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@M-48 be a maniac like me dedicate busy time too!

Awesome logo, Sarthak, I'm looking for a guy for graphics and composition it'd be great if you could point out the right guy for me.

Graphics - I can but I have a bad habit of including Swastikas(not Nazi ones) :undecided: . But in this case it would not be apt, many will raise objections. I may post some here if something cool comes to my mind. :agree:

Keep up the good work mate :toast_sign:
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Graphics - I can but I have a bad habit of including Swastikas(not Nazi ones) :undecided: . But in this case it would not be apt, many will raise objections. I may post some here if something cool comes to my mind. :agree:

Keep up the good work mate :toast_sign:

if you have graphics experience then I'll show you what I need: http://www.operationspaix.net/DATA/DOCUMENT/4025~v~An_Introduction_to_Pakistan_s_Military.pdf

Check out the graphics done here, the illustrations, tables and such. THat's what's needed.


Here is the link if the other one is not working.
@Neptune , yes you can join as well I need people for the navy section. @S.Y.A I asked you for the same: navy section.
@Alpha 1 Good to have you on buddy.
@truthseeker2010 : check the post I will link up

Can everyone please email me at jaibi@defence.pk ? It would be great if we have gtalk as well.

Everyone please check this post to get an idea what we are about to do:

@Zarvan you too.

Everyone, we are getting here as Research Assistants and Compilers. I would announce the final division when we have everyone signed on.

You can help in compilation and assistance, right?

aye aye jack...wait a sec, @S.Y.A Is he a squid too?
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Yup, he's a jack too!

then we are four now! Me, him, a Bangladeshi, and a Korean. Mann That's shameful when compared to pdf's army ladies. Anyways, pls inform me about my job on this at the one you opened at tt sec. Regards.

I am not much into graphics .

Im deprived of forum times, crippled on ideas and averting any engagements for the time being.

The Spark plug is not igniting the engine at the moment please try later?

It's getting colder with every passing day and i'm myself thinking of hibernation.

See you in the next spring.
@jaibi Sir let me be honest with you..... I am not a professional in military matters..... all i do is go through articles posted on pdf and other forums regarding defence matters and for information i go to the open sources such as wiki etc..... I will not call myself military researcher but finding out about and getting info on military really is one of my interests..... So I don't know how can I help you but would be really glad if I do so.....
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@jaibi Sir let me be honest with you..... I am not a professional in military matters..... all i do is go through articles posted on pdf and other forums regarding defence matters and for information i go to the open sources such as wiki etc..... I will not call myself military researcher but finding out about and getting info on military really is one of my interests..... So I don't know how can I help you but would be really glad if I do so.....

If you know how to go about military info and are in the latest trends then we can use you. That's exactly what we require, not professionals. This is a joint PDF effort.

email me at jaibi@defence.pk
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I did check in and then checked out.....with the reason that is mentioned above.

I'm an old man and they've posted me to do a young man's job.I'll take my time young fellow.Those nuts and knees are almost rusted now,let's see what can we do about it.

I will write something on Kashmir.But not now.Let me clear up my head first from some stuff.
According to my schedule i'll return as soon as they'll start a military OP against our "friends" in the west.
Take care till then, chief! :D
@jaibi I received your pm, for some reason I'm not able to reply, anyways, thanks for the offer, I'm in. Let me know where can we communicate, other than the email, that's not possible for me right now. Apologies!
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