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Palestine one - Israel Zero

Israelis are last ones who care about these news. For 62 years UN automatically votes for Arabs no matter whats the cause. One more pro Arab UN vote - one less, does not change anything.

One year more than Egypt.
The UN is part of the reason we are in this mess today, simply by adopting the partition plan of 1948. They are a big reason you criminals are in palestine now and your racist country exist. They also never did anything to the crimes that you do daily or you occupying Syrian, Lebanese, Egyptian, and Palestinian lands.

Also, no you won't last one more year than Egypt. Read history bro. 7000 years way>>>>>>> than 63 years. Those 63 years are not the normal, and we know things will get back to normal one day. If you have any strategic vision, you will know that Israel won't last in this region. We might be weak now, but that won't last forever. Also, it is a promise from God that you guys would be defeated, so we are sure it will happen.
lol ... Look at the Men of GOD(Allah) race of ADAM and NOAH, Followers of Abraham ..... Fighting for pieces of land and wealth even after knowing that the worlds gona end one day.
Devil has done his job. :devil:
lol ... Look at the Men of GOD(Allah) race of ADAM and NOAH, Followers of Abraham ..... Fighting for pieces of land and wealth even after knowing that the worlds gona end one day.
Devil has done his job. :devil:
Palestine(Qods) is not just a land and Israel is a threat to humanity and is a threat to the region's development.
Palestine(Qods) is not just a land and Israel is a threat to humanity and is a threat to the region's development.
With or without us, Arab countries have always been backward and oppressed. You can blame no one but yourselves.
Try to be more like the Turks, maybe you`ll progress a bit.
With or without us, Arab countries have always been backward and oppressed. You can blame no one but yourselves.
Try to be more like the Turks, maybe you`ll progress a bit.

Arabs contributed to many of the breakthrough scientific achievements while Europe was under the dark ages. Then they were more like the Turks (i.e. part of the Ottoman empire). Things only got bad when your English friends decided to install Wahhabist leaders in Arab countries.
Arabs contributed to many of the breakthrough scientific achievements while Europe was under the dark ages. Then they were more like the Turks (i.e. part of the Ottoman empire). Things only got bad when your English friends decided to install Wahhabist leaders in Arab countries.
The golden age is gone and dead, it has been the dark ages ever since for Arab countries.
With or without us, Arab countries have always been backward and oppressed. You can blame no one but yourselves.
Try to be more like the Turks, maybe you`ll progress a bit.
So, you are basically using the the past 150, 200 years to judge history ? Well, if you didn't know, it wasn't just us who were backward, it was almost every place in the worl except some Empires East and West. Everytime a country had a chance to prgress, France, UK would interfere. Read about Mohamed Ali Era in Egypt, or Ismail Pasha era in Egypt if you want to learn more.... Up to 1952, Egypt was a democratic country, but because you guys existed, the army seized power and you guys have been used as an excuse for the opression that we the PEOPLE suffer from for "security purposes". How much money do ME countries spend on arms because we know that you guys might attack us anytime, while we need every dime of this money for development, education, ect... Israel is the MAIN reason this region have been backwarn in the past 50 years. You guys are doing the same job that imperialism did, taht is why you guys get unlimited support from them.
The golden age is gone and dead, it has been the dark ages ever since for Arab countries.
It went thru ups and downs. Egypt had its best years since the Pharaohs between 1805-1882, and if it wasn't for UK we would have been in way better place now. You guys would not be in Palestine now.
Apparently you can't read. You seem to have completely missed my second sentence.
Apparently you didn`t know that the golden age ended on 1258 CE. The Islamic golden age was through 750-1258.

It was Egypt that attacked Israel and has always tried to destroy Israel, not the other way around.
You can educate yourself or continue to live in the dark ages of the Arab mindset of the all mighty evil Israel.

The golden age is gone and dead, it has been the dark ages ever since for Arab countries.

Hitler's era was a dark age for Zionists, so be in you limit, mind your business and do remember that era before crossing your lines.
Apparently you didn`t know that the golden age ended on 1258 CE. The Islamic golden age was through 750-1258.

It was Egypt that attacked Israel and has always tried to destroy Israel, not the other way around.
You can educate yourself or continue to live in the dark ages of the Arab mindset of the all mighty evil Israel.

Israel attacked Egypt in 1956, 1967. Egypt only attacked Israel in 1948 because you guys were killing the Palestinians, and in 1973 because you guys refused to leave Siani(Egyptian land).
Israel attacked Egypt in 1956, 1967.
After 1948 war srael offered peace to Arab contries including EGypt. But they refused. Instead Egypt sent fedain terrorists and started naval blockade of Israel.

Egypt only attacked Israel in 1948 because you guys were killing the Palestinians,
Palestinians started war against Israel. Egypt planned to destroy Israel.

and in 1973 because you guys refused to leave Siani(Egyptian land).
Israel offered direct talks EGypt refused.
After 1948 war srael offered peace to Arab contries including EGypt. But they refused. Instead Egypt sent fedain terrorists and started naval blockade of Israel.

Palestinians started war against Israel. Egypt planned to destroy Israel.

Israel offered direct talks EGypt refused.
I have an advice for you guys, try to have peace now, go back to 1967 borders, recognize an independant Palestinians state and lets just look for the future. It is a chance for you guys, we are as weak as it gets, and we are accepting that you, don't waste the chance.
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