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PAT claims Nawaz agreed on drone hits


Jan 28, 2008
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PAT claims Nawaz agreed on drone hits


ISLAMABAD - Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, the leader of Pakistan Awami Tehreek, has claimed that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a meeting held with US Secretary of State John Kerry ahead of his meeting with President Obama had agreed to continue drone attacks.
He said that the government, however, would continue to make hue and cry about putting an end to drone strikes for face saving aimed at deceiving media and the people of Pakistan.
He said that the agreement was also reached between the PM and John Kerry to give information to the American Security Agency unilaterally without taking ISI into confidence. It was also agreed that Pakistan would purchase the American weapons worth billions of rupees, he said.
Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri expressed these views while addressing the executive council of PAT on Wednesday. He said that the agreements with Iran including that of Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline would not be pursued vigorously; adding that the government would hold talks with the American-supported Taliban factions.
He further claimed that the PM in the meeting with John Kerry had also agreed to privatization of 15 state-owned enterprises. He said that Nawaz had assured the US Secretary of State that the policies would continue as per American wishes.
Isn't he supposed to die this year? (As per His Claim?)

I am waiting when his own prediction about himself will come true. Then I might take him serious on his claims.
Isn't he supposed to die this year? (As per His Claim?)

I am waiting when his own prediction about himself will come true. Then I might take him serious on his claims.
he die or not?
he reaches to heaven or hell, its not pakistan,s problem?
but what ever he is talking, its the truth about NAWAZ SHARIF you should admire him about it, he making esier for NAWAZ because, reality is not mudh NAWAZ can do now?
& not only NAWAZ but anyone, you can bring in power, cause nothing much left.
stay on the topic, instead becoming sitaroon ki chaal?
i allways belive you are better then that!
he die or not?
he reaches to heaven or hell, its not pakistan,s problem?
but what ever he is talking, its the truth about NAWAZ SHARIF you should admire him about it, he making esier for NAWAZ because, reality is not mudh NAWAZ can do now?
& not only NAWAZ but anyone, you can bring in power, cause nothing much left.
stay on the topic, instead becoming sitaroon ki chaal?
i allways belive you are better then that!

It is the topic dear. He is a proven lie, and his claims means nothing. And certainly his this claim is also a false one. That's my point and proven fact.

And NS didn't agree on drone strikes, but eventual reduction of it, Till end of this year. But yes he did bring some points from USA that they will not allow their soil to be used against USA interests in Afghanistan. And this is how things goes.. Give & Take. & Equality which every Pakistani wanted from him. Rather then begging.
Pakistan should not not depend of foreign .too much decency on other lead to high level of exploration
just for american money,they are selling innocent blood

this is all drama ........without permission of local government how american can attack from drone ...........

it is really shameful......Pakistani(beggar) is the only country in world.....who is selling blood of innocent

jago pakistan jago
It is the topic dear. He is a proven lie, and his claims means nothing. And certainly his this claim is also a false one. That's my point and proven fact.

And NS didn't agree on drone strikes, but eventual reduction of it, Till end of this year. But yes he did bring some points from USA that they will not allow their soil to be used against USA interests in Afghanistan. And this is how things goes.. Give & Take. & Equality which every Pakistani wanted from him. Rather then begging.

look it, the official state policy of PMLn on drones?
if all this is lie, then there should be not more drone strike happening further, lets celebrete it? shall we?
or at least NS can oder, a targeted drone hit to PAF? i dont think , it willbe happening this sunday?
i think , TuQ maybe show starter but not a liar, recent past genrl elections has already proven, his truth & vission in the world & present?
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look it, the official state policy of PMLn on drones?
if all this is lie, then there should be not more drone strike happening further, lets celebrete it? shall we?
or at least NS can oder, a targeted drone hit to PAF? i dont think , it willbe happening this sunday?
i think , TuQ maybe show starter but not a liar, recent past genrl elections has already proven, his truth & vission in the world & present?

Come on, there is difference between "Claims" and reality. I (& I am sure current government) also want to get away from US Nexus but shooting down Drones will bring up Pakistan vs USA conflict. Question here is, can Pakistan afford such step? That's why, this discussion started on the first place. First PM raised this issue in UN. And then UN reported started to publish about Law & Regulations, innocent killing and other factors of Drone stricks.

I don't know why blaming current government for something, where clear their intervention and practical steps are visible. I learned one thing from my whole Life, you can't Satisfy others. But when all facts are in front, still you are following some liar's claim, come on. & It's proven fact, Proven from Pakistani Law, Proven from many contradictory statements he made.

Last I mentioned in previous post, and now, USA didn't accept to stop drones, but to gradually decrease it. So stopping on Sunday it gonna happen? No, it's not
Come on, there is difference between "Claims" and reality. I (& I am sure current government) also want to get away from US Nexus but shooting down Drones will bring up Pakistan vs USA conflict. Question here is, can Pakistan afford such step? That's why, this discussion started on the first place. First PM raised this issue in UN. And then UN reported started to publish about Law & Regulations, innocent killing and other factors of Drone stricks.

I don't know why blaming current government for something, where clear their intervention and practical steps are visible. I learned one thing from my whole Life, you can't Satisfy others. But when all facts are in front, still you are following some liar's claim, come on. & It's proven fact, Proven from Pakistani Law, Proven from many contradictory statements he made.

Last I mentioned in previous post, and now, USA didn't accept to stop drones, but to gradually decrease it. So stopping on Sunday it gonna happen? No, it's not
I personly , never blamed any govt, including this one for, drone attacks?
even i think, that having drone in the air, is kind of favour to pakistan. which can take out any terrorists any day?
with that said, on that issue i, stand with everyone who ever maybe?
i personly, know well its not in our national intersts!
but then our dear PM should take a stand against terrorists too?
cause without ending drones, they will never come to negociate any peace deal?
TuQ is not a politician hungry for power, like others who get impressed by own, publicity & start offering terrorists, officies?
he has his political rights, to dissagree or even luanch any objection on any missconduct. he may thought is going around?
we should respect it?
after all, some day every one needs it maybe in the future?
It is the topic dear. He is a proven lie, and his claims means nothing. And certainly his this claim is also a false one. That's my point and proven fact.

And NS didn't agree on drone strikes, but eventual reduction of it, Till end of this year. But yes he did bring some points from USA that they will not allow their soil to be used against USA interests in Afghanistan. And this is how things goes.. Give & Take. & Equality which every Pakistani wanted from him. Rather then begging.

Why are than drone strikes taking place, while public statements says they (Sharifs) do not agree to drones strikes?

There was a leak from last regime, quoting Yousaf Reza Gilani.. telling US diplomat that we will keep shouting but you please, continue killing Pashtoons by drones.
Now there is report, that every drone strike on Pashtoons is was dully approved by Pakistani ambassador to US, Hussian Haqqani.

Why shall we believe Sharif is any indifferent? Look at Imran Kahn, who tricked Pashtoons and nation, with promise of shooting drones and blocking transit, is now actually facilitating both.
I personly , never blamed any govt, including this one for, drone attacks?
even i think, that having drone in the air, is kind of favour to pakistan. which can take out any terrorists any day?
with that said, on that issue i, stand with everyone who ever maybe?
i personly, know well its not in our national intersts!
but then our dear PM should take a stand against terrorists too?
cause without ending drones, they will never come to negociate any peace deal?
TuQ is not a politician hungry for power, like others who get impressed by own, publicity & start offering terrorists, officies?
he has his political rights, to dissagree or even luanch any objection on any missconduct. he may thought is going around?
we should respect it?
after all, some day every one needs it maybe in the future?

Fight will not solve this problem, not with USA. Neither Pakistan can afford blackout from the world at this time, when there is huge list of Monster problems in the country. May be after 5-6 years, when IP, and QIP both are functional, when Motorway finally connect Gwadar from Kashghar, When We are in top20 Technology Oriented Countries. Now sorry it will kind of suicide to do so. Otherwise, Pakistan had good opportunity (2014 wayout) to put pressure on USA. But can we afford ourself?

For TTP, Without KPK, no operation is possible. And to bring KPK on same table as others, we need to accept their demand of negotiation. Otherwise we all know who support TTP, and no one has any problem to go against TTP. It's PTI who has brain washed people and they mix TTP with AT.
Fight will not solve this problem, not with USA. Neither Pakistan can afford blackout from the world at this time, when there is huge list of Monster problems in the country. May be after 5-6 years, when IP, and QIP both are functional, when Motorway finally connect Gwadar from Kashghar, When We are in top20 Technology Oriented Countries. Now sorry it will kind of suicide to do so. Otherwise, Pakistan had good opportunity (2014 wayout) to put pressure on USA. But can we afford ourself?

For TTP, Without KPK, no operation is possible. And to bring KPK on same table as others, we need to accept their demand of negotiation. Otherwise we all know who support TTP, and no one has any problem to go against TTP. It's PTI who has brain washed people and they mix TTP with AT.
there are contridictions in your post?
you dont want to fight terrorists, while noora league wants to stop drones even by not, taking them out by force, but still they want it to stop drones?
which are the only fear full tool against terrorists?
what is this mess, friend!
there are contridictions in your post?
you dont want to fight terrorists, while noora league wants to stop drones even by not, taking them out by force, but still they want it to stop drones?
which are the only fear full tool against terrorists?
what is this mess, friend!

Contradicting statements? Dear you are seeing things... It's simple English comprehension.. Pakistan can't fight with USA, when did I contradict this statement? But I also said NS is trying to end Drones by dialogues? Same Dialogues been offered to TTP, but not for peace deal. But to show IK and his praisors these dialogues will not work out. Also you yourself are confuse.. Let me separate all the points (Like they are... for your understanding)

1) Pakistan can't fight USA
2) Drones are against Pakistan's Sovereignty, and have to end, by dialogues.. (
3) TTP are enemies of Pakistan, and dialogues is not a solution with these proxy. Since, their puppet masters are our enemies.
4) AT has nothing to do with Pakistan or TTP. A understanding is they are being controlled by us.

and Last all above points are completely separate, Drone Strikes should be stopped since it's been controlled by non Pakistani Controller inside Pakistan. May be Drones controlled by ISI will be a good idea.
If NS couldn't state clearly to US that we don't want drones in our territory than it's obvious he agreed to it. Another question one might ask is why we tollerate this bullshit anyway, i mean no resistance from our airforce whatsoever. Are they agreed to it too?
Pakistan should not not depend of foreign .too much decency on other lead to high level of exploration
just for american money,they are selling innocent blood

this is all drama ........without permission of local government how american can attack from drone ...........

it is really shameful......Pakistani(*****) is the only country in world.....who is selling blood of innocent

jago pakistan jago

mind your language dear ....
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