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PDF's obsession about KSA's (Arabs in general) trade ties with India - Arabs winning the trade war

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5% is fake figure..It is probably half than that... Modi and his government has fudged the GDP numbers

Yeah that is why I said less than 5%.

The boom they had since 2000 with IT has been well and truly over for a few years now as they never bothered to build up manufacturing which can provide the jobs for the masses.

They cannot attract large scale FDI in manufacturing as their labour laws are too restrictive and wages too high for skills available and their own companies are not up to the task to create the 100s of millions of jobs required.
^^ this nigga above is ready to worship Erdogan and Turkey now

It has become very easy to see this pattern, it has become so obvious that it bores me to point it out

Let him worship them. He probably used to worship Arabs prior to that. In 10 years time he might be blindly worshipping another nation/people.

Just happy that this phenomenon is mostly non-existent in the Arab world.

We should prioritize the Arab world before trying to save the world. We have tons of problems to solve in our own house, 500 + million people, 20 + nations but at the same time enormous potential on all fronts.
I guess we should recognize Israel then , it is only because of arab interest that we haven't . I guess participating in Arab-israeli wars was a mistake too.

That is again another attitude of Pakistan of blaming everyone except yourself for your decision. Why do you want to make a foreign policy change just because SA and India are not enemies...Does not it sound silly?
Your decision to make friendship with Israel should be on the sentiment of your own people rather than what SA or rest of the world thinks about Israel...
Let him worship them. He probably used to worship Arabs prior to that. In 10 years time he might be blindly worshipping another nation/people.

Just happy that this phenomenon is mostly non-existent in the Arab world.

In the end all will be Arabized.

For now I will leave the thread with a nice video of Arabism, goodnight to all soon to be Arabized elements.
^^ this nigga above is ready to worship Erdogan and Turkey now

It has become very easy to see this pattern, it has become so obvious that it bores me to point it out

Our task is to Arabize in every field and domain; Arabization in terms of a growing population of Arabs, Arabization on the industrial and economical level, Arabization of our neighbors through religion and linguistics etc. That's all that matters, get to work boys.

You the sand nigga bro not me.. They had Iraqis on their knees and once you did that you were allowed to learn English. You can't make a fire cracker wtf you going to arabize?
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As if that changed anything on the ground in Palestine. Just useless statements. You are free to cooperate with Israel. That country is an Arab country ethnically (25% are Arab Muslims and 2/3's of all Israeli Jews are Arab Jews or partially Arab Jews and I am the first one that looks forward to KSA establishing close ties with our cousins in Israel).

India is not an enemy of KSA or Arabs. Never was. Why is that so difficult to understand? India is poised to become a top 3 economy in the world and to become the most populous nation in the world. Why should we antagonize it?

If it helps you to sleep better by calling that Zionist entity that usurps Palestine "Arab", then good for you.

Indian economy is dead in the water - they grew for 2 decades on the back of IT boom but now even that cannot propel their economy forward now since they never built up large scale manufacturing.

The priority of the current Indian government is to kill and cleanse as many Muslims as possible from India!

Good luck if you think that India will become a top 3 economy anytime in the near future.
That is again another attitude of Pakistan of blaming everyone except yourself for your decision. Why do you want to make a foreign policy change just because SA and India are not enemies...Does not it sound silly?
Your decision to make friendship with Israel should be on the sentiment of your own people rather than what SA or rest of the world thinks about Israel...

If our leadership had any brains , they would have had made peace with Israel. I hope they are inching towards it because if Arabs have given up on Palestine then why are we wasting our time on it.
The 200 + million Indian Muslims have a love for Arabs and a religious, cultural, linguistic and a minority ethnic/ancestral affinity. As for Arabs views against Indians, they are neutral although most Arabs have never met an Indian in their life and know very little about India and Indians. Only those of us in the GCC are familiar with Indians and that too mostly superficially.

I share the same sentiment with Arabs too...We may not be best of the best friends, but definitely we are not enemies to each other..We do not have love for each nation to make business and respect them as a civilization...Our relationship is based on the way Arab Govt respects us as a nation. Feeling and respect are mutual in nature.
^^ this nigga above is ready to worship Erdogan and Turkey now

It has become very easy to see this pattern, it has become so obvious that it bores me to point it out

Our task is to Arabize in every field and domain; Arabization in terms of a growing population of Arabs, Arabization on the industrial and economical level, Arabization of our neighbors through religion and linguistics etc. That's all that matters, get to work boys.

Your country Iraq was anally raped by Americans and their allies.. You are still living under occupation..

Arabs never learn... Either slave of the west or getting killed / exploited by them but still have the nerve to be arrogant..
Let him worship them. He probably used to worship Arabs prior to that. In 10 years time he might be blindly worshipping another nation/people.

Just happy that this phenomenon is mostly non-existent in the Arab world.

We should prioritize the Arab world before trying to save the world. We have tons of problems to solve in our own house, 500 + million people, 20 + nations but at the same time enormous potential on all fronts.

I worship Allah alone.

You cannot save the Arab world let alone KSA.. KSA has done some of the worst things to the Arab world. Look at all the wars that USA is in right now? They would not have a leg to stand on if it wasn't KSA and GCC countries supplying them with bases and ports. Yemen, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Libya were destroyed because of direct help from KSA and other GCC countries. More than 1 million civilians dead just from the Iraq war alone. Americans were friends of Iraq once and turned on them what makes you think they will be your friends forever?
Your country Iraq was anally raped by Americans and their allies.. You are still living under occupation..

Arabs never learn... Either slave of the west or getting killed / exploited by them but still have the nerve to be arrogant..

We don't listen to Americans whether before, after or now
You listen, hence not being attacked.

Does it matter or make a difference in the long-run, it doesn't. Population was 17 mil in 1990, today's it's 40 mil.

All of this is irrelevant, you're already Arabized.
We don't listen to Americans whether before, after or now
You listen, hence not being attacked.

Does it matter or make a difference in the long-run, it doesn't. Population was 17 mil in 1990, today's it's 40 mil.

All of this is irrelevant, you're already Arabized.

Increase in population doesn't mean much...Israel is very small compared to all arab countries combined by still it kicked your butts.

Funny you have flag of denmark. Perhaps Iraq is too shitty for you..

A citizen from a country that is ruled by someone else but still has the audacity to be boastful... Lol stupid arab.
Increase in population doesn't mean much...Israel is very small compared to all arab countries combined by still it kicked your butts.

Funny you have flag of denmark. Perhaps Iraq is too shitty for you..

A citizen from a country that is ruled by someone else but still has the audacity to be boastful... Lol stupid arab.

You have no idea.

If the US had dedicated similar hostile efforts towards Pakistan or Turkey, as it did towards Iraq and certain other Arab states. You'd be fuked up right now.

The US has done little to nothing against you or Turkey, and you should be happy with that. They could ruin you in many ways. KSA and GCC states are doing well, Iraq was doing well prior to the wars. But this all is nothing but a matter of time, states rebuild. Your attempts don't do anything against me as in the end Iraq is part of a larger Arabization effort, and we will Arabize you as well, my fellow semi-Arab friend.
Indian and esp hindu immigrants are a safety valve no gul country will give up. Gulf countries are monarchies with very high level of immigrants. in UAE i think nationals are just 10 percent - 90 percent are immigrants. Imagine if all these immigrants are sunni muslims and decide to revolt and overthrow the monarchy.
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