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Pakistan's Internet censorship

SILLY MOVE..Are our Gods so insecure tat we have to protect the almighty from people ridiculing him????
Use Dailymotion, it is better than youtube. They even allow nudity and if it has nudity Pak Government will never ban that.

Hahahahahaha!!! That is very social you know.. Educational stuff.
Thr r some similarities happening in our part of the world...expensive idols are stolen from temples and the Govt has put out extra security for that in the form of sentries !!
THEY MUST BE BANNED!!! however, again the point here is blasphemous CONTENT! not pornography! don't divert the topic!!

i am not diverting topic but this is as important as removal of blasphemous content. This is killing our values.....

Last night i was shocked to see Pakistan at top of the list in respect of pornography. I was really really ashamed at that.
This was indeed a stupid move.

I have said earlier that if loud protests are made this will only encourage hate mongers from west to start more like this sort.

There are many internet morons worldwide with nothing else to do than insulting others whom they hate.

If you-tube is banned ,they will spam other sites like daily-motion.
This move only encourage more people from west to start their own propaganda as everyone likes to be in fame.
How come no other muslim country has done this why only pakistan ? why the hell did they ban flickr ? why didn't they just ban the particular offensive pages rather than the whole site bloody pak government ruins everything for everyone looks like they've gone insane you can find blashpemous content even on any search engines whats next ban google or the whole internet all ??
I said blasphemous laws are useless and backward where are these people who were arguing for it ? now they're using it as an excuse to control information access.Idiots don't ban taliban forums and **** sites but ban everything else.
I'm getting reports and twitter is buzzing with reports that access to WordPress is being banned now as well. So the PTA will block everything now. Blackbeery services down. Facebook down. Flick down. Wiki down. Youtube down.

Welcome to the edited internet of a society of a Fascist people who want to control how others choose to live. This is just a personification of the mentality that is common in Pakistan where people want to puppeteer others. Utter denial of civil liberties.
Theres a risk of voilance due to the acts of those AH in the name of freedom of speech, the ban is an attempt to contour that .. dont you ppl have anything +ive to contribute except having a feild day

may be you are right in your opinion..

but how was his post negative ?? if I understand it correctly he just said that banning these sites will isolate your country from outside world information for the common peopl..whats wrong in that ???
Tell your friends first who are not happy about thes news and makingfun of it before advicing any one else.
I'm getting reports and twitter is buzzing with reports that access to WordPress is being banned now as well. So the PTA will block everything now. Blackbeery services down. Facebook down. Flick down. Wiki down. Youtube down.

Welcome to the edited internet of a society of a Fascist people who want to control how others choose to live. This is just a personification of the mentality that is common in Pakistan where people want to puppeteer others. Utter denial of civil liberties.

get ready for a closed society....tastes like CHINA
may be you are right in your opinion..

but how was his post negative ?? if I understand it correctly he just said that banning these sites will isolate your country from outside world information for the common peopl..whats wrong in that ???
Tell your friends first who are not happy about thes news and makingfun of it before advicing any one else.

How exactly will it isolate us when all the same is available on all other websites for us to view and use.

Its not like the whole internet is down, its selected websites that should carry a moral responsibility in not offending some groups.

This is actually good in a sense that people would rather concentrate on more important things and not waste their time on these websites which perhaps are the most used.

Also, this is temporary, ban will be lifted very soon.
Don't take me wrong, but pakistan is not on any path of development or secularism or peace, leave alone becoming any world leader, why ban open source and social media? It reminds me of Taliban in Afghanistan.

How can your god or prophet get insulted, just because someone says something? Turkey and other developing and progressive islamic societies dont do this type of BS!

Where is pakistan heading? Sad the clerics of Pakisran must be joyous as they control the intelligencia completely, now hen some jihadi is caught, I hope pakistan will have no case for saying its not us, as islamist Indoctrination is in Full Swing!

This is a sad news for as you have restricted free speach and devoured pakistanis from understanding how the world percieves islam, pakistan etc and how they can rectify it.

Its a Shame!

Someone (from Paakistan) said here welcome to Stone Age!
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^^^^ Is it officially declared that these sights are banned like you tube and wiki and flickr..who knows may be it might be a technical fault..apart from the facebook.
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