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Pakistan's Position on Tibet..!!!

kashmiris always wanted to be a part of pakistan and still do
thats y we support them

Dude my roomies are Kashmiri Muslim (KU and JNU grads) and they vehemently oppose joining Pakistan. You are not a Kashmiri so Dont speak for the Kashmiris my friend. They want freedom, they never wanted to be a part of Pakistan.

BTW Kashmiri Muslims practice the Sufi brand of Islam, which other sects consider as blasphemous!! Another reason why Kashmiris dont want to 'join' Pakistan.

Being Indian, I obviously support Kashmir as an Indian state, but being an atheist and humanist, I support my friends too. So my position on Kashmir issue is ambivalent.
Chinese migrate to Tibet,-----why don't you see Tibettans also migrate to east China?
killing tibetain culture,------Chinese government made his effort to protect it,but how could you prevent world from development?even younger exiled Tibettans speak English now.

nobody in the world would say Dalai Lama is a Terrorist. ------that your opinion,even though he is really really not a terrorist,he is a leader of armed rebellion in 1959.
dalai lama can't return to Tibet as an unconfessed rebel leader,it is easy to understand in every country,every goverment.how would India government treat a citizen who lead an armed rebellion,even though he is a very important man.

why should Kashmir have a certain level of autonomy but under the indian union? Why shouldn't Kashmir have a certain level of autonomy but under the Pak union?

i understand the chinese view point.justified but partly because when the same happens with us over massod azhar,etc we forget the case of us harboring the dalai lama.now the reason it is not entirely justified is because...though he is allowed to stay in india...he and the Tibetans in exile(i personally know some of them in Delhi)...are not allowed to cause disturbances in mainland china or allowed to support or finance any activity in china.when the Olympics took place in china...a lot of tibetans who were protesting outside the chinese embassy were beaten up by the police brutally! the Dalai lama is free to visit schools and other countries...but no matter what party rules this country...the tibetan exiles and the dalai lama would not be allowed to spread terrorism into china.
well Aeneas or any other chinese memeber...correct me if i am wrong...wasn't mainland china, which was originally integrated with tibet(which was never a separate entity originally)seperated from tibet by the british?
i have heard that the british were responisble for that...because though the british dint conquer china but had a very strong political presence in china.
Dude my roomies are Kashmiri Muslim (KU and JNU grads) and they vehemently oppose joining Pakistan. You are not a Kashmiri so Dont speak for the Kashmiris my friend. They want freedom, they never wanted to be a part of Pakistan.

BTW Kashmiri Muslims practice the Sufi brand of Islam, which other sects consider as blasphemous!! Another reason why Kashmiris dont want to 'join' Pakistan.

Being Indian, I obviously support Kashmir as an Indian state, but being an atheist and humanist, I support my friends too. So my position on Kashmir issue is ambivalent.

You dont think there are Sufis in Pakistan?
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan was from Faislabad, Pakistan. Half of Punjabi Pakistanis are Sufis just like most Kashmiris. Tell your Kashmiri "roommates" to take a trip to Sialkot, Punjab province of Pakistan, they will see there's no difference with the way a Kashmiri practices Islam and the way a Punjabi Pakistani follows Islam. Yes in other provinces of Pakistan, Sufis are rare but you can still find Sufis in all parts of Pakistan but mostly in Punjab and in Pakistan's Azad Kashmir.

Also in Pakistan's Azad Kashmir, people are very patriotic Pakistanis. I've visited Azad Kashmir and people there love Pakistan and would never leave Pakistan. As for people in Indian Occupied Kashmir, we all saw them carry Pakistani flags this past spring/summer and chant "Jeevey Jeevay Pakistan, and Kashmir Baneyga Pakistan", but we know some dont want to be part of Pakistan. I dont know what I would think of Pakistan, when all I see is anti-pakistan propoganda in my television set 24/7.
I am a Kashmiri from my mothers side and well aware of Kashmiri sentiments so do not assume you can give such sorry reasons of Kashmiris being against joining Pakistan and hope it can pass as logic in this forum.
Majority of Kashmiris want to be part of Pakistan and another major segment wants an independent Kashmir but you will not find even 5% Kashmiris who will want to be part of India.
Even if Kashmir is autonomous the Kashmiris will always be sympathetic to Pakistan and that is why India will never allow Kashmir to be a free state!

Lets not turn this into a Kashmir thread!

Now Back to the topic
As far as Pakistan's position is concerned that's pretty clear so what are discussing, Dalai Lama?
What do the members of this forum think Dalai Lama can do for the Tibetan people which China cannot do?
Tibet is a part of China exactly like Taiwan. Death to the Dalai Lama, he is an agrressor and agent of the USA and the western world
Officially Pakistan supports the "One China Policy" and it has fervently supported this throughout the decades...This means Pakistan is officially opposed to Tibetan independence however not semi-autonomy..
well Aeneas or any other chinese memeber...correct me if i am wrong...wasn't mainland china, which was originally integrated with tibet(which was never a separate entity originally)seperated from tibet by the british?
i have heard that the british were responisble for that...because though the british dint conquer china but had a very strong political presence in china.
British had done so much in Asia,such as,conquer hundreds of kingdoms in subcontinent,and united into now India country.they want to conquer more land,including Tibet.But you know,China are always being a big empire from thousands years ago.and when British came to Tibet,they meet a empire,though weak,but still a empire.which had ruled Tibet for at least 200 years.

there had been some struggle between British and China and maybe Russia in Tibet.Fortunately China didn't lost Tibit at last.and then WWWI and WWWII broken out.British turn their focus to Europe.

things going on until mao became the leader of China,of course you know he is a powerful leader,PLA go to Tibet and ending all the unsteadiness of Tibet.then Tibet under the control of Beijing again firmly.

Tibet had never be an independent country in those years,but some thing like a land of warlord,under the central government of China,though the control were weak,like the rest part of China.

Even dalai lama can't rule all earth of Tibet,he is just the biggest landlord and the religious leader of Tibet.there are many chiefs in Tibet at that time,they fight each other for land,for slaves,or for hate.

And British really leave a problem to China and India---the border issue.Of course we know,there had been no legal border between China and India,because we didn't know the concept until British came.so the only way to decide it is look up for history.and we two country show history proof which in favor of each.

I'm sorry,I guess my English need more exercise.
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British had done so much in Asia,such as,conquer hundreds of kingdoms in subcontinent,and united into now India country.they want to conquer more land,including Tibet.But you know,China are always being a big empire from thousands years ago.and when British came to Tibet,they meet a empire,though weak,but still a empire.which had rule Tibet for at least 200 years.
there had been some struggle between British and China and maybe Russia in Tibet.Fortunately China didn't lost Tibit at last.and then WWWI and WWWII broken out.British turn their focus to Europe.
things going on until mao became the leader of China,of course you know he is a powerful leader,PLA go to Tibet and ending all the unsteadiness of Tibet.then Tibet under the control of Beijing again firmly.
Tibet had never be an independent country in those years,but some thing like a land of warlord.Even dalai lama can't rule all earth of Tibet,he is just the biggest landlord and the religious leader of Tibet.there are many chiefs in Tibet at that time,they fight each other for land,for slaves,or for hate.
And British really make a problem to China and India---the border issue.Of course we know,there had been no legal border between China and India,because we didn't know the concept until British came.so the only way to decide it is look up for history.and we two country show history proof which in favor of each.

Well thanks for the intresting info..!!! But still ihope dalai lama could go back to his place, atleast as a commoner and have a peaceful life there and is allowed to practise his religion. I believe china hates india basically because of dalai lama. But why dont china recogonize this peaceful man. What china says and what world says about dalai lama is hugely contradicting each other..!!! I guess the protest dalai lama makes is peaceful and no bombings or nothing have happened in tibet or china with respect to tibetan freedom movement right????
it's up to dalai lama himself choose the way to show sincerity to China or to West.I think it is humiliate for him to confess his crime to China government.somebody behind him would not let it happen also.

he is too smart to be a visible terrorist.he had no place like Afghanistan to hide,like Bin Ladin.if he were banished by India government for terrorist suspicion,where could he go?the men who support him are foreigner,the relationship is friend,not his soldier.

we don't hate India,though we may conflict with them,dispute with them,and we ally with Pak.but we don't hate India,you are not Japanese.we just feel unfamiliar about India,maybe the same feeling of Indian about China.Chinese want security and benefit,not war.
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it's up to dalai lama himself choose the way to show sincerity to China or to West.I think it is humiliate for him to confess his crime to China government.somebody behind him would not let it happen also.

he is too smart to be a visible terrorist.he had no place like Afghanistan to hide,like Bin Ladin.if he were banished by India government for terrorist suspicion,where could he go?the men who support him are foreigner,the relationship is friend,not his soldier.

we don't hate India,though we may conflict with them,dispute with them,and we ally with Pak.but we don't hate India,you are not Japanese.we just feel unfamiliar about India,maybe the same feeling of Indian about China.Chinese want security and benefit,not war.

I hope India and China settle the border issue at the earliest. We should promote trade which will bring prosperity to both countries and redule our reliance on the West. Together China, India and Russia can form one powerful bloc strong enough to even challenge NATO.
yes,China had settled all land border issue except India.after the official declaration of both China government and Vietnam government in Hanoi.Dec 31,2008.

Myanmar,Kazakhstan,kirghizia,Russia,Vietnam.one by one,you know we had even fight hard with some of them(Russia,Vietnam),but now all settled.China-India border is the last one.

I would be happy if we found a organization which could be stronger than NATO.anyway,China hope a peaceful subcontinent.no war,even no pirate there.

last month,one of the most popular news discussed by Chinese people is a China cargo ship were attacked by pirate near Somalia,and our mariner fight them back by water faucet and Molotor cocktail.
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If india wants to help those terrorist-like people, india can let them form a country. Maybe the best is to name the country---Sikkim
I hope India and China settle the border issue at the earliest. We should promote trade which will bring prosperity to both countries and redule our reliance on the West. Together China, India and Russia can form one powerful bloc strong enough to even challenge NATO.

Everybody loves peaceful life. However China, India and Russia will never come together. Actually, this is ******* impossible.

The chinese government does not love power politics. We dont have any interests to challenge NATO. We just wanna be safe and developping.

The goal of a responsible country is not to challenge the world but to develop the world.
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