humbled your USA. You can now run along and play with your new infidel friend modi’s and stroke his balls.

You humbled USA lol

USA could ruin your life and trash your entire existence
You humbled USA lol

USA could ruin your life and trash your entire existence

Mike Pompeo ? Your right wing nut successfully humbled by Pashtuns warriors in your Qatar peace begging deal we gave them. And Qatari whores offering its self and services to piece of action.

The only places American is trashing is you arabs. Do something about it When it comes to Pakistan American licks our balls.
Pan-Arabism is a big pipe dream and most Arab rulers hide behind that like they hide behind Islam. Folks, the king of Iraq and the king of Jordan were cousins, the royal families in the Arab world are related to each other. Do you see an Arab Shuppa-Pohwa any there in this world? They have some oil and expats from all over the world working there as long they don't have to pay taxes. That's it.

Arab nationalism / Pan-Arabism has a big history of being a failure. Arab-Israeli wars anyone? 10 Billion Arabs vs. 200 Israelis? What did they achieve? Arabs hate each other more than Pakistanis and Indians do. That's for sure!

Pakistan needs no false friends like them, trust in Allah and do your best. Pakistan will become a prosperous state in the near future, inshallah!
Doesn't Arabs consider themselves as leader of Islam since Islam came from Arabia and the most holiest sites of Islam are in KSA???

Thing about Islam, Allah never made them caretakers or owners of Islam. Allah replaces Arabs with mongols and Ottoman Empire. I’m sure Allah will replace them with Europeans after they are done wiping out Arabs during Al Malhama Al Kubra as foretold our Prophet PBUH so let the Arabs do what they want. The only Arabs we should care about are the descendants of our Nabi PBUH.
Moreover India is a many times larger economy than Pakistan. No comparison.

. There are more Muslims in India than there are Pakistanis in the world despite Muslims barely making up 15% of India's population to put the numbers into perspective.

There are ancient trade ties between Arabia and India as well that predate the foundation of India and Pakistan (as nation states) by millennia. IVC oldest trade partners for instance, where ancient civilizations in Arabia and Southern Iraq.


Firstly this propaganda has been busted several times about more India Muslims than Pakistan. Pakistan have 220 million plus Muslims. While India have about 1 75 million.

Secondly another propaganda that Arabs and Iranian say that you had trade with India. India was never a country in the past. IVC was in the land which makes modern day pakistan. The name India itself is derived from Sindh. Your and Irani trade was mostly from sindh region. And this is where the islam entered from mostly by traders from Iran and Arabia.

Thirdly Pakistan had never established ties and fought against Israel not because of itself but because of Arab but have Arabs and Irani reciprocated? You giving them easy $$$ and trade while they occupy Muslim lands and shoot Muslims with the bullets they purchase from your money. In Qayama those dead Muslims will question Allah and Mohammad(SAW) about you guys.
20 arab countries ? Has 500 million Arabs in this alliance. Not one has a nuke capabilities. Only oil to sweeten there humiliation from Libya to Iraq. We Pashtuns/ Pakistan came to Qatar humbled your USA. You can now run along and play with your new infidel friend modi’s and stroke his balls.

Arabs are a useless nation they are like the foam on top of ocean water they go where the wave goes. No amount of money will save their necks.

I was in Umrah last week before the ban and they are the most useless race I’ve seen in my entire existence since I have been breathing; money, women (used like goats) and fancy cars is all they have. No will to fight if it will come down to it.
Mike Pompeo ? Your right wing nut successfully humbled by Pashtuns warriors in your Qatar peace begging deal we gave them. And Qatari whores offering its self and services to piece of action.

The only places American is trashing is you arabs. Do something about it When it comes to Pakistan American licks our balls.
America is scared of mighty Pakistan yes
America is scared of mighty Pakistan yes

I made my point ! You clearly and the other guy believed in your supremacy to cheer .

I in return showed you our supremacy to others who boasts there’s.

I wish you happy Jummah today

Pan-Arabism is a big pipe dream and most Arab rulers hide behind that like they hide behind Islam. Folks, the king of Iraq and the king of Jordan were cousins, the royal families in the Arab world are related to each other. Do you see an Arab Shuppa-Pohwa any there in this world? They have some oil and expats from all over the world working there as long they don't have to pay taxes. That's it.

Arab nationalism / Pan-Arabism has a big history of being a failure. Arab-Israeli wars anyone? 10 Billion Arabs vs. 200 Israelis? What did they achieve? Arabs hate each other more than Pakistanis and Indians do. That's for sure!

Pakistan needs no false friends like them, trust in Allah and do your best. Pakistan will become a prosperous state in the near future, inshallah!

they live in the past glorious of the righteous arab conquests. Who fought for only Islam and sunnah with there swords and faith and there armies. These 2 jokers on PDF belittle there ancestors of Islamic virtues. With there talk of desert oil as there yardstick to success we should be in awe of it. Then without any bit of shame arrogantly boast there India. Knowing quite well what that country is to others. Monkeys in circus politics these people are
India recorded an annual trade deficit with KSA last year that amounted to 22.9 billion USD.


Same case with every single Arab country that has any relevant trade ties with India with the exception of UAE.

So KSA, unlike China (India's main trade partner and like KSA, China also has an enormous trade surplus with India but is somehow never criticized for its trade ties with India unlike KSA and Arabs), is criticized by simpletons on PDF for de facto weakening the Indian economy on a massive scale annually.


Add to that the massive (cheap) albeit decreasing (due to nationalization policies) Indian labour in GCC.

To make it simple, India is a gold mine for the GCC by large and that has been the case for decades in a row.

To somehow expect KSA or Arabs in some imaginary alternative universe, to cease this trade relationship, equates to not being aware of simple geopolitics that dictate the policies of every non-failed nation state in the world that looks out for its own interests first and foremost in the jungle that is the world.

Why the title PDF? What's the reason to attack Forum? What PDF has to do with this where, the members have their opinion as such and expresses the same? You know that you are on the same Forum right now.

India's main trade partner and like KSA, China also has an enormous trade surplus with India but is somehow never criticized for its trade ties with India unlike KSA and Arabs

It hurts when your brother provides a bite of life to your enemy. The people that criticizes KSA having such ties with India are supposedly hurt due to religious ties unlike China which is not an Islamic Country. Even if China has the trade with India, that part becomes redundant in view of China's support & cooperation between two countries on several domains. CPEC is just a latest reference between Pakistan & China. That argument of yours is too weak & flawed to begin with hence, my reply to make you realize the real issue. Same people also blames Iran as well and that comes with similar sentiment so also, the strategical developments. Yes, Iran provided Chahbahar for which we remained silent but Kulbhushan and many other terrorists made us think more otherwise. Similarly, KSA is one of the major trade partner with India despite of India's wrongs in the region including Kashmir on top. Emotionally, that is the reason to point fingers at brothers or otherwise, you are suggesting that there is no brotherhood between Pakistan & KSA UAE at all.

Just waiting for your explanation for baseless accusations against the Forum that too being generalized against not just KSA but Arabs at whole.
China never give them highest medals. China openly opposed their Kashmir move so much so that they went to UNSC. China never hired Indian population over Pakistan and gave them forex. China rejected them and went ahead with CPEC. China even rejected india's move when they tried to associate pakistan with terrorism in some G8 or BRIC meeting. And there is many more. There is simply no comparison.
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