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Pakistan's nukes were non-operational during Kargil war admits Musharraf

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New Recruit

Aug 13, 2007
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It appears Mushy had stated in his book that during the Kargil war Pakistan’s nuclear delivery system was not operational.


Man, if what he says is true, and I don't see why he would belittle his position/pak army given that the book is full of several self praising and outright exaggerations, then pak would really have been caught with their pants down. How could he have then planned the Kargil if the nukes were not operational and how can he boast that the kargil was a master plan when nukes were not operational. If India had indeed responded the way it did in 1965 (responding to similar infiltration by pak) and launched an all out war, and pakistan retaliated without nukes, there was going to be only one winner, the one with the nukes. With a non functional nuclear delivery system, pak would have been wiped out. Scary thought. And the mushy claims kargil was a great deed. Indeed.:crazy:
Coz he knew Indians were at a worse stage... They probably still are.
I can quote Indian scientists who still believe the only method of delivery you have is the Prithvi.
I can quote Indian scientists who still believe the only method of delivery you have is the Prithvi.

Haven't u heard of Agni?

be that it may that indian nuclear delivery may not be up to the mark, the fact here was about mushy making decisions to infiltrate kargil with nukes that were not operational. by your own words, the only method of delivery, prithvi would be enough to devastate pakistan if the kargil war had become an all out war. even a not-so-great nuke delivery is any day better than nothing at all.

THAT is what you're missing out, and such costly errors in judgement by the COAS of Pak. Eeeww.
It appears Mushy had stated in his book that during the Kargil war Pakistan’s nuclear delivery system was not operational.


Man, if what he says is true, and I don't see why he would belittle his position/pak army given that the book is full of several self praising and outright exaggerations, then pak would really have been caught with their pants down. How could he have then planned the Kargil if the nukes were not operational and how can he boast that the kargil was a master plan when nukes were not operational. If India had indeed responded the way it did in 1965 (responding to similar infiltration by pak) and launched an all out war, and pakistan retaliated without nukes, there was going to be only one winner, the one with the nukes. With a non functional nuclear delivery system, pak would have been wiped out. Scary thought. And the mushy claims kargil was a great deed. Indeed.:crazy:

Musharaff probably means that pak missiles weren't ready. probably they could have still used aircraft to deliver the nukes.
I know one wily old man who would be very happy about this. He has been harping about this for a looong time and we didn't believe him or at least shrugged it off...

It appears Mushy had stated in his book that during the Kargil war Pakistan’s nuclear delivery system was not operational.


Man, if what he says is true, and I don't see why he would belittle his position/pak army given that the book is full of several self praising and outright exaggerations, then pak would really have been caught with their pants down. How could he have then planned the Kargil if the nukes were not operational and how can he boast that the kargil was a master plan when nukes were not operational. If India had indeed responded the way it did in 1965 (responding to similar infiltration by pak) and launched an all out war, and pakistan retaliated without nukes, there was going to be only one winner, the one with the nukes. With a non functional nuclear delivery system, pak would have been wiped out. Scary thought. And the mushy claims kargil was a great deed. Indeed.:crazy:

The idea is to have a nuclear "deterrent". As long as the Indians believed that we had nuclear weapons and the capability to deliver them, would it it not be reasonable to think that they would avoid escalating the conflict to the point where the use of nukes was inevitable?

Musharraf would be a great poker player.:lol:

Now, if only we could convince the Indians that we have been breeding a secret force of Jedi masters ......
The idea is to have a nuclear "deterrent". As long as the Indians believed that we had nuclear weapons and the capability to deliver them, would it it not be reasonable to think that they would avoid escalating the conflict to the point where the use of nukes was inevitable?

Musharraf would be a great poker player.:lol:

Now, if only we could convince the Indians that we have been breeding a secret force of Jedi masters ......

good one :rofl:
Call it an intelligence failure for the Indian Government. Regardless of whatever. Pakistan had the guts to conduct the military operation, even when it knew that it didn't have strategic force & nuclear missiles ready. It was not that easy for India to attack Pakistan. No one wants full fledge wars on their door step.
Marathaman;93936]What a shame. Pakistan's nuclear development program is so pathetic, that even after stealing most of the tech, you guys couldn't make a working delivery system.

you no whats really pathetic ''Defence Research and Development Organisation''. what kind of a pathetic loser u have to be to have all available at hand incluidng ToT and still not to be able to put it togather.i guess no one could read the blue prints.
AQ khan is a scientist with the knowledge so we didnt have to steal any tech.but on the other hand having every thing available years ahead of pakistan india couldnt become a nuclear power faster then pakistan did.thats pathetic
I wonder what A Q Khan was proliferating
one thing is for sure he didnt help india how many times did the agni failed before Americans actually put it togather for ya.one wonder what india had to launch its nukes with if there missile couldnt even stand up straight never mind hit a target.even thought 90% of the world is helping now thats pathetic.we wont even go towards other so called indigenious projects that have failed and shelved in india.cause then indian scientist will start to look like losers.
sp how does it work in india countries give you the tech in some cases to make india at least look little competition against china give the tech.then they send in there own people to put it togather for ya is that how it works in india.
or u ask them to build it and just put a made in india(printed in china)sticker on it.TAlk about being pathetic :woot:

Please avoid calling names. The member used the derogatory words has been banned. It takes us to the flame wars, rather than discussing issues maturely and appreciating other point of views.

Oh come on, people, Musharraf was NOT the Release Command Authority during Kragil. Sharif was. Even if Pak nukes were operational (and they were not but that's an entirely different thread), Musharraf at his command level could not and did not include them in his planning. Frankly, the man does not have the brains to do nuclear targetting.

Seriously, who in his right mind would trade Islamabad for a couple mountain of rocks?
Musharraf would be a great poker player.:lol:

Playing poker with the lives of millions? yaa a great poker player.

If someone in my own country would have even thought of that, thought not acted, I personally would have teared him apart.
Call it an intelligence failure for the Indian Government. Regardless of whatever. Pakistan had the guts to conduct the military operation, even when it knew that it didn't have strategic force & nuclear missiles ready. It was not that easy for India to attack Pakistan. No one wants full fledge wars on their door step.

Stupidity...not guts. Your NLI was wiped off, your PM had to run to US for begging....yeah it required a lot of guts.
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