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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

It is true. Thanks for the nice documentary. :tup: I also used to believe in Palestinian terrorism once upon a time. But now I stand for Israeli cause based on my research.

Palestinian terrorists are no better than Chechenyan terrorists, pakistan's taliban, libyan terrorists and Syrian terrorists.
I think its quite pathetic. All this propaganda work undermines the genuine struggle of the Palestinians (If there is such a thing).

Here's another one,

Oh the brutal Zionists. Shock horror.


Brought to you by Pallywood. :rolleyes:
I'm one of those that doesn't believe the Palis deserve any respect. Israel was created from their lands, correct, but currently I can't find any reason to support them. Their arab cousins don't give a ****, so why should we? On top of that, these palis supported Saddam when he was killing Kurds, shia arabs and Iranians back in the 80's. They're heavily influenced by wahabi ideas from Saudi Arabia. I say let the Saudis support them.
It is true. Thanks for the nice documentary. :tup: I also used to believe in Palestinian terrorism once upon a time. But now I stand for Israeli cause based on my research

So you support the Zionist state over the Palestinian one? Nice :tup: I always knew you were the sort of person.

I'm one of those that doesn't believe the Palis deserve any respect

Just because the Arabs can't be bothered about them, it means we shouldn't respect them either?

Wow...just wow..

you people are inhumane.
So you support the Zionist state over the Palestinian one? Nice :tup: I always knew you were the sort of person.

Just because the Arabs can't be bothered about them, it means we shouldn't respect them either?

Wow...just wow..

Arabs dont even consider Palestineans as arabs but rather P!GS who reproduce a lot. I live in Saudi Arabia and I know it well..

Here is one more..

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Arabs dont even consider Palestineans as arabs but rather P!GS who reproduce a lot. I live in Saudi Arabia and I know it well..

Here is one more..
Say what? Palestinians are our brothers and will forever will be. If they weren't our brothers, why did we fight in 1948 war and help them? Palestine at such time didn't have an army capable of facing Israel in a battle ( not like our army was supreme but we had armies at least ) and we fought for them. I'm an Egyptian and Palestinians will forever be my brothers, and I'm sure this feeling is shared by all the Egyptian people and the Arabs.
Sometimes images speaker louder than words:


You're supporting 2 faced snakes, but I guess I can't blame you....
Zionist Technologies are rather sweet things, you'd love to get your hands on those.
Or is it the fact most ignorants support them; does it make you cool supporting them as well?
Or is it their chicks; plenty of hot girls in the IDF.
Rather pallywood speaks better than pictures.

Forget Pallywood; what about their real sufferings? Or are they forged as well?
I'm supposing the Palestinians are living in luxury then.
And I'm guessing the Zionist greed for more land, and expelling them out of their own country is also justified :tup:
Arabs are their own worst enemies.

Yes of course; after all, it's the Arabs that are killing the Palestinians; the Arabs that stole their land, and the Arabs that are denying them their rights. It's the Arabs that call them crocodiles and cockroaches.

The Zionists are innocent humans, poor innocent lot, so sad they had to endure the holocaust. Let's all give them sovereignty of our countries to make it up to them.
Forget Pallywood; what about their real sufferings? Or are they forged as well?
I'm supposing the Palestinians are living in luxury then.
And I'm guessing the Zionist greed for more land, and expelling them out of their own country is also justified :tup:

There is no real suffering..and a Pakistani has no business in Arab affairs..we should rather be more worried about this bogus conflict spilling terrorism into our own borders. The bogus and falsified cause of Palestine state provide direct legitimacy to tens of terrorist in our countries.

We have had this terrorist menance of TTP and Taliban for a while and it is already proving to be hell...have wrecked our economy, international standing, investor confidence and more important reputation. Now multiply the duration with 60 odd years. Give respect where it is due..

The palestinean problem exisit because the arab are averse to any kind of civilization rather they are greedy land hogger who consider the entire middle east as their god given backyard. It was the arabs who waged war every-time and lost leading to cessation of land to Israel.

Another pally-wood presentation.

The lies behind bogus palestinean state.

Yes of course; after all, it's the Arabs that are killing the Palestinians; the Arabs that stole their land, and the Arabs that are denying them their rights. It's the Arabs that call them crocodiles and cockroaches.

The Zionists are innocent humans, poor innocent lot, so sad they had to endure the holocaust. Let's all give them sovereignty of our countries to make it up to them.

Actually, Arabs call them rapidly reproducing p!gs.

21 out 22 Arab countries have banned any naturalization of Palestinean refugees and demand their immediate expulsion upon creation of Palestinean homeland. Massive war and destruction was brough to Jordan and Lebanon due to this scum called palestineans. At the fall of Ottoman empire, many inhabitant of these areas simply identified themselves as Syrian, Egyptians or Arabs - there was no sense of Palestinean nationality back then. Infact the word Palestine itself is not from Arabic vocabulary but rather Roman.
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