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PDF's obsession about KSA's (Arabs in general) trade ties with India - Arabs winning the trade war

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They never learn...Still the ummah chummah is going on. The average Pakistani is as dumb as it gets.

What's wrong bro, are you losing faith because of some ignorants here? Even if the whole world loses faith, I will still hold onto mine, for the sake of Allah.

The Arabs are right now wandering in their desert, and in front of them is a mirage of water that they see, when they eventually get close enough they will see that it was all an illusion. They will eventually realise this with their nationalism, and their friendships with India and the West, its only a matter of time.
i sold something saudi arabia guy recently .guy asked me about so much paper work .iam so suprised they askpaper work for very small amout money. he told me saudi goverment does not want people to trade with Turkey..he said he is in trouble.
What's wrong bro, are you losing faith because of some ignorants here? Even if the whole world loses faith, I will still hold onto mine, for the sake of Allah.

The Arabs are right now wandering in their desert, and in front of them is a mirage of water that they see, when they eventually get close enough they will see that it was all an illusion. They will eventually realise this with their nationalism, and their friendships with India and the West, its only a matter of time.

Every decision that Pakistan has taken ( apart from making nuclear weapons) turned out to be a disaster.
Threads based on personal feeling should not be allowed on PDF. This clearly has turned into a shit fest with one side showing superior saudis and other side acting like bunch of wimps with daddy issues. The day Pakistanis understand that we don't need to be cannon fodders for saudis and iranians to fulfil our religious obligations 99% of our problem will be solved. Saudis do what is in their interest and we should do the same rather than feeling hurt just bcz saudis are doing more business with India. Saudis basically have no choice in the matter if they don't do business with Indians then they will loose money meaning unable to afford their lives of luxury.

Same reason Saudis shouldn't expect Pakistanis to save their arse when time comes. Pakistan has a clear policy that we will protect Makkah and Madina but we will no save you from you dumb adventures i.e. Yemen.
Every decision that Pakistan has taken ( apart from making nuclear weapons) turned out to be a disaster.

Perhaps you might be right... who knows I don't know myself. As for myself, I would feel comfortable knowing my nationals that made mistakes but had my interests in their heart than to nationals who never had my interests at heart but made the right decisions.
The UAE royals owe India for helping capture their adulteress princess from escaping.
So that dirty little “secret” will always add to the economic leverage Indians have.
The UAE royals owe India for helping capture their adulteress princess from escaping.
So that dirty little “secret” will always add to the economic leverage Indians have.

any link to the story
India recorded an annual trade deficit with KSA last year that amounted to 22.9 billion USD.


Same case with every single Arab country that has any relevant trade ties with India with the exception of UAE.

So KSA, unlike China (India's main trade partner and like KSA, China also has an enormous trade surplus with India but is somehow never criticized for its trade ties with India unlike KSA and Arabs), is criticized by simpletons on PDF for de facto weakening the Indian economy on a massive scale annually.


Add to that the massive (cheap) albeit decreasing (due to nationalization policies) Indian labour in GCC.

To make it simple, India is a gold mine for the GCC by large and that has been the case for decades in a row.

To somehow expect KSA or Arabs in some imaginary alternative universe, to cease this trade relationship, equates to not being aware of simple geopolitics that dictate the policies of every non-failed nation state in the world that looks out for its own interests first and foremost in the jungle that is the world.
I don't know about the rest of the Pakistanis on PDF...but I don't take an issue with KSA having trade with India or any other country on Earth.

What I do take an issue with is Arab countries not using their power(via OIC) to raise the Kashmir issue...and countries like UAE bestowing medals on Modi. Do u guys not recognize the power u hold over India? If the OIC(and Arab nations by extension) threw their weight around...u guys can easily strong arm India with ur collective economic might(and Indian dependency on ur countries)...to keep them from committing human rights violation.

Sure an argument can be made that there's no ummah...and why would Arab nations want to axe their own foot and not look out for their own interests...as u have already pointed out the trade surplus in ur favor worth billions...I get that all of that can be effected by taking such actions against India...
...but at what cost? There is such a thing as morals and principles. Things that one shouldn't completely abandon and chase blindly after money and national interests.
KSA has the most natural and mineral wealth in the world after Russia and USA. Trillions upon trillions of USD worth of wealth. It will take millennia for that to somehow disappear and by that time KSA will be a very advanced economy. Nowadays oil's role for KSA's economy is diminishing each day.

Moreover few countries in the world has as big an alternative energy potential as KSA has. So we are in very save hands.

KSA/GCC has the leverage over India, not the other way around.

Arabia has been self-sufficient since the first humans outside of Africa migrated to Arabia and from there to the remaining world. We are embarking on self-sufficiency on all fronts and we have the land, resources, location etc. to succeed big time. All that is needed is political will. You should not really be worrying. Our people are survivors per excellence. History has proven this time and time again and so have our enormous accomplishments in history often despite odds against us.
Ok. ya .. sure.. I guess you also suffer from Supa Dupa syndrome but fact on ground is GCC plan B for their survival (at least for Royals) is their return on investments in US, Europe and now (since Uncle Sam gave his node) India.

So just like US can turn Arab Royals from Hero to Zero over night by simply ceasing all their investments ( for e.g Libya , Iran), similarly now India is starting to enjoy certain level of leverage over Arabs and leverage will increase with amount Of investments at stake.

Arabs don’t have either the trained or willing manpower and the fire power to take punitive action against either India or west if they decided to simply cease every thing.
The UAE royals owe India for helping capture their adulteress princess from escaping.
So that dirty little “secret” will always add to the economic leverage Indians have.
I don’t see how that makes any difference since that was in the past, done and written in books and articles, published throughout the world. Enough NGOs later on tried their luck with all the “Free will for Woman” for the Princess but seems like they were shut up with some heavy cash...

The media also gave it a lot of air when it was a hot news so no face saving here or owing...

I don't know about the rest of the Pakistanis on PDF...but I don't take an issue with KSA having trade with India or any other country on Earth.

What I do take an issue with is Arab countries not using their power(via OIC) to raise the Kashmir issue...and countries like UAE bestowing medals on Modi. Do u guys not recognize the power u hold over India? If the OIC(and Arab nations by extension) threw their weight around...u guys can easily strong arm India with ur collective economic might(and Indian dependency on ur countries)...to keep them from committing human rights violation.

Sure an argument can be made that there's no ummah...and why would Arab nations want to axe their own foot and not look out for their own interests...as u have already pointed out the trade surplus in ur favor worth billions...I get that all of that can be effected by taking such actions against India...
...but at what cost? There is such a thing as morals and principles. Things that one shouldn't completely abandon and chase blindly after money and national interests.
Let me also come up with big post when i get free over this pretend drama of our pakistani people over KSA’s choices...
I don’t see how that makes any difference since that was in the past, done and written in books and articles, published throughout the world. Enough NGOs later on tried their luck with all the “Free will for Woman” for the Princess but seems like they were shut up with some heavy cash...

The media also gave it a lot of air when it was a hot news so no face saving here or owing...

Let me also come up with big post when i get free over this pretend drama of our pakistani people over KSA’s choices...
I believe it does, since it’s usually these token actions that define relationships with the bedouin.....

And coin.
What's wrong bro, are you losing faith because of some ignorants here? Even if the whole world loses faith, I will still hold onto mine, for the sake of Allah.

The Arabs are right now wandering in their desert, and in front of them is a mirage of water that they see, when they eventually get close enough they will see that it was all an illusion. They will eventually realise this with their nationalism, and their friendships with India and the West, its only a matter of time.
It will all be too late by then. Muslims/Muslim nations are divided(have been divided for long)...combined they can use their economic might, military might, etc. to ensure their collective interests...

...but why do that when they are instead busy trying to get a leg up on each other? Who cares about some poor Muslims dying elsewhere? It doesn't effect them directly and hence not their problem right?...reminds me of this poem...

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

@StormBreaker all these nations vying for their own "1.5 inch ki masjid" will soon be in for a rude awakening.
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Pakistan as a nation and people should stop relying on the GCC countries. The GCC has tried to use Islam and religion to its advantage in the past. Now the leaders are coke heads and they don't care about maintaining relationship with other Muslim countries. Some of the greatest humanitarian disasters are being committed by GCC and the Arab countries. Look at Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya and the greatest crime is Palestine. GCC is a force for bad in the Islamic world.

It will be really tough in the short them but in the long term it will only make Pakistan stronger. Pakistan's weak economy makes it vulnerable to these countries. Many of these nations can't survive one day without the help of USA or Israel especially KSA. It has already been foretold that Arabs will be destroyed completely so why bet on someone on the wrong side of history?

We were told that a Muslim will always support another Muslim and in a perfect world this would be true. But we live in the reality and especially Pakistan should stop relying on other so called Muslim nations. States have no morale, they have no friends, they have no principles in general. They have interests! Check the history of mankind, how many different wars were fought? How the alliances changed over time? In 1856 the Ottomans won the Crimean War with England and France against Russia. 20 Years later France and England couldn't care less about the Russo-Turkish War of 1877. Shall I continue?

Governments hide behind Islam in order to control their people and to promote their good guy image in Islamic world. You want Muslim solidarity, you want change? Start with yourself, become a rich man, go educate yourself and try your best to be a good Muslim on the way to it. This will help us, not this entitlement mentality! The Ummah needs a strong Pakistan, because we are the only nation, that is build on this principle. Every other country has nationalist or royalist foundation.

Pakistan is not just a nation state, it's a state of mind! It's kind of a Megali Idea (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megali_Idea) for a great Islamic nation.

We don't need remittances from abroad, we have to change our mind! Pakistan has a big potencial to become a wealthy state. We have enough rescources, we are not that overcrowded like India and so on. I know so many Pakistani scientists and business owners (no, I don't mean restaurants or grocery stores...) here in Germany. If the environment is right, we can do everything with the help of Allah! Just create this environment in Pakistan and our nation will prosper. No need for Ummah Socialism or dependancy from foreign remittances!

Pakistan Zindabad!
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