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Pakistan's vast Shale Oil & Gas Reserves | Updates & Discussions

It's not wise to sign a long term purchase agreement when LNG prices are falling due to glut in the LNG spot market.

Pakistan should wait until the spot market price stabilizes.

Actually right now is the best time to lock-in with long term contracts. Prices for oil and gas are almost at the cost of producing a bbl of oil/gas. Any further decline will mean shutin wells.
Hi folks…. I haven’t posted for a while but decided to do so to clear some very blatant misconceptions and fears surrounding the hydraulic fracturing process (fracking) from tight rocks (shales etc).

1. Are there risks associated with fracking? Yes. But are these risks greater than other mineral mining processes? No. The environmental footprint of surface mining is probably as destructive if not worse than the dreaded fracking.
2. Basic procedure of hydraulic fracturing is pumping in high pressured polymer water mixture (aka pad) followed by propane (sand of a specific date diameter size). The other idea is to injec fluids beyond the rock fracture pressures and create a fracture matrix to increase the permeability to allow the trapped hydrocarbons to flow to the wellbore. Water polymer mixture may contain toxins as described in a post above. But more environmentally friendly frac fluid are being developed and utilized at an increasing rate.
3. The problem with fracking is that most of action is taking place subsurface which leads to speculation by environmentalists while surface mining damage is mostly visible.
4. I would recommend fracturing be banned anything above than 150 meters below Base of Groundwater. Fracking should also be restricted in areas where there are geological faults and above than normal insitu stresses. Especially close to the Himalayan range. Fracking can cause induced seismicity.
5. As long as the Caprock (the rock formation above the shale) is not penetrated (this can be done through proper frac design ie minifrac) and through proper core sample analysis, and as long as the base of groundwater is safeguarded…. Then fracking is a very viable technology.
6. True… fracking technology has been around since the 1940s…. But now they are drilling the horizontal wells which are in the shape of an L …. And the horizontal section can be over 2km long! And they are fracking that horizontal section with 20 to even +40 stages stages of fracs per well… this have been unheard of even 5 years ago.
In your analysis you state that after the production from a frac well they dispose for the frac fluid back into the same well. This could not be further from the truth. Disposal of frac fluid in the same well will be technically very difficult. Ideally disposal os into a permeable depleted reservoir where migration of fluids into another permeable zones is highly unlikely.
7. Yes, Pakistan allow shale development… but make sure you have proper regulations are in place!
couldn't agree more with you on this, if Govt allows the MNCs to have their way without defining proper standards & procedures in place - which by the is the standard practice in Well Operator in Pakistan these days - then things are going to end up bad for us.
All lot of Fracking companies are into the research these days to reuse the 'Gray Water' for Fracking, same as we do with ' Drilling Fluids' where 'Cutting Pit' water is used for creating more Drilling Fluid......
I mean Conventional & Non conventional Drilling Wells are Non - Environmental friendly too especially with use of Oil Based Mud o / OBM but i hear nobody making fuss about that.....
so it all comes down the Regulatory bodies that how well they handle the Well Operators.
First Thar coal was supposed to be the answer to all maladies. Now shale. Next will be uranium.

If You Stop Worrying About Pakistan And Start Worrying About India Your Country Just Might Become 'Incredible'
If You Stop Worrying About Pakistan And Start Worrying About India Your Country Just Might Become 'Incredible'
Maybe if you stop trolling and contribute something, this thread will be much better.
Abandoning fracking due to fear water pollution for an energy starved country without thorough investigation is being naïve.

USA is a strong agricultural country as well. Annual production of wheat more than 50-million tons, but USA is the world leader in fracking. Even UK has strong farming base. In 2014 UK output was about 16-million tons of wheat & 7-millions of barley, however UK gov’t gave go ahead to fracking in July 2014 after lengthy public hearings.

The debate about fracking is nothing new. We must realize that every industry and activity including building Dams has its pro’s & con’s. The question is of estimating whether potential benefits are higher than the adverse effects. In my opinion the matter should be thoroughly debated in public forums but with real experts in the environment, agriculture & energy filed. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing and I don’t mean people who become self-claimed experts after reading a couple articles but those who have spent their lifetime in their respective discipline.

In most US agricultural areas, ground water is already severely polluted by the poultry, agricultural runoffs.

The following link provides an insight into Fracking for layman.

The environmental costs and benefits of fracking: The state of research - Journalist's Resource Journalist's Resource

Personally, I would go for it but in stages. That is, Pakistanis engineers need to gain operational experience and learnt to cope with the potential hazards by operating only one or two sites for a couple years before going full steam ahead.
Friend, it is a known issue with fracking and that industry remains tight lipped with the chemicals used.
Given the climate change and challenges with water scarcity, do you want to jepardise water security for every day folks who rely on ground water. It is too niave and silly to gamble away unless it lines the pockets of niche few at the expense of the majority. Furthermore, if you read up further it only produces a tiny amount and wells need to be continously drilled.
Instead focus of renewables e.g. solar, wind - you are blessed with both - use it.
Dont fall pray to US flavour of the day phenomena please.
couldn't agree more with you on this, if Govt allows the MNCs to have their way without defining proper standards & procedures in place - which by the is the standard practice in Well Operator in Pakistan these days - then things are going to end up bad for us.
All lot of Fracking companies are into the research these days to reuse the 'Gray Water' for Fracking, same as we do with ' Drilling Fluids' where 'Cutting Pit' water is used for creating more Drilling Fluid......
I mean Conventional & Non conventional Drilling Wells are Non - Environmental friendly too especially with use of Oil Based Mud o / OBM but i hear nobody making fuss about that.....
so it all comes down the Regulatory bodies that how well they handle the Well Operators.

I think, what is required is a vision document. Divide this into 3 phases. Immediate solution, projects which are in progress and future projects.

1. Immediate solution
How to provide fuel to existing plants. How will the finances be fixed. Signing the deals. There is a possibilty of slightly higher fuel prices, but, will help in bringing about a control on the power sector. You will also need to define areas of importance. Like which industries will be given priority and which geopgraphical areas will be given priority.

2, Projects which are in progress
Open it to international private players. Let them get the funding. Close funding of current projects.

3. Future
Move towards setting up infrastructure for solar, wind and nuclear energy. Not to mention tidal.
First Thar coal was supposed to be the answer to all maladies. Now shale. Next will be uranium.

Thar is going just fine. Project financing has been secured and work on mine and mine mouth power plant is expected to be competed by 2018.
Maybe if you stop trolling and contribute something, this thread will be much better.

This Thread Is Already A Lovely It Only Gets Polluted When You Indians Just Can't Mind You Business And Have To But In

And FYI I Am Already A Contributor
This Thread Is Already A Lovely It Only Gets Polluted When You Indians Just Can't Mind You Business And Have To But In

And FYI I Am Already A Contributor

Then pay attention to what is already contributed to the thread by me, before jumping up and down. And what I had said was perfectly sensible. And do not quote me again.

Good evening.
search in pdf , they keep cropping up . recently one came up started by one of our Mods in 2008, people were still discussing it but no steps taken to extract it.
Thar coal mining project in Pakistan | Updates & Discussions.
New way of using Thir coal devised by PCSIR
there are more . but i am in the office and dont have time to search.

Yes... and utilizing Coal is also in the checklist of CPEC. Everything does not happen within a half-second. It takes years. Most of Pakistan is unexplored (resource wise) and untapped.
Yes... and utilizing Coal is also in the checklist of CPEC. Everything does not happen within a half-second. It takes years. Most of Pakistan is unexplored (resource wise) and untapped.
You are replying to a two yr old post of mine now?
So its ok for india to keep developing/making Arjun Tank and LCA fighter jet for more than 40 and 30 years respectively but you want Pakistan to extract all their natural resources within 6 years?

Did it ever occurred to you that it takes a lot of planning and investment in extracting natural resources and we might not have the required technology or the funding to start these projects at this time?

Been hearing about big discoveries for the past 6 yrs in Pakistan . no utilization though.
So its ok for india to keep developing/making Arjun Tank and LCA fighter jet for more than 40 and 30 years respectively but you want Pakistan to extract all their natural resources within 6 years?

Did it ever occurred to you that it takes a lot of planning and investment in extracting natural resources and we might not have the required technology or the funding to start these projects at this time?
When you do not understand the context i wrote in then please do not quote me .
And you have answered my own view on the matter with the line above.
You are replying to a two yr old post of mine now?
Yes, I am.
It may be pertinent to point out that our erstwhile neighbour India plans to invest $5-billion on the Oil & Gas exploration.

I came across the following piece of news.

ASIA-PACIFIC India will investigate its offshore gas and oil reserves, the UPI report. ONGC will spend in excess of $5bn over the next four years developing two cluster developments at east coast reserves. Over the past 12 months oil demand has grown by 7% in India. »


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