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PDF's obsession about KSA's (Arabs in general) trade ties with India - Arabs winning the trade war

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If anyone still believes that GCC is a Gold mine for developing nations Anymore, it’s like living in a fool’s paradise...

The massive deportation drive and the competition in oil industry has played negatively for KSA and to some extent UAE. The strategic and trade importance has been falling since some years, and this is concerning the leaders in the GCC.

There are far better options than GCC now, where atleast, Nationality is given, not that you remain a labor for all your life and without Nationality, just to get back to your home at 60 and die out of hunger, earning mere 800 riyal per month for 30-40 years.

Welcome back. You work on not getting banned often.
The list of such members is long...
First of all I don't know from where you have those imaginary numbers from.


Moreover India is a many times larger economy than Pakistan. No comparison.

Secondly there are 1.3 billion Indians and 200 million Pakistanis. There are more Muslims in India than there are Pakistanis in the world despite Muslims barely making up 15% of India's population.

Let me simplify the expectations of Pakistan from you...India is a Non Muslim country...So you should always stand with Pakistan while giving any benifit to India wrt Pakistan...Pakistan basically want you to be a partner of Indo Pak rivallary and support them and punish evil Hindu Indians by not allowing any job at SA...
Your assumption is wrong...If all the work that can be done by Pakistan, then why Pakistan has not able to fill up these vacancies in Gulf...Pakistan resource always gets preferential treatment in Arab world while getting any kind of job...Rather than blaming Arabs, it is the inability of Pakistan to use their friendship to their economic advantage is the problem...
The era of preference was before 2004-2006, when Sheikh Zayed was alive, KSA wasn’t being pressurized by USA to take in more Indian labor than Pakistani... Later on, your bunch came in, as even cheapER labor.
To summarize, KSA has a massive annual trade surplus with India and that has been the case for decades in a row. Last 50 + years of trade balance and it probably approaches almost 1 trillion USD overall in favor of KSA.

Whatever private Indians do with their earned money after contributing massively to KSA/GCC is none of my business nor that of KSA as India is not an enemy state but a beneficiary for KSA given the obvious benefits that KSA enjoys and enormous trade balance. I don't care about whatever happens in India either.

Again changing goal posts...Your opinion argument stated net dollar movement of 22B in favor of KSA. I proved it wrong.

Now you want to account for 50 years of trade.. Even then , you are lying:- Here is the data.

Indian imports from KSA https://tradingeconomics.com/india/imports-from-saudi-arabia

KSA Imports from India https://tradingeconomics.com/india/imports-from-saudi-arabia

KSA oil production , 50 years timeline https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Saudi_Oil_Production.png

50 years back , you guys had negligible trade. The trade increased by the end of 90s. I don't know where you pulled trillion dollar trade surplus.
Let me simplify the expectations of Pakistan from you...India is a Non Muslim country...So you should always stand with Pakistan while giving any benifit to India wrt Pakistan...Pakistan basically want you to be a partner of Indo Pak rivallary and support them and punish evil Hindu Indians by not allowing any job at SA...
If you still believe that Indian labor is still preferred in GCC, you haven’t heard about Filipinos... They can work for even less than what you CHEAP labors used to get, plus, filipinos are educated and also have great Command in English.
India recorded an annual trade deficit with KSA last year that amounted to 22.9 billion USD.


Same case with every single Arab country that has any relevant trade ties with India with the exception of UAE.

So KSA, unlike China (India's main trade partner and like KSA, China also has an enormous trade surplus with India but is somehow never criticized for its trade ties with India unlike KSA and Arabs), is criticized by simpletons on PDF for de facto weakening the Indian economy on a massive scale annually.


Add to that the massive (cheap) albeit decreasing (due to nationalization policies) Indian labour in GCC.

To make it simple, India is a gold mine for the GCC by large and that has been the case for decades in a row.

To somehow expect KSA or Arabs in some imaginary alternative universe, to cease this trade relationship, equates to not being aware of simple geopolitics that dictate the policies of every non-failed nation state in the world that looks out for its own interests first and foremost in the jungle that is the world.
It’s a difference of mentality (either you take Alpha stance or a beta, submissive role). GCC could have use this situation to their advantage show their leverage over India (like US) Instead they make the wrong moves an exposed their state of vulnerability.

Basically telling India, Pakistan ditched us (in Yemen), now we are all your’s daddy.

Now India thinks it got leverage on GCC because in Arabs minds, they are running out of oil and investment is their backup plan for survival. Ain’t nothing much coming out of that desert once oil dry up.
First of all I don't know from where you have those imaginary numbers from.


Moreover India is a many times larger economy than Pakistan. No comparison.

Secondly there are 1.3 billion Indians and 200 million Pakistanis. There are more Muslims in India than there are Pakistanis in the world despite Muslims barely making up 15% of India's population to put the numbers into perspective.

There are ancient trade ties between Arabia and India as well that predate the foundation of India and Pakistan (as nation states) by millennia. IVC oldest trade partners for instance, where ancient civilizations in Arabia and Southern Iraq.

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It is like asking why 1.4 billion big China is the largest trade partner of 1.3 billion big India and not 750.000 big Bhutan.
I pulled the numbers from wikipedia.. Your numbers are way too small to be believed



Your assumption is wrong...If all the work that can be done by Pakistan, then why Pakistan has not able to fill up these vacancies in Gulf...Pakistan resource always gets preferential treatment in Arab world while getting any kind of job...Rather than blaming Arabs, it is the inability of Pakistan to use their friendship to their economic advantage is the problem...

This is incorrect info... That preference ended in early 2000s...Now there is no such preference.
India recorded an annual trade deficit with KSA last year that amounted to 22.9 billion USD.


Same case with every single Arab country that has any relevant trade ties with India with the exception of UAE.

So KSA, unlike China (India's main trade partner and like KSA, China also has an enormous trade surplus with India but is somehow never criticized for its trade ties with India unlike KSA and Arabs), is criticized by simpletons on PDF for de facto weakening the Indian economy on a massive scale annually.


Add to that the massive (cheap) albeit decreasing (due to nationalization policies) Indian labour in GCC.

To make it simple, India is a gold mine for the GCC by large and that has been the case for decades in a row.

To somehow expect KSA or Arabs in some imaginary alternative universe, to cease this trade relationship, equates to not being aware of simple geopolitics that dictate the policies of every non-failed nation state in the world that looks out for its own interests first and foremost in the jungle that is the world.

Actually you are not looking at the true picture.

Most of India's deficit with KSA/GCC is due to oil imports. It is not like India can easily replace such a large supplier like the Arabs.

In 2018 these were the largest oil exporters to India:

1. Iraq 23 billion US dollars
2. Saudi Arabia 21.2 billion US dollars
3. Iran 13 billion US dollars

See India is stuck with the Arabs and could not retaliate as there would be no alternative suppliers who could provide anywhere near the extra oil.

But you have a massive trump card - you could easily replace the Indian labour with people from Muslim countries like Pakistan and BD to a great extent. If Indians somehow dared to reduce oil imports from Arabs, then just kick out those resident Indians and replace with Muslims from Pakistan and BD who could do the jobs just as good.

You sold out Palestine to Zionists which kind of makes sense as you are in alliance with them against Iran, but no idea why you patronise Hinduvta India at all!!
If anyone still believes that GCC is a Gold mine for developing nations Anymore, it’s like living in a fool’s paradise...

The massive deportation drive and the competition in oil industry has played negatively for KSA and to some extent UAE. The strategic and trade importance has been falling since some years, and this is concerning the leaders in the GCC.

There are far better options than GCC now, where atleast, Nationality is given, not that you remain a labor for all your life and without Nationality, just to get back to your home at 60 and die out of hunger, earning mere 800 riyal per month for 30-40 years.

The list of such members is long...

Nationalization campaigns is a fantastic policy. KSA has a quickly growing population (numbers won't ever be a problem again like they were during the booms of the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's - hence the need for foreign hands as there were not enough of local hands back then), one of the most educated populations in the world and economic reforms have been praised by the IMF and every other organization worth of notice. Every future economic prognosis puts KSA in the top 20-15 of the world's largest economies.

People who migrated to KSA/GCC were never promised citizenship. They knew the realities beforehand. If KSA started giving passports away like candy, our population would exceed 100 million within a few years and locals would be a minority. This might be a solution for city states such as Dubai but not a huge country like KSA. Yemen alone will have a population approaching 100 million in a few decades. We won't ever lack cheap workforce even within our own Arab population.

And the days of the West giving out passports to third world countries and welcoming such people with open arms have long ago ended.

In any case I expect people, whether Arab or non-Arab expats, born in KSA to become naturalized eventually much like people prior to 1932.

The era of preference was before 2004-2006, when Sheikh Zayed was alive, KSA wasn’t being pressurized by USA to take in more Indian labor than Pakistani... Later on, your bunch came in, as even cheapER labor.

In what alternative universe is KSA "pressured" by anyone (lol) to take Indian workers in?
The era of preference was before 2004-2006, when Sheikh Zayed was alive, KSA wasn’t being pressurized by USA to take in more Indian labor than Pakistani... Later on, your bunch came in, as even cheapER labor.

Guys, can you ever take a stock of how you guys mismanaged your foreign policy and always blame others for your own failure??

India was literally a pariah state for the entire world just like another poor, uninfluential country till 2000. Pakistan was a golden boy of Arab nations throughout your history. But your problem is that you never use your friendship to your economic advantage. This is my honest assessment of Pakistan...You are friend of US, Arabs and China at same way till 2000. Why did you not use your friendship to bring investment, trade and other incentives rather you choose to make every relationship as a transactional one.

I am sure even today, it is not like Arabs have any special love for Indian, rather they hire anyone who contribute to their economy...So who was stopping you to invite Gulf nations and be part of growth story by making an investment in Pakistan what China is doing post-2000 in Pakistan.... If you can provide good environment for growth and profit, i am not sure all the Arab investors will jump to your country to share the benefit...
Actually you are not looking at the true picture.

Most of India's deficit with KSA/GCC is due to oil imports. It is not like India can easily replace such a large supplier like the Arabs.

In 2018 these were the largest oil exporters to India:

1. Iraq 23 billion US dollars
2. Saudi Arabia 21.2 billion US dollars
3. Iran 13 billion US dollars

See India is stuck with the Arabs and could not retaliate as there would be no alternative suppliers who could provide anywhere near the extra oil.

But you have a massive trump card - you could easily replace the Indian labour with people from Muslim countries like Pakistan and BD to a great extent. If Indians somehow dared to reduce oil imports from Arabs, then just kick out those resident Indians and replace with Muslims from Pakistan and BD who could do the jobs just as good.

You sold out Palestine to Zionists which kind of makes sense as you are in alliance with them against Iran, but no idea why you patronise Hinduvta India at all!!

Vast majority of Indians in KSA are Muslim. You don't seem to understand that simple fact. The numbers of Indians in KSA is negligible and let us be honest, India is more powerful/has a far greater economy than all of the other South Asian nations combined. That won't change in the future either due to India's massive population.

KSA is not part of your South Asian rivalries similar to how you lot don't care about internal Arab/Middle Eastern rivalries by large.
If you still believe that Indian labor is still preferred in GCC, you haven’t heard about Filipinos... They can work for even less than what you CHEAP labors used to get, plus, filipinos are educated and also have great Command in English.

Good for them...I will not mind if we are outclassed by a genuine business competition rather than being outclassed for our religion...This is a normal business cycle where every customer looks for their own benefits...Even the same thing in IT too, Indian companies are replaced by Philipines and Vietnamese companies...Who stopped Pakistan to focus on building a progressive nation-state with focus on the economy rather you wasted your energy in Afagninstan and all the mess around the world...
Nationalization campaigns is a fantastic policy. KSA has a quickly growing population (numbers won't ever be a problem again like they were during the booms of the 1960's, 1970's, 1980's - hence the need for foreign hands as there were not enough of local hands back then), one of the most educated populations in the world and economic reforms have been praised by the IMF and every other organization worth of notice. Every future economic prognosis puts KSA in the top 20-15 of the world's largest economies.

People who migrated to KSA/GCC were never promised citizenship. They knew the realities beforehand. If KSA started giving passports away like candy, our population would exceed 100 million within a few years and locals would be a minority. This might be a solution for city states such as Dubai but not a huge country like KSA. Yemen alone will have a population approaching 100 million in a few decades. We won't ever lack cheap workforce even within our own Arab population.

And the days of the West giving out passports to third world countries and welcoming such people with open arms have long ago ended.

In any case I expect people, whether Arab or non-Arab expats, born in KSA to become naturalized eventually much like people prior to 1932.

In what alternative universe is KSA "pressured" by anyone (lol) to take Indian workers in?
It is not that one should be given nationality as a candy, no. Heck, even I don’t support that for afghans residing in my nation.

And KSA has genuine population growth, it has to accommodate its own people into working environments. However, my point was a bit different, people working in KSA/UAE for more than 15-25 years, or those who have invested a handsome amount, having functional business or some property should be given options for PR or Nationality, to safeguard their assets. One can buy a property but suddenly you get deported, what is the use then of buying it ?

And BTW, KSA’s nationality isn’t even a dream of many, UAE, one can wish for though, the infrastructure, mass transit, tourism, who wouldn’t wish to live in Dubai/Tokyo/Shanghai/New York

KSA is not part of your South Asian rivalries similar to how you lot don't care about internal Arab/Middle Eastern rivalries by large.
This, i do agree. It isn’t KSA’s problem, similarly, Just like Yemen wasn’t our problem.
whether Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Phillipino or whatever else, these are poor laborers who go to work in the gulf countries to earn a livelihood and may be get out of their debt. In the process KSA and India as economies benefit. Why the hell do some you bring dumb religious bigotry into this.

It is amazing that some people who need the assistance of KSA to meet payroll presume to advise them on financial matters. On top of that, the guy has patiently explained and still is called a low IQ post.
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