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Pakistan's Intelligence Agencies have failed to protect its citizens


Dec 7, 2006
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Not a day goes by that there is not another attack in Pakistan. We were led to believe that our intelligence agencies were among the best in the world. And yet they failed miserably to safeguard its citizens by failing to protect them from these waves of attacks by these suicidal terrorists.

Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan have had less attacks in these past few months than what Pakistan is going through.

Pakistan today looks like Iraq of 2006.

I am just really disappointed in Pakistan's security establishment.
same thinking!

But another problem is these terrorist attacks never gonna happened without "Inner source". Lots of people inside pakistan (especially in Army who outsource very important information related Pakistan just like who inform terrorist that this this and that that time Gen Kiyani or etc Brigadier or someone moving from that that highway or road or that place ???

So thats not Govt overall failure thats big faillure of agencies as well!
Pakistani agencies are doing superb job

if they could have failed Pakistan colud have been worst then iraq

use common sense

TTP is desperate, our troops are hunting them out in SWA, SWA, Kurram, Hangu and Aurakzai etc

in desperation enemy is useing its strategic reserves of suicide bombers

I think its time for nation to stand up and support our troops and agencies. we are winning and this increase in terrorist attacks is evedence that we are hitting them where it hurts them a lot

Its war of Will. by pasteing such treads we are just proveing that we are loseing the will.
this is a fight which we have to win and we will win
They are trying. The FATA ops have dispersed the SW Taliban and their AQ guests, and for a while there will be an impact in terms of a deteriorated security situation as terrorist cells are activated and some of the dispersed TTP/AQ members carry out these attacks.

But do remember that effective intelligence operations need cooperation from citizens, especially when we talk of isolated cells in cities towns and villages where terrorists remain low key, rent a house for a limited amount of time and plot and execute their attacks.

There is a small window there to disrupt these attacks, during the planning and preparation phase, and the average Pakistani can play a big role in helping in that respect. There needs to be more awareness and a concerted media campaign by the GoP to inform citizens and provide avenues for help while upgrading local law enforcement.

On that count the Zardari led GoP has failed miserably. While the need of the hour is Law Enforcement reforms and more autonomy and independence from political influence, the Zardari government dare not have an independent law enforcement lest its past and present corruption gets exposed.

The PA and ISI cannot be everywhere and do not have the resources to be everywhere - the ISI also has to dedicate significant resources to the tasks it was originally designed to do - external intelligence operations. The responsibility for domestic affairs primarily falls on the intelligence and law enforcement bodies that fall under the Interior ministry - the IB, FIA and local police.

The Army is not God and cannot do everything - there are some unreasonable demands placed on it and unreasonable expectations from it. Where is the PPP government? What initiatives has it taken to reform law enforcement and the domestic intelligence agencies?
Its war of Will. by pasteing such treads we are just proveing that we are loseing the will.

Sorry to say but i feel this country & its people are becoming 'addicted to Chaos'

Just Look around, traffic on roads has reduced, people don't go for outing & most of people don't even want to go to Mosques

CHAOS & CHAOS thats left in this country & look at our Demo-craza-tically elected people they just don't do any thing except "shadeed mazamat"

why the hell are our 'responsible' people in denial cant they just see wtf is going on, Blood is flowing on streets, Mosques & universities like Sh!t, more than 400 people is 2 months, HOW MUCH MORE do they want

Shame on all of us.
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Sorry to say but i feel this country & its people are becoming 'addicted to Chaos'

Just Look around, traffic on roads has reduced, people don't go for outing & most of people don't even want to go to Mosques

CHAOS & CHAOS thats left in this country & look at our Demo-craza-tically elected people they just don't do any thing except "shadeed mazamat"

I agree to some extent
as a media person I am some time surprized by amount of Inferiority complex we display.
in media we tend to follow HADIS OF NEW YORK TIMES OR WASHINGTON POST.
We need to wake up people. and belive me my nation proved its mettle in 1965, then in 2005 earth quake.

it appears to me our capitalist and ruleing elite must leave complexes and be nationalists.
it appears to me our capitalist and ruleing elite must leave complexes and be nationalists.

Lets wait for this miracle to happen, i hope some of us will be lucky enough to remain alive & see this miracle :disagree:
Pakistani agencies are doing superb job

if they could have failed Pakistan colud have been worst then iraq

use common sense

How many potential attacks have been foiled?

Just yesterday, these animals attacked the ISI HQ in Multan? Doesn't that building have some kind of perimeter where cars from outside are not allowed?

All I hear is the daily bombings in Pakistan and none being foiled.

I thought ISI had its tentacles in all these jihadi groups. Don't they have any contacts that pass them info of any upcoming attacks that they can foil?

Why aren't they monitoring their cell phone calls?

How the hell does a Van full of explosives get into heavily populated cities and go past checkpoints?

Sorry but I see these things as failures of our Agencies

TTP is desperate, our troops are hunting them out in SWA, SWA, Kurram, Hangu and Aurakzai etc

in desperation enemy is useing its strategic reserves of suicide bombers

I think its time for nation to stand up and support our troops and agencies. we are winning and this increase in terrorist attacks is evedence that we are hitting them where it hurts them a lot

Its war of Will. by pasteing such treads we are just proveing that we are loseing the will.
this is a fight which we have to win and we will win

I agree with you there brother. We have to win. :pakistan:

But I think we should criticize the shortcomings of our Military and Intelligence for failing to protect its people.

I got really angry because of the Moon Market bombing in Pakistan.

My Grandmother was shopping there when the blast happened. Luckily nothing happened to her but still.

People around the world now put Pakistan in the same category as Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Sorry but I see these things as failures of our Agencies

our allegedly unsophisticated enemy has told us an unsophisticated truth that we are all an easy target

these people are no Stupid, there are highly educated people in their ranks & shocking thing is there are 'educated' people who support them & give them a prayer of success in their hearts, there is STILL a soft corner for them.....
How do u expect them to stop this rampage, I mean they just blow every god damn structure they see
they have unlimited supply of Explosives, weapons & man power
I always think that from the hell do they get so much 'trained' man power...

what a MESS we are in....
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There is a saying,

First drops of rain will always be absorbed by the dry thirsty earthen,

A little saturation, and the same soil starts to work wonders.
CHAOS & CHAOS thats left in this country & look at our Demo-craza-tically elected people they just don't do any thing except "shadeed mazamat"
Assuming "shadeed mazamat" means something not useful to either politics and/or the society at large, I would say, some of your leaders, unfortunately for you, they include the most prominent ones, are/have becoming/become victims of their past military and/or political leadership which left the economy & its growth to the dogs<insert whatever name you want to give them here>. Now they are being held by their leash by the those who supply the financial lifeline to the nation, without which it could have declared bankrupcty of sovereign scale(think about the IMF $7.5 billion loan at 4.5%-7.5% interest). One may be forgiven for arguing that in the present climate economy, economic growth, increasing unemployment & public spending are not as high priority as driving the terrorists out. But the crux of the matter is when the nation's leaderships had the opportunity to bring in economic reforms and the like in (relatively) good times, they squandered them. If the political leadership keeps changing from military to civil and back what confidence would investors have and were will the investment come from. Let's look at China, they've had a stable leadership which promised what exactly it is going to do and have done exactly that, albiet at the price of democracy & freedom of speech etc, nevertheless a small price by our third world standards. From other end of the spectrum, India, the so-called biggest democracy in the world, albiet not the best, still managed to achieve modest economic growth by China's standards. When people do not have employment opportunities where will they turn their energy to? that is it you guessed it...anti-social elements (that's my biggest wory concerning India's growing youth population). I'm no economics/political specialist but, I hope the Pakistani leadership, at least now concentrate on improving the economy, for you can't say when their turn will be called bluff by the military. And oh please don't come back saying these are desparate times and economy can take a back seat because that reminds me of a childish sayings like "When I grow up I will do that, I will buy this etc...".

In today's world it is not the size of your army or arms cache which determines your likelihood of winning a war, rather it is far more simpler, How deep are your pockets, for, if you throw enough money at it, there is nothing in this world which cannot be bought, sadly. On that premise, country's don't lose war for any other reason, other than not having enough dosh to continue to win it.

If you consider yourself to be living in a democracy, then use your most important & powerful weapon, the right to vote & vote. Give democracy a chance and just as Rome was not built in a day, expecting wonders to happen once you elect a political leadership should only prove to be a damp squib. And if you would like to see military in charge of the civil society, go ahead as you please but give any of them a long time (circa 10 years+), so you can see the benefits.
Longlive Capitalism.
Shadeed Mazamat means Condemning
I agree you must ahve deep pockets there is no doubt it but who will do it?
Democracy eh? All right in other parts of world there is Democracy but here in Pakistan we have democrazy, the democracy which is based on total lies & false promises, the people who reach assemblies are all From a feudal back ground & strange thing is every time this nation us trapped in the Trap of Democracy & false Lies

U see there are people like Nawaz Sharif aka Gnaja, who don't even dare to openly condemn these incidents, they just crawl back to their holes & come out after 5 years & beg for votes & we all give them votes hoping may be this time they will do it

But we are all wrong, they only care about how Deep their OWN pockets, we want this country to develop but unfortunately instead of going forward we are all going back wards, This nation of ours never got a leader it deserved & every time 5&#37; of the people had a MOB rule in the name of democracy

I don't want to rant about past, who did & how they did it, the thing is this is a F-ing problem, which is threating the annihilation of what we have achieved in last 60 years & this problem must be RESOLVED

my Point remains this nation of ours is ADDICTED TO CHAOS
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The task of intelligence agencies is to provide information protecting the citizens is the task of the civilian administration not intelligence agencies.
The task of intelligence agencies is to provide information protecting the citizens is the task of the civilian administration not intelligence agencies.

Shame on all of us, we voted for THUGS...

The leeches that are sucking blood of Poor
How many potential attacks have been foiled?

Just yesterday, these animals attacked the ISI HQ in Multan? Doesn't that building have some kind of perimeter where cars from outside are not allowed?

there are hundreds of attacks which were foiled by security agencies.

we are in war zone fightng war. And its expected that enemy will try to hit back. but thanks to our law enforcement agencies that more then 90 % such attacks fails to materialise.
if you compare the damage done by our agencies to militants to what they have done. You will not stop prasieing our great men in uniform and in civillian:pakistan:
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